so yeah, I have a stalker

Yes you can actually control what get's put up or even if you wish to accept comments.
Hmm, isn't this also the same guy who posted as YoungMan here before being banned? I always enjoyed reading his contributions, although I frequently disagreed with him.
someone named traditionalTKD is dogging my videos on you tube, talking trash about my students, and I have a feeling it is someone from here

In a weird way, congratulations. You haven't really made a name for yourself until you've acquired your very own anonymous trolls. As long as it's not threatening you're probably best off leaving it alone and getting good with the "Delete" button. Don't give it any attention. Sooner or later it will get bored and waddle off somewhere else.
Hmm, isn't this also the same guy who posted as YoungMan here before being banned? I always enjoyed reading his contributions, although I frequently disagreed with him.

It's funny, they banned him from BS too after only 5 posts. He pissed Errant off.
TF-do you want this guys entire life history and such?

BTW-his website is complete.

And Bob, he has a link to MT on his website. I find this interesting, since he has been banned a few times,
TF-do you want this guys entire life history and such?

BTW-his website is complete.

And Bob, he has a link to MT on his website. I find this interesting, since he has been banned a few times,

I couldn't find the full web site..just some quirky splash page with his picture and class times.
someone named traditionalTKD is dogging my videos on you tube, talking trash about my students, and I have a feeling it is someone from here.

So fess up.

There's always some idiot who has nothing useful to do with his own life. Don't worry--those fools eventually filter themselves out of sight. Keep up your good work.
yeah,like its been said already,you can stop comments being posted and u can block the person from sending you private messages but thats about it.

whats your youtube name?
can i take a look if i promise not to stalk you??!!!

yeah,like its been said already,you can stop comments being posted and u can block the person from sending you private messages but thats about it.

whats your youtube name?
can i take a look if i promise not to stalk you??!!!


Now now... none of that... if you are going to stalk Twin Fist... do it here :D
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here is the video that attracted the troll..

you can access my other videos from there
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TF-do you want this guys entire life history and such?

BTW-his website is complete.

And Bob, he has a link to MT on his website. I find this interesting, since he has been banned a few times,

oh PLEASE tell me this guys website....lord, let it have a phone number!!
here is the video that attracted the troll..

you can access my other videos from there

All I can say based on watching the video and reading the comments is this guy has way to much time on his hands and not enough confidence in his own skill.
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Ok, just read the whole thread. I truly believe you mislead me here. This thread should be how to make a dummy look dumber. Clearly ragging on a decent Orange belt demo was dumb and other posters made it clear as well.
Thats not stalking thats just stupid.

Dave O.
Nice cover outs. :)

Hey man, first...why do you care?

You've never struck me as someone that is not confident in what they do?

Also, a teacher's skill is often reflected in their students. I actually thought the self-defense demo clip was good. I had some issues with the stances and execution of some of the "kenpo" techniques, but what would this guy know about that? It's definately nothing worth flaming somebody over. Besides, the stance issue may be because of the TKD influence. Anyway...again...why do you care?

When posting on YT and allowing comments you have to expect negative posts. It's simply the nature of the beast.

At any rate, it's not worth letting this guy get to you because that's exactly what he wants to do. By getting all wriled up you're simply playing into his hand.

Just set the clip to not accept comments and/or respond to his comments appropriately without stooping to his level of immaturity. Point out the holes and mistakes in his comments (will surely make him look like the illegitimate off spring of a horse and a donkey.)

You're better than that.
oh PLEASE tell me this guys website....lord, let it have a phone number!!


I say call him and have a civil conversation and let him know it hurts your feelings. LOL

Who am I kidding, find out where he's at and kick his ***.
I dont really care. I mentioned it here, because I was sure that it was someone from Martial Talk. Realisticlly, i dont care what anyone, my instructor included thinks of my students. I know what I like, I know what I had in mind when I started teaching, and I know what my students know. AND i know they are ahead of students from most schools at that level.


I am not cool with someone attacking my students, and doing so unfairly. Thats why i want to know who it is. Plus I might want to know if it is within driving distance. :)

Nice cover outs. :)

Hey man, first...why do you care?

You've never struck me as someone that is not confident in what they do?

Also, a teacher's skill is often reflected in their students. I actually thought the self-defense demo clip was good. I had some issues with the stances and execution of some of the "kenpo" techniques, but what would this guy know about that? It's definately nothing worth flaming somebody over. Besides, the stance issue may be because of the TKD influence. Anyway...again...why do you care?

When posting on YT and allowing comments you have to expect negative posts. It's simply the nature of the beast.

At any rate, it's not worth letting this guy get to you because that's exactly what he wants to do. By getting all wriled up you're simply playing into his hand.

Just set the clip to not accept comments and/or respond to his comments appropriately without stooping to his level of immaturity. Point out the holes and mistakes in his comments (will surely make him look like the illegitimate off spring of a horse and a donkey.)

You're better than that.
I dont really care. I mentioned it here, because I was sure that it was someone from Martial Talk. Realisticlly, i dont care what anyone, my instructor included thinks of my students. I know what I like, I know what I had in mind when I started teaching, and I know what my students know. AND i know they are ahead of students from most schools at that level.


I am not cool with someone attacking my students, and doing so unfairly. Thats why i want to know who it is. Plus I might want to know if it is within driving distance. :)

I dunno... I hear plane tickets aren't that much these days. lol

" principles or my honor..." Do what you feel you gotta do. I'm curious though. Do your students know about the commments? If so, how do they feel?