so yeah, I have a stalker


I wouldn't worry about what this guy has to say. It's sad that he is attacking your students, but what does that say about this guy... In my mind it says a lot about this guy and where he is at with regard to being a Master.

Three things:
1. Your students looked good during their demo. You should be proud.
2. I checked out the website link that was posted. His website has the Korean flag upside down. That should be a clue...

Try not to let this guy get to you. Continue to train hard and teach well.

Peace and Respect,
Master K.
and generally speaking, if you don't have that particular opinion, you are mistaken, that is unless you can provide reasoning that explains away all and any evidence.

And generally speaking, if you ask a bunch of MA'ist about Kenpo or Kajukenbo, they'll say kenpo guys can fight or Kaju guys can fight. Ask most about TKD, and they say, Oh, I've seen some that can fight.

In general, but since I don't share your end all be all opinion, I may be mistaken.
And generally speaking, if you ask a bunch of MA'ist about Kenpo or Kajukenbo, they'll say kenpo guys can fight or Kaju guys can fight. Ask most about TKD, and they say, Oh, I've seen some that can fight.

In general, but since I don't share your end all be all opinion, I may be mistaken.

Just because some people don't train taekwondo properly in a way that can be used effectively for self defence, or even the majority doesn't make my claim any less valid. In fact I quite explicitly stated that if they aren't teaching effective, realistic self defence, then it isn't really taekwondo.

If a whole bunch of people started teaching kenpo inspired sport, but making no differentiating in the marketing of their sport as opposed as the martial art, does it make kenpo any less effective? No, it just means that some people aren't really teaching kenpo, they just say they are.
Just because some people don't train taekwondo properly in a way that can be used effectively for self defence, or even the majority doesn't make my claim any less valid. In fact I quite explicitly stated that if they aren't teaching effective, realistic self defence, then it isn't really taekwondo.

If a whole bunch of people started teaching kenpo inspired sport, but making no differentiating in the marketing of their sport as opposed as the martial art, does it make kenpo any less effective? No, it just means that some people aren't really teaching kenpo, they just say they are.

I generally agree. The unfortunate fact however is that there are a lot more sport taekwondo schools than sport kenpo schools. That's probably just an outcome from TKD's greater popularity however... Lowest common denominator...
I generally agree. The unfortunate fact however is that there are a lot more sport taekwondo schools than sport kenpo schools. That's probably just an outcome from TKD's greater popularity however... Lowest common denominator...
I would disagree with that. You see a lot of kenpo schools at open martial art tournaments, granted you see them mostly in the self defense and sparring divisions mostly, but they are definetly out there.
I generally agree. The unfortunate fact however is that there are a lot more sport taekwondo schools than sport kenpo schools. That's probably just an outcome from TKD's greater popularity however... Lowest common denominator...

I think its also the other way around too, more people because of its sporty side.
Well, let's see. I'm a kenpo instructor with more than 35 years at the gig, and my biggest kvetch is that too many kenpo practitioners -- AND TEACHERS -- can't fight for beans, despite all the hype.

Keep in mind, fighting to me is not the same as competitive sparring. ighting to me is ... you're attacked in a subway by 3 punks, and if you don't lay them out, they will lay you out.
I would disagree with that. You see a lot of kenpo schools at open martial art tournaments, granted you see them mostly in the self defense and sparring divisions mostly, but they are definetly out there.

I'm sure that's the case in your area. We're all talking about anecdotal cases anyway without real statistical comparisons.

By the way, I have no gaping issues with kata competitions. It's point sparring that I absolutely detest. I think it's the scourge of sport karate. I much prefer kyokushin/sabaki type sparring or (gasp) even Olympic taekwondo over the typical lunging, flailing fare you see in point sparring.
I'm sure that's the case in your area. We're all talking about anecdotal cases anyway without real statistical comparisons.

By the way, I have no gaping issues with kata competitions. It's point sparring that I absolutely detest. I think it's the scourge of sport karate. I much prefer kyokushin/sabaki type sparring or (gasp) even Olympic taekwondo over the typical lunging, flailing fare you see in point sparring.
I was speaking more general. The NASKA and NBL have a lot of Kenpo schools that participate and they are more national tournaments than local.

I can't disagree with you on the point fighting. I wish I could, but now and days it has been ran down to nothing more than a game of tag or as I like to refer to it as "I bad touched you first". :) Though I will admit it gives us older folks something to do so that we don't bang up our pretty faces for our modeling jobs.ha.haha
just challenge him to a public match based on whatever rules you agree to. internet wars & nasty phone calls don't prove anything. nothing says STFU like a public challenge.

As an Advisor to this site, I usually give advise to the staff and to the members when asked.

But, in this case I will give some advise here and now and hope it is read and acted upon. I am not a lawyer not a LEO, but just someone who would like to share some thoughts and ideas. So take it for what it is. :)

By responding to a provocation in the State of Michigan, one is actually now listed as the agressor in particular if that response is physical. If there is verbal insults and taunting and you make threats and or comments of injury, now you can also be in trouble or those comments can be used by good lawyers or ADA's to make their case that you went after someone with a premeditated action in your mind.

So becareful what you post and how you post it, as it can cause you problems later. Also note that one of the banning rules for this site is to issue a challenge to someone.

I would read over this thread and take the general comments of let it go and that this guy who is making the comments about lower colored belts has issues to heart.

I would also quietly, find out if he would be willing to have a competition that has pre established rules (* As mentioned directly above *) that you or your students could compete against his students in form demonstration or point sparring, to show that your students and yourself are learning something of value.

I write all this from some experience as I have people not reply to my request to drop by their place or to check out their full contact fighting event, as they think I will do something that they are not prepared to address or surprise them. (* Maybe just by showing up and asking questions as is my plan for all events *).

So with respect to those who posted here and no negative comments to anyone, I thought I would share the above, and wish you the best in your trainng with your students and other people with an open mind.

I currently have someone trash-talking me AND my students. My view is, what they do in their dojang is their business ... but do it TO or IN FRONT OF my clientele or their parents? Rev it up.

Like you said ... trash-talk me all they want to. It shows the world what kind of martial artists they really are. But trash-talk my kids? Nuh-uh.

Still ... I wouldn't bother with someone who clearly isn't worth the words in this thread. Keep training and posting, say I.
here is the video that attracted the troll..

you can access my other videos from there

Those comments are immature, to say the very least. I find it difficult to believe an 'adult' would make them. They are simply embarrassing to read. To be able to post up that sort of nonsense, and feel no shame for the effort...I could not be friendly with someone who thinks that making those posts is acceptable in any way.
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that's cuz you're scared to face my thumb-wrestling skills.

with all the........."solo practice" you do Jarrod, i know i cant match your hand strength......