so yeah, I have a stalker

As far as stalking, of all 50 states Michigan? I have been to Michigan and...

That aside, since a previous post referenced this website:

I checked it out. Did no one notice that the emblem has a single fist? A fist with a ying/yang background? Things that make you go hmmm.
You mean ... throwdowns?

Please do not use B******do terms on here. It makes me slightly sick to my stomach.

Funny you even bring up "throwdowns" the guy who started them on that other site got his butt handed to him on several of them. :btg:
Just because some people don't train taekwondo properly in a way that can be used effectively for self defence, or even the majority doesn't make my claim any less valid. In fact I quite explicitly stated that if they aren't teaching effective, realistic self defence, then it isn't really taekwondo.

If a whole bunch of people started teaching kenpo inspired sport, but making no differentiating in the marketing of their sport as opposed as the martial art, does it make kenpo any less effective? No, it just means that some people aren't really teaching kenpo, they just say they are.

Agreed, sorry if I misunderstood or read too deep into your post!
Please do not use B******do terms on here. It makes me slightly sick to my stomach.

Funny you even bring up "throwdowns" the guy who started them on that other site got his butt handed to him on several of them. :btg:

Well, the suggestion that "MT could use a few good challenge matches" sounded very grossly familiar. Throwdown, challenge ... it's all the same thing, isn't it?
I am all for a bully beatdown.

Should we make it a site vs. site?
I am all for a bully beatdown.

Should we make it a site vs. site?

Nah, cuz all of the BJJers will come over saying that they are t3h d34dl3y!!

I am a BS guy too and I have fun with it.

As for YM, or whatever the guys name is, just talk to him and find out why he is intimidated by you and your students.