so yeah, I have a stalker

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
someone named traditionalTKD is dogging my videos on you tube, talking trash about my students, and I have a feeling it is someone from here.

So fess up.
On a hunch I think it is a former member.
I've always found it inevitable that the detractors on Youtube never have videos of their own up for review. People who take the time (and courage!) to share something of their art through the internet should be engaged with polite conversation rather than the mindless 'you're awful' commentary.

We all have reasons for doing things the way we do. Take some time out put yourself into someone else's shoes and you just might learn something useful.


I especially love the kata or form videos, where some teenager from a completely different system will complain that someone is doing a form incorrectly.
Well I must admit it is not me, I did noteven know you had one. Share the link dude.
What an ***!! Obviously they are jealous of you, otherwise they wouldnt feel the need to trash you
it's me, sorry. i just got so angry that you wouldn't go to the prom with me.

someone named traditionalTKD is dogging my videos on you tube, talking trash about my students, and I have a feeling it is someone from here.

So fess up.
Well if they are too much of a coward to tell you their real name on YouTube do you think they would fess up here? Sorry that you have some *** dogging you. We had a similar incident with our students. It is just one of those things. If you put yourself out there, there will always be people to tear your down regardless.

You can disable comments in YouTube. That is the best solution to it all.
One of the unforunate perils of the internet. Any idiot with a keyboard can say anything they want. Can you contest comments on YouTube? I thought that I remembered a setting that you could disallow comments?
someone named traditionalTKD is dogging my videos on you tube, talking trash about my students, and I have a feeling it is someone from here.

So fess up.

He or She wants to piss you of, don't let this people make you mad, I know you are a truly gentelmen and this is what counts.

As Bob said it is a former member who was banned.

People unfortunately can be very, very rude on the internet. One of the
things we work to achieve it a friendly atmosphere here at MartialTalk. That does not mean that you cannot disagree but just do so in a friendly manner.
Here is TraditionalTKD.


I post this here not to dog on TraditionalTKD but because I feel it is good to know whom you are talking about. So I would apprecaite it if people did not leap all over the video clip. Thanks.
Here is TraditionalTKD.


I post this here not to dog on TraditionalTKD but because I feel it is good to know whom you are talking about. So I would apprecaite it if people did not leap all over the video clip. Thanks.

Ok I am confused why is the video important?
I'm not sure but I think there is a sort of half-way-house with YouTube comments that allows for vetting of them before they are shown?

I could be wrong but given that 99.99 (made up stat :D) of comments I've seen on YouTube are abusive and pointless then I would be very surprised if there wasn't some mechanism in place beyond just locking out all comments.

I'm sorry to hear that someone that used to be a member here is flaming you elsewhere, John. Very poor form, especially for a martial artist, even more especially one from the same style :tdown:.
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