set a fitness goal here.


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
i thought this would be a good source of motivation for everyone. post a fitness goal that you want to acheive by next month. then after a month, return to this thread & post about your progress. did you meet your goal? if not, why?

once you put a goal out there, there are no take backs! you either did it or you didn't!

one month from today i want to be able to do a 100lbs one-handed clean & jerk. i can do 75lbs right now.

I want to be able to do ten consecutive strict pull ups in one months time , so help me God .

Right now I could probably crank out about four , because I've been lazy , but last year I could do seven , when I was really into it .

I might not make it to ten but at least it will motivate me to get my **** into gear and start training.
The full set of 21 of the 5 Tibetans every day
Flowfit or Prasara Yoga 3 times a week
Clubbells or Kettlebells 3 times a week
come on terry, how much weight? 15lbs in the next month? 10lbs? "the weight" is a pretty big number!

come on terry, how much weight? 15lbs in the next month? 10lbs? "the weight" is a pretty big number!


Between 15-20 lbs, sorry I forgot to add the number.
My goal for the month is to try the two gyms that are accessible to me, and decide on one by the end of the month.
I want to be able to complete the "Filthy Fifty" Crossfit workout in under 27 minutes by the end of the month.

And I am going to go to TX and make Terry lose the weight.
Well, I think I've gone a pretty fair distance toward getting the abs I want... my goal for the month is to remove the rest of the protective bubble wrap so I can see them. ;)

Am going to lose 8 lbs, which, according to various online calculator thingys, should put me right about my optimal weight for my height and activity level.

It would be easier if we could get some nice weather soon - I hate running in the cold.
okay everyone, check in on your progress. i bumped up to 3 sets of 6 at 60lbs on my one-handed clean & jerk. yesterday i went for 3x4 at 70lbs, but my back has been hurting me lately so i only got one set it. then dropped it down to 50lbs & did 3x6 of standing jerks so i trained at least some of the motion from the lift. i think for the next couple weeks i'm going to take a lower weight/higher rep approach & see if i make progress without hurting my back. in fact, i might adjust my goal. according to a one-rep max calculator, if i can do 16 reps of 60lbs, that will be roughly the equivalent of a 103lbs one-rep max.

how is everyone else progressing? didn't forget, did you ;)

I just re-joined Weight Watchers (I'm a repeat offender). So I'm going to say, I want to lose a total of 9 lbs by 3/19/09. I think that's achievable.
I'm stalled out.

I've been hoping to find a 24 hour gym so I can workout after work. There are only two 24-hour gyms within reasonable reach of me. I've visited both. Neither has a pool (I love to swim), and both have elements to either the gym or the clientele that kind of turn me off.

I'm sure there are gyms within reach of me that are more palatable, perhaps there is even one with a pool. However, if I choose to go to one of those gyms, it won't be 24 hours...which means I can't go for a workout after work....which was the main reason why I wanted to join a gym in the first place.

I'm going to be spending the next three weeks moving to my new place, which is going to be plenty of physical activity in its own right. Unless I get more clarity on my choice, I'm going to hold off on the decision until mid-March.
I got too ambitious and tried to do weighted pull ups and strained something in my forearm , but I will let it rest for awhile and just do kettlebell swings.
we're not doing great here people...
we're not doing great here people...
my goal at the start of this month was to to loose 10 pounds by the start of next month and to be able to do a plank for 3 minutes total

the first goal i am half way there

the second goal im up to 1 min 5 seconds (from about 23 seconds the first time i did it, not bad)


P.S. - Great idea for a thread jarrod
My fitness goal for is in April I have to try to get to between 150lbs-155lbs while maintaining strength, endurance and speed. This is the weight class I am sparring in. Right now I'm 160lbs, since October 2008 I have lost about 10lbs