Robber takes on martial artist (video)

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, he lost. His buddies had to rescue him, and now he's under arrest.

What is that the victim is using? BJJ? Catch wrestling?

VIDEO: Suspect wrestled by intended victim arrested
From staff reports

The victim, however, turned the tables on the attacker and wrestled him to the ground. After about a minute of scuffling on the floor of the convenience store, two other men come to the suspect's aid and extricate him from the victim's grasp.
The three men fled in a white Lincoln SUV, South Carolina tag BKE-143, the sheriff's department said.

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As quick as he took a side mount, I'd say wrestling, but you never know. I think he was lucky that the crook's buddies didn't pound him.
As quick as he took a side mount, I'd say wrestling, but you never know. I think he was lucky that the crook's buddies didn't pound him.
Id also say that the standup aspect looked more like Wrestling to Me.
So I concur.
A "white Lincoln SUV"? Not a likely get away car for a Robbery. Guess they needed gas money...
yes I would say wrestling as well, and if you are going to take action in such a situation, you better be doing a lot more damage to the assailant a lot faster and not be on the ground like that. He is very lucky they did not kick his head, ribs, groin and kidneys in and leave him crippled or kill him down there!! ground against multiple attackers is a GREAT way to get very dead for real.
A "white Lincoln SUV"? Not a likely get away car for a Robbery. Guess they needed gas money...

Or the SUV is stolen. Happens a lot in Detroit. Bad guys jack cars and use them to commit crimes; that way they don't care if anyone writes down the description of the car or the license plate number.
Too bad he didn't think to hit the SOB rather than grapple with him but at least he didn't get hurt.
Too bad he didn't think to hit the SOB rather than grapple with him but at least he didn't get hurt.
I would have approved if He Wrestled Him to the ground, then started throwing punches. That way, Hed have the upper hand, and He wouldnt be privy to being done in by the other guy.
That guy was lucky, those 3 guys were mighty big. I would venture to say if he drew blood from the one he was on the ground with. it would not have faired well for him considering the other two............... It's a good thing they were in a hurry. Also, where was the clerk??
i was surprised the robber was'nt flailing punches...
I suspect thats a symptom of that thing people do, where They instinctively try to beat the other person at Their own game, if They do not have the upper hand, and are taken by surprise.

I forget what thats called.
Yeah, maybe if this guy had hit him instead of trying to submit him, it would have gone better. Still, he reacted well for what happened I guess.
wow! that guy was lucky! I though that one guy was going to kick him as he walked up. I would rather not be on the ground in that kind of situation. to vulnerable to his friends!!! Also what if the man he took down had had a knife? rolling around on the ground trying to submit some one if a knife gets involved gets really dicey!
That kid was awesome.
So, would you guys say that this is an example of why one should never go to the ground? He wrestled him to the ground ala BJJ, Judo, Wrestling, but if his friends had come to beat the snot out of him, he's be gone. Had he dealt with the guy in a stand up fashion ( I think at one point, he had the perfect position for a knee to the groin which probably would have ended it right there ) he may have had time to escape, or if the other two did come, he would be more prepared since he would be standing. One versus one in a controlled situation, grappling usually wins ( as seen by numerous mma fights, after all, they were originally intended for competition...well BJJ extended from JJ which was used on samurai...but only after they had lost their weapon. ) but on the streets, is it not better to take the guy out without wrapping yourself up with wrestling him?

The way I see it, Bjj and other such arts are VERY beneficial for knowing what to do when on your back or in the clinch ( the typical martial artist only thinks knees and elbows )...but also very situational. if someone takes you to the ground, sure go ahead and use it, but use it only as a means of getting back up rather than submitting them...and doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? In that case, simple basic wrestling practice would suffice right?
So, would you guys say that this is an example of why one should never go to the ground? He wrestled him to the ground ala BJJ, Judo, Wrestling, but if his friends had come to beat the snot out of him, he's be gone. Had he dealt with the guy in a stand up fashion ( I think at one point, he had the perfect position for a knee to the groin which probably would have ended it right there ) he may have had time to escape, or if the other two did come, he would be more prepared since he would be standing. One versus one in a controlled situation, grappling usually wins ( as seen by numerous mma fights, after all, they were originally intended for competition...well BJJ extended from JJ which was used on samurai...but only after they had lost their weapon. ) but on the streets, is it not better to take the guy out without wrapping yourself up with wrestling him?

The way I see it, Bjj and other such arts are VERY beneficial for knowing what to do when on your back or in the clinch ( the typical martial artist only thinks knees and elbows )...but also very situational. if someone takes you to the ground, sure go ahead and use it, but use it only as a means of getting back up rather than submitting them...and doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? In that case, simple basic wrestling practice would suffice right?

In most circumstances I would say not to go to the ground , you need to be able to have your freedom of movement and ability to scan the entire area for additional threats.

But there might be exceptions if in some circumstances you can use the environment to your advantage so that you cannot be aproached from behind or easily from the side.

One of my friends , he's a commando in Afghanistan now , but even before that he was always a tough bastard.
Well he liked a bit of a drink , in fact he liked a drink a lot , well one night he got into a bit of a kerfuffle with multiple blokes outside a pub in Sydney.
He was on the ground up against a wall and had one of them in a rear naked choke , everytime the others approached , he would threaten to choke their mate out and break his neck.

Essentially he was using him as a hostage or human shield , eventually he was able to make them back off and he let the guy go and he was able to get away.

I don't think it would work for everybody , but to these drunken idiots he was able to act just enough of the psycho to convince them that he was going to kill their friend , and dissuade them from attacking en masse.
^That sir is a good example of why Crazy ALWAYS beats tough guy/thug

Never fails
Guy was indeed very lucky. I have seen videos of one guy submitting another on the ground and then friends of the guy being submitted show up and start stomping on the guy.