Army Reservist arrested after detaining illegal immigrants

"Civil Affairs Specialists are primarily responsible for researching, coordinating, conducting and participating in the planning and production of civil affairs related documents, while enabling the civil-military operations of the supported commander."

Oh. Was your point that far from being REMFs, these folks are the tip of the spear of our fighting forces?
These guys are SF trained and go out in small groups to speak with warlords, regional governors and politicians. They set up medical services and other CA actions as well as being intell. gatherers for the area commander..they are not "desk jockeys". Even so, I dont believe that anybody who serves their country in uniform should be judged by their MOS.

Civil Affairs reservists also are soldiers in a more conventional way, he said. They are all trained paratroopers. Civil Affairs has been part of the Special Operations Command since it was established in 1987, and its members frequently are assigned to work with Special Forces and airborne units.