Reputation System Reset Pending...Dec 07

I find it amusing that the founder of MT is "an unknown quantity at this time." :rofl:
How about this one... :D

:bangahead: added

ROCK!!! :shakes hair like I haven't done since, ooh, well, erm, last month ROFL:. :cheers:.

Also, I find it surprising, given the general calibre of people we have here at MT, that 'revenge rep'ing' goes on :eek:. If I disagree with someone then I'll tell them (if I think it'll do any good) - giving them negative rep seems a touch futile when it comes to conflict resolution :shrugs:.

I can't do that any more Dr. orders. Something about my head will fall off or something. :idunno:

I find it amusing that the founder of MT is "an unknown quantity at this time." :rofl:

Is this something that can be disabled? If you're going to disable rep, you shouldn't be able to affect the rep of others.
I agree; you should be able to comment via giving rep, but it should carry no weight, pro or con. If rep is disabled, why not just set their rep power to zero automatically?
Ok, I think there is a misunderstanding here, probably due to the terms used.

Rep is not "dissabled", it is "invisible"

Think of it like that and it makes more sense.
Ok, I think there is a misunderstanding here, probably due to the terms used.

Rep is not "dissabled", it is "invisible"

Think of it like that and it makes more sense.
I blame vB.
No, I meant the fun kind of headbanging, not the "frustrated with morons" one... :lol:

Ah, now yer talking! It should be easy... just take the one I displayed, the moron-frustration one, and modify it so the face is smiling and laughing deleriously, but doing exactly the same thing! :lol:
Rep has been reset and good riddance!

I agree. :D :p
Since I'm not in here a lot anymore, it looks like I'm pretty late in hearing about this. I was looking for info on the casino cash feature, and saw this one along the way. And it looks like the reset has already been made. However, I did want to agree with this post:

Most of us can only craft posts worthy of positive reputation rarely and, similarly, most of us make our better and more profound posts early in our membership.

Because the teacher I used to take lessons with during grad school left the country, we couldn't sustain the club anymore and it broke up. That's left me to practice on my own, which I don't do a lot. I try to keep up with tai chi, to varying degrees of success, but haven't done long fist in a very long time. These are some of the reasons I don't read or post here very much; my activity in MA has decreased compared to years ago. If the reputation system is reset, I'll lose the relatively small amount of points/power I received so far, and I probably won't gain any of it back. I know it's supposed to be a fun, and hopefully balanced, system, but it's kind of disappointing to know your history is being reset when it's unlikely that you'll be able to restore it. Oh well. I didn't read the ~25 pages of the thread, but saw this one on the first page and thought it was right, so I felt like posting and agreeing with it.
Since I'm not in here a lot anymore, it looks like I'm pretty late in hearing about this. I was looking for info on the casino cash feature, and saw this one along the way. And it looks like the reset has already been made. However, I did want to agree with this post:

Because the teacher I used to take lessons with during grad school left the country, we couldn't sustain the club anymore and it broke up. That's left me to practice on my own, which I don't do a lot. I try to keep up with tai chi, to varying degrees of success, but haven't done long fist in a very long time. These are some of the reasons I don't read or post here very much; my activity in MA has decreased compared to years ago. If the reputation system is reset, I'll lose the relatively small amount of points/power I received so far, and I probably won't gain any of it back. I know it's supposed to be a fun, and hopefully balanced, system, but it's kind of disappointing to know your history is being reset when it's unlikely that you'll be able to restore it. Oh well. I didn't read the ~25 pages of the thread, but saw this one on the first page and thought it was right, so I felt like posting and agreeing with it.

Dronak, check here and you'll find that if you had visible rep > 100 pts, your previous accumulated rep should be enshrined amongst the top 15% (roughly) of MT members. It's nothing to feel bad about, I don't think. At the time of the reset I was the rep leader with 16 gold stars and some change, and there were a number of people hot on my heels, as you can see from the link I gave; but it's still just as much fun, and just as informative and helpful in sorting out my own thinking, to post now as it was before. And I think that most of the rep leaders who've seen their long chains of gold stars replaced by a few dark green pips would say the same. If you stay around and post more, you'll probably find that you still have plenty of useful things to say, and it might inspire you to reenergize your MA interests... and really, that's one of the main points of the whole thing, no?
yeah, I think Exile said that he didn't think he would be able to come up with "rep worthy" posts after the reset, and already I think he leads the pack!
yeah, I think Exile said that he didn't think he would be able to come up with "rep worthy" posts after the reset, and already I think he leads the pack!

Probably just my basic bleakness of outlook sneaking out for a moment there, Lauren. I'm always having to watch for that...

I think a lot of people feel that they did their best thinking sometime in the past, that their energies and enthusiasms have diminished and been worn out, and it's all downhill from here. You must have had the experience of finding something you'd written ten years earlier and thinking... why can't I do that anymore? I used to do that when I was in my forties with stuff I'd done as an undergraduate, and now I do it with stuff that I wrote in my forties, lol. So I've come to the conclusion that in reality, we don't necessarily wind up going to the dogs after a certain point, and I'm still seeing great posts from the people who were great posted pre-reset. But I do think there's a temptation to see ourselves as going downhill, when the truth is probably that our best work is still ahead of us, no matter how old we are...
I understand all the reasoning that went into the reset, and of course it's none of my business anyway--not my board. But I keep thinking of a couple of analogies from my own experience that best helps me understand why it feels like such a heavy blow.

First, I recall climbing the ladder in the military. The Navy is slightly unique among the branches, in that you have to complete leadership courses for petty officer rankings, and written exams indicating proficiency in your rating-specific area. The results along with personal evals determine who gets considered for a select number of billets that are open. Having worked like crazy to get to E-5 during my one enlistment (equivalent to sergeant in the other services), it would have been pretty demoralizing to have had a 'reset' and have to start all over again.

Decades later, the martial arts journey is analogous. Putting in the blood, sweat and tears of practice, getting *up* for each test, and then waiting for someone else to tell me I was good enough to pass, forged a rich background that I can call on now. But if I had to reset that and start over at white belt (which actually I have done several times in different arts along the way in order to cross train), it wouldn't be the same. Yes, I'd still have the experience, skill and knowledge for myself, but new students (those with less than two or three years in the art) wouldn't see me the same way. They can't watch someone move and just figure out from that who's who, so this argument when I hear it carries no weight with me.

Now this is not meant to be sour grapes at what I could have had/kept without the reset. As always, I know what I'm fairly good at, and what I still need to work on (at my age, I'd better, before it's too late to work on anything :D). But what I really miss is being able to make a difference for someone else. With a few stars, I could rep someone and maybe make their day. With my current 'power', can't get past the embarrassment of giving someone two whole points and so find I don't rep anyone, except a few old friends whom I know really are interested in my comments. Just too humiliating.

So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Now this is not meant to be sour grapes at what I could have had/kept without the reset. As always, I know what I'm fairly good at, and what I still need to work on (at my age, I'd better, before it's too late to work on anything :D). But what I really miss is being able to make a difference for someone else. With a few stars, I could rep someone and maybe make their day. With my current 'power', can't get past the embarrassment of giving someone two whole points and so find I don't rep anyone, except a few old friends whom I know really are interested in my comments. Just too humiliating.

So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Your "puny 2 points" is the same as many others. There are only a handful of people that I've noticed that are even close to 10 points, and even fewer above 10. Rep away; it's a level playing field.

And, I personally like to here the comments... even those who disagree.
Your "puny 2 points" is the same as many others. There are only a handful of people that I've noticed that are even close to 10 points, and even fewer above 10. Rep away; it's a level playing field.

And, I personally like to here the comments... even those who disagree.[/quote]

Yep, it's the comments that mean the most to me and they aren't viewable by the rest of the members here. The pips and stars were simply a badge for the public. I've worked very hard to let the ego go and believe I've made progress. Read my posts, decide whether or not it has merit on it's own and the pips and stars shouldn't matter.
Responding to kidswarrior:
A certain ennui sets in after years of seeing the same questions asked. How many times can you bring yourself to answer "What's the best martial art for self-defense?" in the full detail such a question needs? In my case, I wrote a lot when the board was growing so there'd be content and signs of activity--book reviews, mini-essays--but being no longer on staff I simply don't have the motivation to do so any more. I get the concern about one's most noteworthy posts being in the past, when all was new.

Still, if you wish, take the reset as a challenge to "empty your cup" and see these things with a fresh eye. Honestly, maybe it's just my biases showing, but I think average post quality/content has increased slightly since the reset, for all the reasons indicated here. That's a good thing!
Now this is not meant to be sour grapes at what I could have had/kept without the reset. As always, I know what I'm fairly good at, and what I still need to work on (at my age, I'd better, before it's too late to work on anything :D). But what I really miss is being able to make a difference for someone else. With a few stars, I could rep someone and maybe make their day. With my current 'power', can't get past the embarrassment of giving someone two whole points and so find I don't rep anyone, except a few old friends whom I know really are interested in my comments. Just too humiliating.

So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I recently recieved rep from someone that had no points to give and didn't even sign who it was from, and it meant as much to me as if it were given by someone with 20 points. Please don't stop reppng people out of embarrassment, the comments mean more than the rep does.