Real life bad guys?


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
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I would simply like to here stories of people who have had to use thier training to defend themselves or someone else from real life bad guys!

I look forward to your replies.
Depends on your definition.

I've gotten in scraps, just the normal street fight where someone random comes out after you because he thinks you did something to "disrespect" him. I never thought of them as bad, just messed up.

Bad as in trying to kill me? Never, and never plan to get into a situation with one.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I would simply like to here stories of people who have had to use thier training to defend themselves or someone else from real life bad guys!
I look forward to your replies.

No offense but “why?”
Well, I was stationed in the desert. One night we heard a noise outside the tent. We tried to peek out but our view was obstructed. It looked like either a Terrorist or a Jehovah's Witness. Were still not sure. Anyway, I sneaked - snuck, whatever..... out the back of the tent and I hide under a camel. As the intruder was making his way around to the back, I had to somehow put out the flaming torch about 10 feet away. You know, had to keep my consealment in the dark. So I remembered an episode from the TV Show Kung Fu. You know the one where Master Cain blows out the candle from across the room with the dim lite candle move...... So I figure what the heck, give it a shot. I consentrated hard and did the move. Low and behold the torch went out. Then I realized by the smell, that the camel passed wind. Bummer man, thought I had the power. Just about that time, he came around the corner of the tent. And that is when I used all my training. I jumped up from under the camel (not a moment to soon either, the smell was awful), and yelled I.R.S. Agent. Well he screamed and turned to run, only to trip over the tent rope. He managed to escape into the night but the next morning we found a bottle of Viagra and a small stool. I guess I really saved that camel.......... Anyway - That's my story and I'm stickin to it! Hope you learn something from this.........
Let me see……..the lesson here is either don’t run from an IRS Agent or don’t be a camel in the desert.
Ah! Grasshopper. You are wise beyond your years. Hope it brought a smile to your face.....
First to disco:

I found some humor in your camel joke but I am looking fo a serious answer if you have none to share then simply dont reply.


Next to Ryushikan: You asked why!
The reason for this question is i would like to hear what types of scituations people have found themselves in and how they chose to deal with it.
Looking forward to your reply!

Last but not least matialartist: I appreciated your comments!
DAC, that was a serious reply. You don't know how much that camel meant to me..........

Seriously, I was just trying to inject a little humor for everyone because there seems to be a lot of hostility running around.

An old saying, "It's hard to stay angry when your laughing" That's from either George Burns or George Bush, not really sure!......
Well it can't be George W. Bush, that sentance is too long for him, could be George H though.