
how effective would MA be in prison?

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you would have to be really well trained. if not they would hand your rear to you quickly.
Most MA that are taught in most schools would only get you killed

speaking hypothetically. how many years do u consider well trained
Many-against-one odds, shanks, confined quarters, hard to practice--the odds are not in one's favor.
This is the time that cross - training would realy pay off. I would say that someone who is trained well in kickboxing, grapling-jujitsu and a filipino system( for shank attacks/impact weapons) should fare well in prison. But its hard to fight 5-10 people at once, which will happen, after the guy you just beat down calls his friends in. Its safe to say that after you got out you would be a good fighter. I would say to that being in top shape would not hurt. Most martial artist do not train UFC style or for compatition on a daily bases. In prison the first fight you win, your going to lead the life of a gunfighter. Every day someone is going to wont to try you out.
Your frined in the Arts, Redfive
i belive that one on one combat makes u a better fighter but getting beaten by multiple opponents just f***s u up. thats just my opinion. and i think u right about that "another guy will want to try u out" statement. but either way ur screwed because if u win, ppl do want to try u out, but if u loose ppl will mess with u.
I think your average MA would get themself killed. However any decent MA with a lot of heart (e.g. has the attitude "You may hit me but everytime you do I'm gonna hit you back twice as hard.", or "I may bleed to death from this stab wound but your coming with me.") is gonna beat any untrained fighter hands down. We just know how to move, are faster, and generate more power.

Again with the cavets, decent MA with lots if heart, one on one.
I know a couple people that have done time. From what I've
heard, there's 2 kinds of fights. Fights for defense for yourself
or your possesions, and murder. I'm told shanks don't come out
for you to defend against. They're stuck in your back when you're
not ready, and stuffed away just as quick. Murder in jail carries
the same sentence as in regular life, so they still try to get away
with it.

The other fights are "you stole my shoes", "no you can't have
my cupcake", "that's MY bed" etc. The more you let people get
away with that in jail, the more it'll happen. You HAVE TO fight,
win or lose each time. One friend lost most of his, but SOME
element of respect is given if you fight, period. I'm told that
typically, these are one on one fights. They said that you usually
don't have multiple attackers unless you mess with someone
in a gang/mob in the system. But most times, if you do that,
you're dead anyways. The stories I heard was that basically
you fought a LOT.

The question I have that none could answer for me is .. are you
ALLOWED to train in jail? Lots workout, but could you do katas,
techniques, bag work etc?
My sigung happened to land himslef in prison (not jail) several years back. As a side not,e he teaches 7 Star Praying Mantis. He gave a cell mate his sandwich at the very beginging trying to be a good guy. Didn't work out quite like that. He doesn't talk much about it (for obvious reasons), but all I know is that he was attacked by 5 guys at the same time, and he was the one with more time added to his sentence!:eek:
All I have been able to get, is that 2 of them had permanent disabilities, and all of them spent several weeks in the "infirmary", if thats the right word.
Of course, my sigung has lived at a wuh lum temple for several years out of his life, so that kinda explaines it a bit.

the simple answer would have to be that martial arts are equally as effective in prison as they are on the street, youre always subject to the limitations of your environment, and nobody is invincible.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

the simple answer would have to be that martial arts are equally as effective in prison as they are on the street, youre always subject to the limitations of your environment, and nobody is invincible.

Very well said! :asian:
They don't let you practice martial arts in Prison and on top of that even if they did you wouldn't want to be seen doing so.
Originally posted by GouRonin

They don't let you practice martial arts in Prison and on top of that even if they did you wouldn't want to be seen doing so.

They didn't "allow" them to practice MA in several countries where MAs were created.

And I don't think my sigung cared much about letting people see him train in prison :)
Originally posted by GouRonin

They don't let you practice martial arts in Prison

Anyone else thinking of The Longest Yard? Richard 'Jaws' Kiel plays an inmate who's in maximum security. A troop of guards lead him outside into a small courtyard for his one hour a day of exercise. Still in arm and leg chains, he begins doing a kata. Burt Reynolds' inmate character Paul Crewe is speaking to an assistant warden. They talk while they watch him do the kata:

Warden: That's George Samson. He killed 10 men with his bare hands.
Crewe: Using karate?
Warden (matter-of-factly): Oh, that was before he learned karate.

(This is from memory.) Funny scene.