One small step closer...


Green Belt
Feb 28, 2016
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Tonight I got my 2nd tip/stripe/whatever term you use on my white belt! It may seem like a small victory to some, but I am thrilled. My mom and I (I'm 32, and we're pretty much roommates, which is quite awesome) started taekwondo at a brand new school on Feb 18. The school opened the day before, but we were so in love with it after the first day of our trial, we signed up after our second class. Anyway, we got our first tips for learning the steps of the kibon poomsae. Not just going through the motions, but actually really doing the steps with correct form. We got our second tips tonight for doing the complete form with the low blocks and middle maintaining the correct stance, not wobbling on turns, etc. It was AWESOME to get that second piece of tape on my belt, and I am even more pumped to keep going.

Everything hurts, and I'm exhausted, but this is awesome. I'm losing weight and actually developing some muscles already (the only shape I'm in currently is round, lol). My endurance is building, and I'm getting more flexible. And it's only been 3 weeks on Thursday.

Our first belt test will be in late April, and we have two more tips to earn before then - one for one step sparring, and one for board breaking. I am loving my school and look forward to being a part of its growth. I feel pushed to do my best at everything, encouraged when I struggle, and praised when appropriate. It's awesome.

Sorry for the long post, I am just so passionate about this already, and I had to share!
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing your triumph! Great job! Congratulations!
Congratulations! It is great to see other passionate martial artists. Keep up the good work and let us know of your progress as well as that of your Mom.
Very nice. Love your enthusiasm. Keep it up.
Psyched for you! And welcome to MT.
Thank you everyone! We have now learned one step sparring #1 (got that one down) and #2 (just learned last night so it's still a little wonky). Going 5 nights a week is kicking our butts, but I am definitely losing weight and building up endurance, so I plan to keep it up.

Wednesday night, the visiting instructor was practicing a kick (I think it was a 540) after our class ended, and I mentioned that I can't wait until I'm good enough to learn the tornado a storm chaser, I was just excited about the name, haha. I wasn't expecting to be told, "come on!" and taught the basics of a 360 degree tornado kick. Obviously my skills are not anywhere near good enough to do the kick properly in one night, but I got the gist of it. It was awesome! I fell a couple times but that's ok. Now at least I know one thing I have to look forward to practicing and "perfecting" later.

Thanks again for all of the support, everyone!
Thank you everyone! We have now learned one step sparring #1 (got that one down) and #2 (just learned last night so it's still a little wonky). Going 5 nights a week is kicking our butts, but I am definitely losing weight and building up endurance, so I plan to keep it up.

Wednesday night, the visiting instructor was practicing a kick (I think it was a 540) after our class ended, and I mentioned that I can't wait until I'm good enough to learn the tornado a storm chaser, I was just excited about the name, haha. I wasn't expecting to be told, "come on!" and taught the basics of a 360 degree tornado kick. Obviously my skills are not anywhere near good enough to do the kick properly in one night, but I got the gist of it. It was awesome! I fell a couple times but that's ok. Now at least I know one thing I have to look forward to practicing and "perfecting" later.

Thanks again for all of the support, everyone!
Thank you everyone! We have now learned one step sparring #1 (got that one down) and #2 (just learned last night so it's still a little wonky). Going 5 nights a week is kicking our butts, but I am definitely losing weight and building up endurance, so I plan to keep it up.

Wednesday night, the visiting instructor was practicing a kick (I think it was a 540) after our class ended, and I mentioned that I can't wait until I'm good enough to learn the tornado a storm chaser, I was just excited about the name, haha. I wasn't expecting to be told, "come on!" and taught the basics of a 360 degree tornado kick. Obviously my skills are not anywhere near good enough to do the kick properly in one night, but I got the gist of it. It was awesome! I fell a couple times but that's ok. Now at least I know one thing I have to look forward to practicing and "perfecting" later.

Thanks again for all of the support, everyone!

That's awesome, just don't neglect to work on your basics in favor of the fancier kicks. I just figured out myself that my left leg roundhouse is complete crap, after learning more complicated kicks.....guess what I'm working on?
Hey guys, thanks again! I had the privilege of having a private class Thursday, which was absolutely amazing. I got my third tip (for one step sparring) which is awesome. Since it's a brand new school, I am officially the highest ranking student for a few days until the others in the adult class catch up, haha. It was great to focus just on what I need. It was definitely a tough class, but I loved it. Our first belt test will be April 29, and I have everything down on our curriculum except board breaking. With about 5 more weeks til the test, I'm sure I will be ready. Still nervous already though!

I look forward to continuing to share my noob journey with you guys!
Just imagine that these boards represent that one colleague you have always wanted to kick in the teeth.......
Please do! Your enthusiasm is contagious!

Was just thinking the same. I have been out for 3 weeks with a broken arm and looking forward to class tonight and this thread got me feeling enthused.

Well, belt testing is a month from tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty ready, though we haven't done any actual board breaking yet, so I'm nervous for that. We've practiced the technique on foam boards though so we should be ready to give it a go when the time comes. We should be getting our black tips (4th and final one) this week. To get it, we basically have to do our entire yellow belt test - the form, one step sparring, a basic kicking combination, and board breaking (hammer fist). This week we are focusing on our form, which I find is really exhausting to do correctly! I feel pretty confident about almost everything though, so I'm allllmost ready for April 29. My biggest struggle is actually doing a proper roundhouse kick during our kicking combo. Being overweight and out of shape makes it hard to kick then bring my leg back behind me into kicking stance. I typically have to put it down in front of me, then move back. I'm working on it, though. I've already lost who knows how much weight. The scale says only about 7lbs, but the way my clothes fit and the way I look suggests it's more like 15ish. Must be muscle building up somewhere!

Since we're a new school with just one master, I'll be helping out with the kids white belt class once I get my yellow belt. No actual teaching, just helping demonstrate and being a partner when there's an odd number of kids. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm hoping to end up as an assistant instructor in 3ish years after I get my black belt. One step at a time though!
Do you mind explaining what one step sparring is? I don't practice TKD, so it's probably why I haven't heard of it.
As for the roundhouse, keep at it! The biggest issue is probably balance more than being overweight/out of shape (although that's a generalization so I could be wrong), but either way as long as you keep practicing it you'll get better.
Congrats on the weight loss!
Here's a video link that shows exactly what we do for one step sparring. Basically it's partner work where you take turns attacking or defending. One person does a down block, then steps forward and punches. There are 3 "forms" for each belt level. For white belt, the second person will 1) step forward and do a high block, then face punch, 2) step forward into horse riding stance, do a forearm block, and then do two middle punches, or for 3) step forward into horse riding stance, do a knife hand block, and then do two middle punches and one face punch. It's non contact, one movement at a time. They get more complicated as you move up through the belt levels. (Also just for the record, we are learning the Korean terms for all of this, but only a little at a time, and none of those techniques are on our white belt requirements for the terminology)

Re the roundhouse kick - It's definitely a balance issue, though I think having a heavier leg doesn't really help! I'm determined to get it right for the test though.
Well, belt testing is a month from tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty ready, though we haven't done any actual board breaking yet, so I'm nervous for that. We've practiced the technique on foam boards though so we should be ready to give it a go when the time comes. We should be getting our black tips (4th and final one) this week. To get it, we basically have to do our entire yellow belt test - the form, one step sparring, a basic kicking combination, and board breaking (hammer fist). This week we are focusing on our form, which I find is really exhausting to do correctly! I feel pretty confident about almost everything though, so I'm allllmost ready for April 29.

Go to your local lumber yard. Buy a 1x12 board. Ask them to cut it up for you. Take the boards home. Practice breaking. You can prop them on a couple cinder blocks, or even a couple wooden chairs, if you don't have someone to hold them for you.

My biggest struggle is actually doing a proper roundhouse kick during our kicking combo. Being overweight and out of shape makes it hard to kick then bring my leg back behind me into kicking stance. I typically have to put it down in front of me, then move back.

That's generally less a matter of conditioning and more a matter of balance. Do balance drills. Don't kick the air full power, just place the foot out there. And don't kick too high. Kicking just an inch or so lower can have a profound affect on your balance.

Do you mind explaining what one step sparring is? I don't practice TKD, so it's probably why I haven't heard of it.

One steps are pre-arranged partner drills to teach timing, distancing, balance, movement...
One person uses a predetermined attack. The other uses a predetermined counter.