Obama Not Invited to Royal Wedding

So whats the deal?
I thought the entire world wanted Obama as president...
They didnt like the Change after all either huh?
It's not a State occasion, William isn't heir to the throne, just a prince so there's no need for the world to be at his wedding. As far as we've read and understood William wants what for the Royals is at least a quiet wedding.
If it's true he's not invited it's not a snub at all. No point is getting your knickers in a twist as whoever was in the Oval office wouldn't have been invited, nothing to do with personalities.
Big deal, I wasn't invited either.

Me, neither but I'm hoping for a day off or a day off in lieu for it :)

It's not a big deal tbh, I know that the tourist people are hoping for more visitors and the souvenir companies are hoping to have good sales around the world which has to be good in a rescession and peoples job but really it's not worth turning this into yet another anti Obama thread.
It's not a State occasion, William isn't heir to the throne, just a prince so there's no need for the world to be at his wedding. As far as we've read and understood William wants what for the Royals is at least a quiet wedding.
If it's true he's not invited it's not a snub at all. No point is getting your knickers in a twist as whoever was in the Oval office wouldn't have been invited, nothing to do with personalities.

I disagree. You are dissembling. This would have been unimaginable even 10 years ago. It's definitely a sign of the times and a repudiation of the special relationship from the British side. On the other hand, Obama did it first, so certainly no one is calling foul on this side of the Atlantic.
Honestly chaps, you are reading things into this that are not there.

For a start, it has already been announced, at the time of their engagement, that because of the harsh economic times they did not feel that a massively lavish affair would be a sensitive move (of course, the royal houses idea of "not lavish" and mine will probably differ in scale :D).

Also, this article seems to suggest that at least one member of the Presidential family has been invited:

I disagree. You are dissembling. This would have been unimaginable even 10 years ago. It's definitely a sign of the times and a repudiation of the special relationship from the British side. On the other hand, Obama did it first, so certainly no one is calling foul on this side of the Atlantic.

Prince William is not the heir to the throne therefore it's not a State occasion so William and Catherine can practically chose who they want to be there. They want as they said in this time of recession to have a relatively small wedding in line with the feeling of the country. It's nothing to do with America or it's president.
I do like the way though you as an American is telling me as a Brit how things are done here, somewhat amusing. William knows the country wouldn't be happy if they had a lavish wedding when so many are having to tighten their belts and losing their jobs, it's how good sense, he also has a good sense of himself as a person rather than as a commodity. After the wedding they will be living in a cottage near his RAF base, they will be living to all intents and purposes as 'normal' a life as it's possible to in his position.

Ten years ago we weren't in recession, there was money for these big occasions, there simply isn't now so to keep it low key but still make it special is the challenge for the couple. Looking back and seeing insult in the way things are being done now is simply silly.
If Obama had been invited and had gone people would still be on his back for expensive flights, entourage, leaving the country etc. Have you thought too that William may not want his wedding upstaged by heads of state especially the American one turning up with their huge entourages? What's wrong with him and Catherine wanting as personal a wedding as they can get?

This is a sign of the times, a sign of resession, hardship and tightening our belts, it's not a British repudiation of the 'special relationship. Try this for size instead and don't tell me the Brits repudiate the Americans again.

the American were coming to get a British Marine for casevac to hosptial, they were shot down and in the horrendous fire British Marines rushed to save the crew. they had no firefighting equipment suitable for this fire so doused themselves in water and went in the burning wreck. It took half an hour to get one American out, I saw him interviewed on television and he said they wouldn't give up on him as they struggled to free him, he said they just kept saying hang on, you're getting out.

In bad times there is no USA or UK only 'us'. Don't make more of this no invite thing than there is, it's William and Catherine's wedding not a political event. Either be happy for them or ignore it.
Honestly chaps, you are reading things into this that are not there.

For a start, it has already been announced, at the time of their engagement, that because of the harsh economic times they did not feel that a massively lavish affair would be a sensitive move (of course, the royal houses idea of "not lavish" and mine will probably differ in scale :D).

Also, this article seems to suggest that at least one member of the Presidential family has been invited:


I'll withdraw my comment if Michelle Obama was indeed invited. Thanks.
Let's be real for a moment. If he wasn't invited to the wedding it is a big deal. If he was invited and declined the invitation that is another thing. Obama does not like the British people and they should just get used to that. He continues to snub them and will continue snubbing them every chance he gets.
Honestly chaps, you are reading things into this that are not there.

For a start, it has already been announced, at the time of their engagement, that because of the harsh economic times they did not feel that a massively lavish affair would be a sensitive move (of course, the royal houses idea of "not lavish" and mine will probably differ in scale :D).

Also, this article seems to suggest that at least one member of the Presidential family has been invited:


I was thinking that too! Seems though the Middleton family is chipping in as well and the pundits are saying the costs of the security etc will be outweighed by the money it brings in. Certainly hope so.
I doubt very much that America would be snubbed, the Ambassador will be invited to something associated with the wedding to make sure Americans and everyone else aren't left feeling they have been snubbed! We don't need the President to come over for every little thing, he and America have a high ranking ambassador here who is included in a lot of things British as a token of our friendship.
LOL, they should elope!

As American one should be happy that the pres isn't going out to party all the time...

But I think the Royals can't please anybody anyhow. So what the heck:

I ma sure there are vendors and suppliers that are moping because they are not picked or because the orders aren't as big.
Naturally, they are being hated for having a big wedding. Compared to us regular folks.

And of course everybody wants to be on the guest list....

I keep forgetting that William is not - yet - heir to the throne...ole Chuck is still around...
I doubt very much that America would be snubbed, the Ambassador will be invited to something associated with the wedding to make sure Americans and everyone else aren't left feeling they have been snubbed! We don't need the President to come over for every little thing, he and America have a high ranking ambassador here who is included in a lot of things British as a token of our friendship.

In the article Suk posted, there's this little bit:

"There's a lot of protocol involved - many heads of state and European royal families must be accounted for and included."

I guess the US head of state has already been accounted for. No soup for Barack! LOL.
In the article Suk posted, there's this little bit:

"There's a lot of protocol involved - many heads of state and European royal families must be accounted for and included."

I guess the US head of state has already been accounted for. No soup for Barack! LOL.

The European Royal Families have to be invited they are all relatived, a lot of inbreeding there, hence the porphyria and haemophilia that is rife through all the families. The former disease is responsible for us losing and you gaining your country btw.

You don't have a head of state that is purely that unlike many countries, your head of state runs the country and is a political post. Many heads of state aren't a political position so can be invited without showing favour to any political view. Many of the other heads of state are from the Commonwealth countries, others are the responsibility of the UK and have the Queen as head of their country, not to invite them is not to invite relatives. As I said you have an ambassador to represent you anyway.
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There is also the idea that the US Ambassador might present a more appropriate gift to the young couple, than say a set of dvds (coded for the wrong region) or a collection of speeches. ;)
There is also the idea that the US Ambassador might present a more appropriate gift to the young couple, than say a set of dvds (coded for the wrong region) or a collection of speeches. ;)

He might even pay it out of his own pocket, save the tax payer money lol.
"There's a lot of protocol involved - many heads of state and European royal families must be accounted for and included."
Many heads of state and European royal families are related by blood and marriage to the British Royal family, you have to invite family...
So whats the deal?
I thought the entire world wanted Obama as president...
They didnt like the Change after all either huh?

It would be more accurate to say that the world, on the whole, would rather have Obama / Biden than McCain / Palin.
That said, I don't know why Obama should fly over or be personally invited. That is what ambassadors are for.

As was explained in the article, William is not yet a crown prince, hence his wedding is not a state affair that requires or warrants the attendance of the President.
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