Obama's aunt found in Boston Slum

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
London Times Excerpt:

October 30, 2008
Found in a rundown Boston estate: Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango

'Auntie Zeituni', who, with Uncle Omar, dropped out of sight after moving to the US, is backing the presidential candidate from her modest flat

Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.
Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston.
A second relative believed to be the long-lost “Uncle Omar” described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.
The US press has repeatedly rehearsed Mr Obama’s extraordinary odyssey, but the other side of the family’s American experience has only been revealed in parts. Just across town from where Mr Obama made history as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, some of his closest blood relatives have confronted the harshness of immigrant life in America.
In his book Mr Obama writes that “Uncle Omar” had gone missing after moving to Boston in the 1960s – a quarter-century before Mr Obama first visited his family in Kenya. Aunt Zeituni is now also living in Boston, and recently made a $260 campaign contribution to her nephew's presidential bid from a work address in the city.
Speaking outside her home in Flaherty Way, South Boston, on Tuesday, Ms Onyango, 56, confirmed she was the “Auntie Zeituni” in Mr Obama’s memoir. She declined to answer most other questions about her relationship with the presidential contender until after the November 4 election. “I can’t talk about it, I just pray for him, that’s all,” she said, adding: “After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.”

If his aunt and his brother are an indication of how he cares for his family, I don't want to see how he cares for our country...
If only he had seven houses so he could let each of his relatives live in one.

Must I really be my uncle's keeper?
Arnisador, Obama is a millionaire. He could easily afford to suuport his brother, who lives in utter destitution in Africa, as well as help out his aunt. If he wanted to do so.

As for houses, maybe he can get his convicted slum lord friend Resko to get him another sweet heart deal so his relatives could live in Chicago with him. Sound good?

Obama was the one who was saying we are our brothers keepers.


Arnisador, Obama is a millionaire. He could easily afford to suuport his brother, who lives in utter destitution in Africa, as well as help out his aunt. If he wanted to do so.

As for houses, maybe he can get his convicted slum lord friend Resko to get him another sweet heart deal so his relatives could live in Chicago with him. Sound good?

Obama was the one who was saying we are our brothers keepers.



He's a recent millionaire. In fact, according to Michelle Obama, they're still paying off their student loans.

His conact with his aunt was minimal enough that he might not even have known she was in the country.

His brother's life, while abyssmal by our standards, is pretty common in Africa. IS Obama supposed to bring all his relatives to the U.S., or hand out money to all of them, or what? And, since it's the half-brother of an absentee father we're talking about, how related is he supposed to feel about him, in all fairness?

How might you feel about such an individual in your life? Obligated? Hateful? Or, perhaps, simply unattached?
He's a recent millionaire. In fact, according to Michelle Obama, they're still paying off their student loans.

Doesn't she make over $300,00 a year herself? That's not including what he's pulling down. Maybe they could toss a grand to his brother. I'm sure thet could spare that and still make their loan payments on time.

His conact with his aunt was minimal enough that he might not even have known she was in the country.

Other people certainly seemed to know. Maybe they should ask Obama what papers he reads so we know how well informed he is of what's happening in the world, to say nothing of what's going on in his own family.

His brother's life, while abyssmal by our standards, is pretty common in Africa. IS Obama supposed to bring all his relatives to the U.S., or hand out money to all of them, or what? And, since it's the half-brother of an absentee father we're talking about, how related is he supposed to feel about him, in all fairness?

He's the one saying we're our brothers' keepers. Charity starts at home. Perhaps he could set an example for the rest of us if he wants us to take him seriously. And I don't mean setting an example by using other people's money to help his family when he's clearly capable of doing so himself.

How might you feel about such an individual in your life? Obligated? Hateful? Or, perhaps, simply unattached?

Me? I'd feel obligated. But that's because I do take seriously the Biblical injunction that we are our brothers' keeper.


Just last weekend I was sitting at dinner with a group of relatives, three of which are millionaires. Do they have any obligation to give me handouts? Do I have any right to expect such? No, is the simple answer.

Honestly chaps, give the puerile partisan nonsense a break.

You Republican's know how you're going to vote, as do any Democrats who read this. So what do you accomplish (other than winding up an Englishman who is thousands of miles away :D)? It's name-calling and personal mockery dressed up as political commentary.

Of course, it might be interesting to think what you might be saying if Mr. Obama did do all that you are asking of him.

Would you be holding up for ridicule his profligacy in throwing money at his relatives thus keeping them beholden to him rather than allowing them to make their own way in the world? I'm sure you'd find something bad to say about it, like everything else he says and does.

It's very aggrivating, even to those of us who have no stake in the whole circus.

EDIT: Just to clarify, in case it was at all unclear, the above was not directed at a specific individual in this thread but was an ill-placed emotional response to the general flow of months of 'rotten tomato' throwing which does not, in my not-so-humble opinion, constitute viable argumentation.
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Just last weekend I was sitting at dinner with a group of relatives, three of which are millionaires. Do they have any obligation to give me handouts? Do I have any right to expect such? No, is the simple answer.

Honestly chaps, give the puerile partisan nonsense a break.

You don't have a responsibility to look out for your family members? That's just sad. And note, we're not talking about giving Obama's brother half of everything he owns. I'm saying maybe kick the poor guy a grand so he can better his conditions. This situation is much closer and direct than 99.9% of those things that are covered by tax money. As I said before, charity (and no it's not a dirty word; it means love) starts at home.

You Republican's know how you're going to vote, as do any Democrats who read this. So what do you accomplish (other than winding up an Englishman who is thousands of miles away :D)? It's name-calling and personal mockery dressed up as political commentary.

If you don't like getting "wound up" why read threads that have to do with politics in another country?

Of course, it might be interesting to think what you might be saying if Mr. Obama did do all that you are asking of him.

Me personally? I'd be saying something along the lines of: "He actually believes the things he says and cares about his family."

Would you be holding up for ridicule his profligacy in throwing money at his relatives thus keeping them beholden to him rather than allowing them to make their own way in the world?

This is a false dichotomy. It is one's responsibility to help their family. And giving them money - if you have enough - can be used to help them get an education, a marketable skill, etc. It doesn't even have to go directly to them. You could simply say you're going to pay for their school, clothes to wear to a job interview, etc. I have several relatives who are by no means rich and yet they have helped out other people in the family, including buying a house for some and then allow them to be paid back instead of having them have to get approved for a mortgage. Oh, yeah, they are some of those evil Republicans who believe in free markets.

Government welfare systems often penalize people when they try to do things such as save the money they get so they can invest it in bettering themselves.

I'm sure you'd find something bad to say about it, like everything else he says and does.

This is a fine example of prejudicial thinking. As I said before, if he actually helped his own family I'd be impressed. Why would I fault someone for doing something I know is the right thing?

It's very aggrivating, even to those of us who have no stake in the whole circus.

Then why read threads in the U.S. Elections & Candidates section?


Just last weekend I was sitting at dinner with a group of relatives, three of which are millionaires. Do they have any obligation to give me handouts? Do I have any right to expect such? No, is the simple answer.

Obama quite explicitly believes that millionaires should be giving handouts. He believes this so strongly that, rather than wait for said millionaires to give of their own will, he would pass higher tax laws to prise the money from their hands. Not for the benefit of family, but for the benefit of strangers. Some of whom may come by their indigence quite innocently, while others are reaping the wages of the choices they have made in life. And yes, it will be presented to us, as it always is, as "our obligation".

So yeah, I would expect a man with these convictions to take care of his family to the best of his ability. Maybe if people did more to help their own families, they wouldn't have to take money from other people to get the job done.

Is Barack Obama his uncle's keeper? Yeah, he goddamn well better be before he asks, or rather forces, the rest of us to be his uncle's keeper.

Update: I think this post over at NRO is rather timely.
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I see I failed to make my point entirely there :D. Never mind.

Chris, the reason why I read these threads is because I have to as part of my duties here. Historically, the 'Election' threads are the ones that have promulgated more aggrivations and RTM's than any other section of the boards - so they have a very high 'police' prescence. Today, after a particularly awful time at work, this 'copper' had had enough and 'leaked' a little on his keyboard :o.
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I see I failed to make my point entirely there :D. Never mind.

Chris, the reason why I read these threads is because I have to as part of my duties here. Historically, the 'Election' threads are the ones that have promulgated more aggrivations and RTM's than any other section of the boards - so they have a very high 'police' prescence. Today, after a particularly awful time at work, this 'copper' had had enough and 'leaked' a little on his keyboard.
To expand a little upon Marks well done post. The mod staff here at MT take very seriously the duties assigned to us by Mr. Hubbard. We, as staff, are under certain restrictions that other members aren't. If you find a particular poster to be so far across the aisle from your own views you are welcome to use the "Ignore" feature and not have to see any of their posts. Mods can't do that. MT bills itself as a friendly place for discussion and the staff must walk a razors edge to maintain that friendly atmosphere while allowing for often spirited debate. The Study and its sub-forums are under stricter rules than the rest of the board and, as Mark said, generate many more reports than other parts of it. Having said that I'll also point out that mod staff members must follow the same rules as all other members when posting in an "unofficial" capacity.

Obama's Hilbilly Brother Threatening to Derail Campaign!

BOONEVILLE, KY—Barack Obama's once-commanding lead in the polls slipped to two points Monday, continuing a month-long slide that many credit to the recent appearance of the Democratic candidate's heretofore unknown half-brother, Cooter Obama.
Long kept a family secret, the overalls-clad, straw-chewing Kentuckian first entered the public spotlight in July, when he drove his 1982 Ford flatbed pickup through the press corps at an Obama rally in order to inform his brother that he caught the skunk that had been living under his front porch. According to witnesses, Cooter's skunk proceeded to spray Washington Post political reporter Michael D. Shear in the face.

And, on a more serious note:

But reports surfaced in the past few days, springing from an Italian Vanity Fair article saying George Obama is living in a shack and "earning less than a dollar a day."

The reports left him angry.
"I was brought up well. I live well even now,"
he said. "The magazines, they have exaggerated everything.

"I think I kind of like it here. There are some challenges, but maybe it is just like where you come from, there are the same challenges," Obama said.

Obama, who is in his mid-20s, is learning to become a mechanic and is active in youth groups in Huruma. He said he tries to help the community as much as he can.

Seen here
Obama quite explicitly believes that millionaires should be giving handouts. He believes this so strongly that, rather than wait for said millionaires to give of their own will, he would pass higher tax laws to prise the money from their hands. Not for the benefit of family, but for the benefit of strangers. Some of whom may come by their indigence quite innocently, while others are reaping the wages of the choices they have made in life. And yes, it will be presented to us, as it always is, as "our obligation".

Isn't this equally true of the Republicans? No one is proposing a repeal of the income tax. We're talking about a matter of degree. Both candidates would prise money from the hands of the wealthy; they disagree on the exact amount. Is John McCain's proposal the least one should ask of the rich--the absolute minimum amount?

So yeah, I would expect a man with these convictions to take care of his family to the best of his ability.

Do we know whether he's tried? Many people would refuse such help out of pride.
He's a recent millionaire. In fact, according to Michelle Obama, they're still paying off their student loans.

His conact with his aunt was minimal enough that he might not even have known she was in the country.

His brother's life, while abyssmal by our standards, is pretty common in Africa. IS Obama supposed to bring all his relatives to the U.S., or hand out money to all of them, or what? And, since it's the half-brother of an absentee father we're talking about, how related is he supposed to feel about him, in all fairness?

How might you feel about such an individual in your life? Obligated? Hateful? Or, perhaps, simply unattached?

I think the point they're trying to make, put in the simplest of terms is that B.O. "Talks the talk", but doesn't appear to "walk the walk."

If he expects every American citizen to be our brother's keeper, maybe he should lead by example.
I think the point they're trying to make, put in the simplest of terms is that B.O. "Talks the talk", but doesn't appear to "walk the walk."

If he expects every American citizen to be our brother's keeper, maybe he should lead by example.


I'd like a show of hands of how many people in this thread pool money and resources with their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles so that all may benefit from the general family welfare? OR, do you each have your own private, financial lives?

George's own quote:
At least one of his neighbors feels that perhaps the candidate should help the brother.

"I would like Obama to visit his brother to see how he is living, to improve his way of life," said Emelda Negei, who runs a small dispensary near Obama's house.

But George Obama will have none of it. He draws inspiration from his famous half-brother. He acknowledges that he is biased but said he knows that his half-brother will be the next president.
"Because he wants to be [president]," he said. "I think in life, what you want is what you are supposed to get."

So ... if he WERE to accept charity from his brother would he then be a moocher?

C'mon, folks.
London Times Excerpt:

October 30, 2008
Found in a rundown Boston estate: Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango

'Auntie Zeituni', who, with Uncle Omar, dropped out of sight after moving to the US, is backing the presidential candidate from her modest flat

Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.
Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston.
A second relative believed to be the long-lost “Uncle Omar” described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.
The US press has repeatedly rehearsed Mr Obama’s extraordinary odyssey, but the other side of the family’s American experience has only been revealed in parts. Just across town from where Mr Obama made history as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, some of his closest blood relatives have confronted the harshness of immigrant life in America.
In his book Mr Obama writes that “Uncle Omar” had gone missing after moving to Boston in the 1960s – a quarter-century before Mr Obama first visited his family in Kenya. Aunt Zeituni is now also living in Boston, and recently made a $260 campaign contribution to her nephew's presidential bid from a work address in the city.
Speaking outside her home in Flaherty Way, South Boston, on Tuesday, Ms Onyango, 56, confirmed she was the “Auntie Zeituni” in Mr Obama’s memoir. She declined to answer most other questions about her relationship with the presidential contender until after the November 4 election. “I can’t talk about it, I just pray for him, that’s all,” she said, adding: “After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.”

If his aunt and his brother are an indication of how he cares for his family, I don't want to see how he cares for our country...

I do not agree with Mr. Obama.

But I have a problem with the relationship here being drawn here.

I have family that choose to live a certain way. They choose not to go to school or to work hard to try to improve. They are not my Brother or Step-Brother or Step-Sister, but if you look at cousins their parents aunt's and uncles then there could be a large difference in the life style or how it is perceived people live.

Even my Brother who did not go to college but is self taught for programming skills worked hard to get where he is at today to support his wife and two kids. But our paths where very different and we are brothers.

To say I do not care for my family when there is nothing one can do to help them but to let them struggle or do what they want and live with their choices and the actions they have taken.

Like I said I do not agree with the politics of Mr. Obama, but I have a hard time taking in this comparison as a representation of how a person will act.