New Year Meet and Greet

Brad Dunne

Brown Belt
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
After reading several threads like "Real TKD" and "Making TKD Better", folks have offered insightful personal responses. Got me to thinking, perhaps it's time for a MT/TKD meet and greet. I'm sure other's would be more than eager to participate. Just a cursory observation here, but it seems that there are more than a few from the central portion of the U.S., so perhaps it could be located in this general area?

Anyone interested in hosting such an event after the holidays?
Well I hosted the Southern Meet and greet last year so I will be able to host the TKD one as well. If people are serious let me know. My doors are always open and I have 7600 square feet of space.
Well I hosted the Southern Meet and greet last year so I will be able to host the TKD one as well. If people are serious let me know. My doors are always open and I have 7600 square feet of space.

Some day Father Greek and I will make it down there...
Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?

Yeah, it's and old saying, but true. If this happens, it won't be until most likely february or march, so there's time to schedule some time. It would be just a weekend time frame I would assume, so it could fit in to just about anyone's agenda.

Count me in if we can get this off the ground.
Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?

Yeah, it's and old saying, but true. If this happens, it won't be until most likely february or march, so there's time to schedule some time. It would be just a weekend time frame I would assume, so it could fit in to just about anyone's agenda.

Count me in if we can get this off the ground.

Best hold off until Spring..Get through all these upcoming asinine holidays first.....Where are you located Brad??
We've done one in NY since 2005, Terry hosted one in TX last year. Was supposed to be a mid-west meet in 06 I think it was, that fell through. Next NY meet is tentativey planned for June 09.
We've done one in NY since 2005, Terry hosted one in TX last year. Was supposed to be a mid-west meet in 06 I think it was, that fell through. Next NY meet is tentativey planned for June 09.

Man this is gonna be a busy year..Some kind of training every month starting in April...I gotta get my back fixed and get back to work, I'm gonna need the money..
We've done one in NY since 2005, Terry hosted one in TX last year. Was supposed to be a mid-west meet in 06 I think it was, that fell through. Next NY meet is tentativey planned for June 09.

June is better for me you know July is busy with Nationals. Also Brad if you like we can host one here like last year just PM me OK.
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If you're in TX, Terry, I might be able to drive down. I am in KS. My mom lives in Corpus and I have another martial art acquaintance in TX somewhere...I think Austin. TX is a big place, I have driven through a couple times. I would love to take some time off for a road trip and incorporate a meet-up into that trip. And it would be nice to meet you, Terry. I enjoy your posts. Where in TX are you?
If you're in TX, Terry, I might be able to drive down. I am in KS. My mom lives in Corpus and I have another martial art acquaintance in TX somewhere...I think Austin. TX is a big place, I have driven through a couple times. I would love to take some time off for a road trip and incorporate a meet-up into that trip. And it would be nice to meet you, Terry. I enjoy your posts. Where in TX are you?

Arlington between Dallas/FtWorth and yes it would be great to meet other folks from this site.