Muay thai sparring tips


White Belt
I have been training for about 2 months now and had my first experience of contact sparring the other night which I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm ok with the techniques in practise but when sparring......I got punched in the face a few too many times. One chap in particular would wait for me to throw a punch then clipped me every time

Aside from a better defence has anyone got any advice?
I'm ok with the techniques in practise but when sparring......I got punched in the face a few too many times.
Work on moving your head(slipping and lateral movement) it will work wonders.

One chap in particular would wait for me to throw a punch then clipped me every time

Aside from a better defence has anyone got any advice?

If he is doing it every time use it to your advantage and throw some off-speed techniques. They won't be there when he thinks they will and it will throw off his rhythm.

At this point in your training just keep working your basics and sparring every chance you get. It take stime to become a good fighter.
I have been training for about 2 months now and had my first experience of contact sparring the other night which I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm ok with the techniques in practise but when sparring......I got punched in the face a few too many times. One chap in particular would wait for me to throw a punch then clipped me every time

Aside from a better defence has anyone got any advice?

First off, welcome to Martial Talk! :)

As for your question. Considering that you're new to the art, I'd suggest starting off slow. Nobody becomes perfect overnight. I'd start by isolating certain things and working on those. For example: rather than just jumping into the ring and going all out, I'd have your partner throw some slow strikes at you, while you just work on your defense. This is going to include footwork, blocking, bobbing, weaving, etc.

Like anything, practice is key. Take your time and work on the fundamentals. Theres alot of time left for the free sparring.

Hello, Also it takes a few months of getting hit in the face/body before the boby learns to take the pains, (toughten the body).

Also the boby can take alot of punishment...the head Not to much...Learn to always cover up or keep one hand high to the head...

like above learn to bob, weave, move,...these will take time and lots and lots of step at a time..many, many months to years..

Using your head? not as a tarket...............Aloha
Excellent - thanks for those.

So I guess that repetition really is the mother of skill.

Looking back, there was zero bobbing/weaving so will give that a bash next time and now that I've got his counter punching strategy sussed...

Cheers again