Frank Trejo gets kicked.


Purple Belt
Oct 27, 2002
Reaction score
Bellingham, MA
I herd Mr Trejo recieved his 10th degree kick from Mr. Mike
at the big tourney this past weekend. Did anyone here go.

any info would be cool for those of us stuck in the cold.

Respectfully Dan Brady.
i heard that he recive his 10th about a year ago but never wore it as far as i know he recvid it from or with the wkka
Congrats to Mr Trejo!!!

Hopefully someone will post a pic of that kick!
Pick did not blast Trejo, the kick was very moderated. Pick's presentation was one of respect and admiration.


Who are all the Kenpo 10th dans, and how did they get them?

I know of Larry Tatum (who I thought was somewhere around 4th-7th when EP died), and I think Ron Chapél, and I had never previously heard of Pick. Were they all self promoted when they started their own Kenpo group/federation?

Just purely out of curiousity, since I don't study Kenpo. Thanks! :)

Congrats to Trejo.
It was a great thing to witness. Mr. Trejo certainly deserved it. Jokingly Trejo covered his groin with his hands and smilled at the audience. Pick gave him a respectful tap. Shook his hand and gave him a hug. Trejo was humble in his acceptance and credited his knowledge and rank to those who came before him.
All in all, a good night.

Marcus Buonfiglio
He started under Parker as a 10 year old in 1957. He remained a long time student and friend to Parker until Parker's death. In 1994 Tom Garriga (sp?), Tino Tuiolosega (old time Parker training partner from Hawaii) and bunch of other students promoted Pick to 10th. Parker refered to Mike Pick as his "Top student in knife fighting."

I believe Tatum promoted himself with the creation of his school and organization. Tatum successfully ran West LA for many years and recieved a 7th from Parker in 1986.

Chapel helped run the Internationals and help start the BKF. I believe he was promoted to 9th by a non-Kenpo organization. I saw a 10th he put on some years was adjusted to respect Parker's 10th....then he took it off and maybe he has put it on again. Parker told many people in around 1990 that he never promoted Chapel, yet Chapel has a 7th cert.


Mr. Planas began his training in Kenpo in Fresno, Ca. in the late sixties under
Steve Labounty and Tom Kelly. He moved to Texas to Help Tom Kelly open a school in
El Paso in 1969 and then moved to Pasadena, California to go to work for Ed Parker
as a Brown Belt. He received his Black Belt and all subsequent rank through Ed
Parker up to Seventh Degree, the highest non-honorary, non-political rank given by
Parker in 1985. He became the Manager of the Pasadena school for several years as
well as the E.V.P. of the I.K.K.A. for the last ten years Parker lived.

After Parkers passing other associations were formed, one of which Promoted Planas
to Eighth degree in 1991 and in 1995 several associations joined together to
promote him to 9th Black.

I heard that he was promoted to 10th black
at the birthday bash this past year. He wasn't too happy about
it either (from what I hear).
Originally posted by Kirk
I heard that he was promoted to 10th black
at the birthday bash this past year. He wasn't too happy about
it either (from what I hear).

I have no problems with Mr. Planas getting a tenth. He has a tremendous amount of knowledge.
Originally posted by Kirk
He received his Black Belt and all subsequent rank through Ed
Parker up to Seventh Degree, the highest non-honorary, non-political rank given by
Parker in 1985.

I heard


I have read this before, and knowing that you are simply passing on someone else's statement, wouldn't that presume that Hebler's 7th was either honorary and/political? Please know that I mean a constructive dialogue here...but also, how can any promotion above 3rd degree not be political when those ranks were only based on your contribution to the art, as opposed to knowing or performing material?

I've been around Planas and what he teaches, he knows very well. He's been very generous to me and surely did a lot of work for Parker and the IKKA. My question is only about this statement in your post.


Originally posted by Wes Idol

I have read this before, and knowing that you are simply passing on someone else's statement, wouldn't that presume that Hebler's 7th was either honorary and/political? Please know that I mean a constructive dialogue here...but also, how can any promotion above 3rd degree not be political when those ranks were only based on your contribution to the art, as opposed to knowing or performing material?

This is a bit embarassing to say, but I just took that statement as
fact. :iws: Thanks for making me think.

Along that same vein though, why 3rd? Aren't there requirements
that require testing, up to 5th? Or am I wrong here too? ;)
Originally posted by Wes Idol
but also, how can any promotion above 3rd degree not be political when those ranks were only based on your contribution to the art, as opposed to knowing or performing material?

I thought 4th, not 3rd, had been the last material based rank.
Originally posted by Elfan
I thought 4th, not 3rd, had been the last material based rank.

Well going by the 3 posts, I'm gonna assume (until someone says
otherwise) that it's an organizational thing.

I know Tatum's b.b.'s have been taught more techs than at my
school, so that would explain the difference.
Originally posted by Kirk
Well going by the 3 posts, I'm gonna assume (until someone says
otherwise) that it's an organizational thing.

I know Tatum's b.b.'s have been taught more techs than at my
school, so that would explain the difference.

The LTKKA and IKKA (at least currently) run the 24 tech per belt system which is why the requirements end at 3rd Black for us. If the requirements go all the way to 5th then there's no room for seasoning in the 4th up ranks because technically you're still just learning. The idea of having the title of Professor rank at 5th is to allow that seasoning of time in system to engrain all the material and become proficient in the requirements to 3rd and to promulgate your art with that knowledge. Just my thoughts.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
The LTKKA and IKKA (at least currently) run the 24 tech per belt system which is why the requirements end at 3rd Black for us. If the requirements go all the way to 5th then there's no room for seasoning in the 4th up ranks because technically you're still just learning. The idea of having the title of Professor rank at 5th is to allow that seasoning of time in system to engrain all the material and become proficient in the requirements to 3rd and to promulgate your art with that knowledge. Just my thoughts.

Have a great Kenpo day


I can understand that. And to be honest, I DO KNOW that there's
less techs than yours .. but I do NOT know, for a fact, that 5th has
tech requirements for it. I can't remember where I heard it.
At my school the 155 techs, but the extensions for orange are
required for black.
In the UKS, we have adopted the 16 tech. set up. There is written material up to 5th degree.


Originally posted by Wes Idol



Only a person of questionable motives or limited intelligence would make negative statements about a person in public without first hand knowledge of what they speak. The constant barrage of "I heard and he saids" with inuendos and sly underhanded comments are juvenile, especially while you sign "respectfuly."
Next time I'll post in the TKD threads less mud slinging going on there.

Back to my original thread- Congrats to MR Trejo.

To MR. PIck thank you, for recognizing Mr.Trejo for his dedication and not only love for the art but for his contributions to all of us.

see you both in the TKD threads.

Dan ( kenpo's bastard child ) Brady.