Mom Charged For Sending Child To Better School

Actually, they can't be held to a higher standard and they can't be paid according to their committment, that would violate the union contract.
Edit: Just... can you... please... never mention anyone riding Billicihak's *** again. A picture flashed in my head of a young Capt. Kirk in a compromising position with a prominent, closeted gay Republican politician. :D

Entry made by Science Officer Spock.
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Nothing wrong with wanting your kids to get an education.
Committing fraud however to do so is a crime, last I heard.
You can also argue 'theft of services'.
Nothing wrong with wanting your kids to get an education.
Committing fraud however to do so is a crime, last I heard.
You can also argue 'theft of services'.

Well, the kid is eligible for school... so those services were not stolen.

And since the mother was homeless...

It is a rather odd scenario.
A child's education is at stake... and people want to nit-pick because a woman lied so that her child can get the best education she can find for them... right homeless people should be uneducated and useless.

I education is VERY important. IMO, without at the least, a HS diploma/GED, you're probably going to be very limited as to what you can do for a living. But, to play devils advocate for a moment...if we were to allow people to pick and choose where their kid(s) go to school, just because one school is supposedly better than another, what do we then do about over crowding? You could have 1 school with 10 kids in it, and another with hundreds.
Well, if you have a voucher program where the money follows the kids, the good school with a hundred kids can always build an addition, and while they are waiting for it to be built they could rent out space somewhere or bring in mobile offices. The school with the 10 kids is doing something wrong and would eventually be closed due to lack of money. Then those 10 kids can take their voucher money to a good school. But once again, the chances that kids can be freed from bad schools is slim because the unions fight tooth and nail against any parental choice options.
Do you just like riding Billicihaks *** or what? It does have to do with the subject, just because your looking to give someone a hard time doesn't mean its warranted. At least he added to the conversation.

as far as the actual subject goes, who cares our school system sucks as it is.
this is purely about the money.
and Its not the conservatives that are making a fuss about this woman moving her kid somewhere else.
I say bring the whole thing down and let the parents choose where to take their kids.

the thread to me is subject specific, and if he can express his need to spread the conservative manifesto I have every right to express my irritation it. Is this a martial arts forum or free republic?
Actually ganglian, it is the study, the political topics thread. apparently they let you post political topics here. If you want to post on martial arts topics they have over 90 other threads where you can post. The same jokers who have screwed up the school systems around the country are the ones who want to screw up our healthcare even worse than it is now.
Actually ganglian, it is the study, the political topics thread. apparently they let you post political topics here. If you want to post on martial arts topics they have over 90 other threads where you can post. The same jokers who have screwed up the school systems around the country are the ones who want to screw up our healthcare even worse than it is now.

whatever, other forums would call this a derail of the thread, it was about Education, NOT Healthcare, just saying
There's even more to it than the issue of government control.

Bridgeport, CT is possibly America's poster child for a city with issues. Over 95 percent of the children in the Bridgeport public schools are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Their property tax rate is by far the highest in the nation.

$65.00 per thousand is bloody ridiculous! I have high property taxes ... but my state has no income or sales tax, so its the homeowners that support the state's revenue. Even still, I pay one-third what Bridgeport homeowners do...and CT has both income and sales taxes.

The woman that sent her kid to Norwalk was jailed and fined. The woman in Norwalk whose address was used was kicked out of her Housing Authority home. I can't help but think that something was driving this action. Bridgeport and Norwalk are very diverse cities, I doubt that racism was at play. Is this Norwalk telling Bridgeport "We know you're broke...and broken. Don't bring your problems here" ?
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Kinda makes you wonder how bad Bridgeport must be if the district with the housing projects has the "good schools".
Folks, rather than trying to decide among yourselves about whether the thread is drifting too far, how about making use of the Report to Moderator button? That way, we'll look at it, and take appropriate actions. Let's be real -- there are quite a few posts every day, in lots of threads, and the staff hereabouts have lives outside of MT. (Or at least we pretend we do!)
Kinda makes you wonder how bad Bridgeport must be if the district with the housing projects has the "good schools".

Population in July 2009: 83,802
Estimated median household income in 2009: $72,752 (it was $59,839 in 2000)

Read more:


Population in July 2009: 137,298
Estimated median household income in 2009: $39,949 (it was $34,658 in 2000)

Read more:

Actually, they can't be held to a higher standard and they can't be paid according to their committment, that would violate the union contract.
That's partisan BS. Things can be done, but it would first take both labor and management to come to the table and bargain in good faith. Painting either side as the villain is just political partisanship and if solving the problem is the goal, pointing fingers is unproductive.

Carol, bridgeport sounds like a pretty rough place.
Now if this were me... because I'm just a bastard like that...

I'd have some mail delivered to my friend's place. Take it to the DMV and register my change of address with them and the post office.

"Well, gosh, I was homeless, until my friend took me in. I'm sorry I forgot to register my Change of address, that's what caused this whole mess, but as you can see by my drivers licence and postal records, this has been rectified..."
Well, if you have a voucher program where the money follows the kids, the good school with a hundred kids can always build an addition, and while they are waiting for it to be built they could rent out space somewhere or bring in mobile offices. The school with the 10 kids is doing something wrong and would eventually be closed due to lack of money. Then those 10 kids can take their voucher money to a good school. But once again, the chances that kids can be freed from bad schools is slim because the unions fight tooth and nail against any parental choice options.

And I'd imagine it'd only be a matter of time, before the public complains that their taxes will rise, parents will complain, and rightfully so IMO, that their kids are overcrowded, not getting a good education, etc. Its a trickle-down effect. That said, I say, stay in your own area. IMO, I find it hard to believe that 100% of the blame lies on the school. No, instead, I can't help but to think that some, no wait, a good portion of this has to do with kids not applying themselves. Once again, parents want to shift blame for their kids sucking *** in school, so they assume going to a 'better' school, will change that. Umm...not if the kids dont wanna apply themselves.
the thread to me is subject specific, and if he can express his need to spread the conservative manifesto I have every right to express my irritation it. Is this a martial arts forum or free republic?

That is correct. The topic is about the school system, not healthcare or anything else. I read his post as a simple reference, to the govt. taking over that so eventually......

But in any case, I was intending on talking about the school system. :)
I realize that schools are VERY diverse around the country and this view may not apply to all schools around the country.

But, where I live they have "school of choice". You can send your child to any school in the county if there is space available. One of the larger schools, does very poorly on testing scores and has the highest dropout rate among all the other schools. BUT, they actually have the most opportunities available than any of the other local schools as far as sports and education (one other school can match them with programs etc). In the past couple of years they have lost over 800 students to school of choice. Their rates are even worse than before and no one wants their kid to go to school there.

The problem for everyone else is that all of the problems that this school used to have are now spreading to the other schools because the problem kids at this school are now being moved to the other schools.

I think this is one of the cruxes of the matter. What do you do with children/young adults that have no desire to be in school and could care less and only want to cause problems while they are there?

Not sure if this is the case or not, but many times this is one of the roots to this type of scenario.
I realize that schools are VERY diverse around the country and this view may not apply to all schools around the country.

But, where I live they have "school of choice". You can send your child to any school in the county if there is space available. One of the larger schools, does very poorly on testing scores and has the highest dropout rate among all the other schools. BUT, they actually have the most opportunities available than any of the other local schools as far as sports and education (one other school can match them with programs etc). In the past couple of years they have lost over 800 students to school of choice. Their rates are even worse than before and no one wants their kid to go to school there.

Thats an interesting concept. I've never heard of that before. Is this something thats on a first come/first serve basis, do you have to apply to get selected, is it a lottery type drawing, etc?

The problem for everyone else is that all of the problems that this school used to have are now spreading to the other schools because the problem kids at this school are now being moved to the other schools. hit the nail on the head with this. IMO, this is probably the #1 reason why people who live in a more 'upscale' area, cringe, when kids from a larger city, start being bussed in.

I think this is one of the cruxes of the matter. What do you do with children/young adults that have no desire to be in school and could care less and only want to cause problems while they are there?

Not sure if this is the case or not, but many times this is one of the roots to this type of scenario.

I dont know if this is the case here either. What to do with the kids who could care less? IIRC, we've had that discussion on here a while back. Personally, I say part of the blame is on the parents. Interestingly enough, CT is trying to pass a bill that raises the dropout age to 18 instead of 16. As I've said before, IMHO, getting a HS diploma is crucial. Without that, unless you wanna sling burgers or work a min. wage job, ya gotta get that diploma. Dont wanna go to college? Fine. But at least muster enough effort to finish 12yrs of school.
Thats an interesting concept. I've never heard of that before. Is this something thats on a first come/first serve basis, do you have to apply to get selected, is it a lottery type drawing, etc? hit the nail on the head with this. IMO, this is probably the #1 reason why people who live in a more 'upscale' area, cringe, when kids from a larger city, start being bussed in.

I dont know if this is the case here either. What to do with the kids who could care less? IIRC, we've had that discussion on here a while back. Personally, I say part of the blame is on the parents. Interestingly enough, CT is trying to pass a bill that raises the dropout age to 18 instead of 16. As I've said before, IMHO, getting a HS diploma is crucial. Without that, unless you wanna sling burgers or work a min. wage job, ya gotta get that diploma. Dont wanna go to college? Fine. But at least muster enough effort to finish 12yrs of school.

MI recently changed the age from 16 to 18 as well. They are phasing it in right now, basically so the kids who are in HS now will be exempt and the 8th graders entering high school next year will be the first group under the law. This allows this to get support programs in place etc.

The school of choice depends on the grade and how many are trying to get in. For example, the school district I mentioned loses ALOT of students between 5th and 6th grades when the kids switch from their more local elementary schools to the bigger junior high schools. I know most schools don't have a waiting list for other grades, but for 6th there are lot of kids trying for those spots so they do a lottery system I believe to make it as fair as possible. What I don't know though is if a certain number of spots are held for a "first come, first served" basis as well for the people who didn't wait until the last minute. Also, because of the problem kids entering the schools and living in a different district many are implementing contracts that state if you are suspended a certain number of times you are denied status and must leave the school.

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