Martial Arts an expensive hobby

adictd2tkdgirl said:
Just to isn't $1000 for your test. It is a one time fee of $1000 to move into the Black Belt training. That happens at Blue Belt.

So, for the opportunity to train for your black belt you have to pay him $1000? is a word I would use, yes. There are a few others but the filter would remove them. ;)
$1000. at blue belt????!!! So you still have to pay $100. a month plus fork over that too? Or is that the only fee you pay from then on out at blue belt level? At blue belt in our school, it would be twelve months minimum to get to recommended black belt test, then pay the $150. for the test. That would be 49. tuition x12=600 about.+ the test 150=750. But then it is an additional required six months, 300.tuition +another 150. for the 1st dan test=450. So from blue belt up to 1st dan test it costs 1200. So if the 1000. is for et al, its not so bad. TW
adictd2tkdgirl said:
Just to isn't $1000 for your test. It is a one time fee of $1000 to move into the Black Belt training. That happens at Blue Belt.

Yeah, sketchy @ best! I don't even think that is a requirement of the $150 a month really spendy place in the exclusive neighborhood in my town! I hope he's not reading this thread.
Lisa said:
So, for the opportunity to train for your black belt you have to pay him $1000? is a word I would use, yes. There are a few others but the filter would remove them. ;)

Yes, that is correct. You pay a 1 time fee to move into that level of training. That is why I think we are being taken advantage of. You have put in so much time and effort and have reached your blue belt...not a lot of people are going to walk away from it...thus we pay the $1000.
It's amazing what you can scam people out of!
adictd2tkdgirl said:
Yes, that is correct. You pay a 1 time fee to move into that level of training. That is why I think we are being taken advantage of. You have put in so much time and effort and have reached your blue belt...not a lot of people are going to walk away from it...thus we pay the $1000.

Then if there is that reasoning, the $1000, aside from tuition, should be given back if they pass their black belt test, uh, with interest. ;) TW
adictd2tkdgirl said:
Yes, that is correct. You pay a 1 time fee to move into that level of training. That is why I think we are being taken advantage of. You have put in so much time and effort and have reached your blue belt...not a lot of people are going to walk away from it...thus we pay the $1000.

Can I ask how long it takes on average for a student at your school to reach black belt? How long until their blue belt?


adictd2tkdgirl said:
Yes, that is correct. You pay a 1 time fee to move into that level of training. That is why I think we are being taken advantage of. You have put in so much time and effort and have reached your blue belt...not a lot of people are going to walk away from it...thus we pay the $1000.

Any chance of you switching schools? Seriously, I am sorry but I can not possibly see myself handing someone $1000 just to train for my black belt plus pay a monthly fee on top of it.

How many belts between blue and black? How long does it take?
Have to agree. $1000 to train up from blue to black on top of everything else is (insert appropriate explicitive here)!! Can I ask how much the actual testing fee is for first black there?

i dont have that much expense. I pay 25 a month (college rate normaly its 45 a month) 25 for testing and i think its 400 for BB tests
adictd2tkdgirl said:
Yes, that is correct. You pay a 1 time fee to move into that level of training. That is why I think we are being taken advantage of. You have put in so much time and effort and have reached your blue belt...not a lot of people are going to walk away from it...thus we pay the $1000.

No offense but if you are taking TKD, your goal should be to reach BB level, you have to join a private club inside the club, what is next top secret training once your a BB for 10,000.00 oh my GOD. Find another school and quit throwing money away for this training.
This is why I'm glad I'm pursuing a career path that pays quite well. I'll never have to charge students but the bare minimum to cover costs. Which is also why I'd never make a good professional martial arts instructor, I'd have no desire to charge them, period
adictd2tkdgirl said:
I must admit that I am finding TKD very expensive. I am paying $100/mth, plus $50 for each test and I have to pay an additional $1000 to move into the Black Belt Ranking. Is this normal? I may be wrong, but it seems kind of excessive.

adictd2tkdgirl said:
I think that I just feel that my club is taking advantage of its members to some degree. They have over 500 students...

A $1000 fee to get a black belt? That's ridiculous! Over 500 students? Do yourself a favor...consider the number of students X $50 per test + $100 per month. You can get a rough idea where I'm going with this.... Make your own decision as to the motivation behind the school.

i dont know if it is apropriate to ask or not, but i am in the gta (Greater Toronto Area) and am kind of curious as to which school this is.
Lisa said:
Any chance of you switching schools? Seriously, I am sorry but I can not possibly see myself handing someone $1000 just to train for my black belt plus pay a monthly fee on top of it.

How many belts between blue and black? How long does it take?

It takes about 3 to 3.5 years to get your Black Belt. There are 7 belts between blue and black. (That includes the stripes)

I totally agree with your posts, but at the same token I really do love the school and I think the instrutctors are excellent. The facilities are top notch as well.

Should we not take into consideration that sometimes it costs more to have a higher level of education, because of the training and experience shared with you by your instructors??
adictd2tkdgirl said:
It takes about 3 to 3.5 years to get your Black Belt. There are 7 belts between blue and black. (That includes the stripes)

I totally agree with your posts, but at the same token I really do love the school and I think the instrutctors are excellent. The facilities are top notch as well.

Should we not take into consideration that sometimes it costs more to have a higher level of education, because of the training and experience shared with you by your instructors??

I suppose there is something to be said about a good education. If you are happy with your school and the instructors and okay with spending that kind of money, far beit from anyone here to tell you not to do it. You, and you alone, can be the only one to make the right decision for yourself.

As for paying more for good quality higher education, I agree with the premise wholeheartedly. But we are not necessarily talking about something that will be a career for you, or maybe we are? For myself, I would have a problem spending $1000 for "the opportunity to train" for a blackbelt because my extracirricular activities are exactly those, extras in my life to keep me happy and healthy and content.

If your plans for the future are to open up and run a successful TKD school and you think that this is necessary for you to be able to attain that goal, then by all means do what you need to.

Just remember to keep training no matter what your decision is :)
Lisa said:
I suppose there is something to be said about a good education. If you are happy with your school and the instructors and okay with spending that kind of money, far beit from anyone here to tell you not to do it. You, and you alone, can be the only one to make the right decision for yourself.

As for paying more for good quality higher education, I agree with the premise wholeheartedly. But we are not necessarily talking about something that will be a career for you, or maybe we are? For myself, I would have a problem spending $1000 for "the opportunity to train" for a blackbelt because my extracirricular activities are exactly those, extras in my life to keep me happy and healthy and content.

If your plans for the future are to open up and run a successful TKD school and you think that this is necessary for you to be able to attain that goal, then by all means do what you need to.

Just remember to keep training no matter what your decision is :)

Truthfully I was completely torn. When I heard about the fee I decided I was going to quit and train somewhere else (many people do that), but then I thought about how much I like the instruction. If I am having trouble with something, my instructor will find away to help me overcome it and (aside from 1 particular kick...which still bugs me!) I have been able to do that. Sometimes I think that many teachers would care less, you get your time of instruction and it is up to you to develop the technique.

Is this how it is at most schools? or would you say that your instructors have a similar approach as mine?

P.S. I don't think it would be fair to post the name of the school. The fact that you figured out it is in the GTA is pretty good investigative work in itself!
A good instructor will always help his student figure out technique. My wife, who teaches TKD often stays way after class to help individuals out. Same for our instructors. If I were you, I'd take a look around at other schools in your area. Who knows, you might even find one you like better.

adictd2tkdgirl said:
Truthfully I was completely torn. When I heard about the fee I decided I was going to quit and train somewhere else (many people do that), but then I thought about how much I like the instruction. If I am having trouble with something, my instructor will find away to help me overcome it and (aside from 1 particular kick...which still bugs me!) I have been able to do that. Sometimes I think that many teachers would care less, you get your time of instruction and it is up to you to develop the technique.

Is this how it is at most schools? or would you say that your instructors have a similar approach as mine?

P.S. I don't think it would be fair to post the name of the school. The fact that you figured out it is in the GTA is pretty good investigative work in itself!

I think there are a lot of good schools out there with excellent instructors and some bad schools out there. Unfortunately, all too often we hear more about the bad stuff then the good. Bad stuff makes for interesting news while compliments for good instructors and positive feedback are something we often forget to do.

The only way you will know for sure if the instructors are good in another school is to try it out. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find, or you may feel that the teaching methods of the instructors you have fit your style of learning better. Either way it will help you make a good choice for your training and that ultimately is the most important thing.
I agree with pretty much everyone before me.
The school tuition is kinda high but not unreasonable but to make sure, check out other TKD schools in your area and find out how much they charge and how many students in a class and what not.

Here in Texas I pay $65/3x a week and I can train more if I want too. Classes are 1 hour but can go longer if u want to work on more things.

The $1000 for the whole" train to get your BB or whatever they wanna call it this week" is b.s. and I really think you should find somehwere else. If the Kukkiwon only charges $70 then why should you pay a super inflated $1000???? Funny thing is, my master, terry and I was just talking about this very thing last Saturday.

It may be a good shool but check some other places. You are forking out way too much money. Also just b/c they charge alot doesnt mean that it is the best school. You cant always associate money with knowledge in MA, especially when many good masters teach out of a garage or something and may teach for free or for a few bucks.

If anything, I would say that the school is a good example of how to run a business or McDojo. Shop around before you hand out the money.
All I pay for is my monthly tuition ($65/month) and my TKD gear which my master may give me a discount on. There are no belt testing fee's and for my BB when I do get it, i will pay just the $70 that Kukkiwon charges.

Do your research and whatever you do make sure you are comfortable with it and let us know!

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