Last Poster #6

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My knees and hips complain less when I do more of the reasonable stuff (martial arts, hiking) and less of the unreasonable stuff (working on decks, terracing the yard, etc.). I like the way they think.

My knees complain whenever I stand up from a chair and every now and then my hips make themselves known when I am simply walking. Can't work on a rowing machine, can't do squats, even have trouble on an stationary bike, but doing Yang style taijiquan, they leave me alone for some reason,
My knees complain whenever I stand up from a chair and every now and then my hips make themselves known when I am simply walking. Can't work on a rowing machine, can't do squats, even have trouble on an stationary bike, but doing Yang style taijiquan, they leave me alone for some reason,
Yeah, I groan nearly every time I stand up these days. Rowing is still workable for me (in fact, my current favorite exercise), as are bodyweight or very lightweight squats. Deep stances are a no-go. I can get into them, but the moment I try to actually DO something there, my knees give out.
It was. I'm still not clear what all they ended up doing (some depended what he found once he got in). I think he didn't end up replacing the cartilege with an insert, but he did get the bone spur out. Hobbling for a couple of weeks in an "ugly shoe" (those flat, restrictive boots) to protect the joint. Hoping to be in shape for my next mud run in 6 weeks. Hoping.
I can shed some light on that. So, they went in and indeed found a nasty bone spur. Since the spur is not a structurally sound bone, there were also some bone shards floating around that tore at the cartilege. The spur was removed as were the little bits and pieces. The surgeon considered putting in an implant but decided against it, because the implant, as a foreign body was going to exert more pressure and cause more damage to the cartilege than already there. Instead, since the patient is comparatively young and reasonably healthy, he left the cartilege to heal on its own.
Yeah, I groan nearly every time I stand up these days. Rowing is still workable for me (in fact, my current favorite exercise), as are bodyweight or very lightweight squats. Deep stances are a no-go. I can get into them, but the moment I try to actually DO something there, my knees give out.

This is what I don't understand.

I can do this without any issues

But I can't do this


and I can do these too



But walking up and down stairs is uncomfortable.
This is what I don't understand.

I can do this without any issues

But I can't do this


and I can do these too



But walking up and down stairs is uncomfortable.
And I can't do the ones you can do. My PT was confused that I can't do wall sits without pain, but full squats are not an issue. Knees are weird, man.
This is what I don't understand.

I can do this without any issues

But I can't do this


and I can do these too



But walking up and down stairs is uncomfortable.
Totally different muscles and joints involved. If you ever consider doing PT, that's exactly the illustration you should provide to your therapist.
Pain when I was young is a lot different these days. Young pain is generally muscle but old person pain is every injury I ever got when I was young that went away within a day or so. Movement as mentioned is very beneficial. Mornings are bad when I first get up and if I don't do my morning stretch I will be in rough shape...
Pain when I was young is a lot different these days. Young pain is generally muscle but old person pain is every injury I ever got when I was young that went away within a day or so. Movement as mentioned is very beneficial. Mornings are bad when I first get up and if I don't do my morning stretch I will be in rough shape...

I'm right there, right now.
Pain when I was young is a lot different these days. Young pain is generally muscle but old person pain is every injury I ever got when I was young that went away within a day or so. Movement as mentioned is very beneficial. Mornings are bad when I first get up and if I don't do my morning stretch I will be in rough shape...
I'm really surprised by some of the injuries of my youth that don't hurt now. The ones that do were less painful then.
Pain when I was young is a lot different these days. Young pain is generally muscle but old person pain is every injury I ever got when I was young that went away within a day or so. Movement as mentioned is very beneficial. Mornings are bad when I first get up and if I don't do my morning stretch I will be in rough shape...

I so wish I didn't know what you were talking about. Oh, man.
Pain when I was young is a lot different these days. Young pain is generally muscle but old person pain is every injury I ever got when I was young that went away within a day or so. Movement as mentioned is very beneficial. Mornings are bad when I first get up and if I don't do my morning stretch I will be in rough shape...
I can sort of relate - just for a different reason. Chronic pain - but not due to age-related issues. Due to a skeletal (spinal) birth defect. In a way, I don't think I can relate to not being in pain, because this thing had always been there - it just gets worse from time to time. That's why I exercise like crazy - helps me keep it in line, figuratively and literally.
As the Hobbit said, all is well after the surgery. I’m restless and can do nothing about it. :bored:

Also, I’m not completely un-fogged, so probably should not be posting. :oops:
This should be fun. :)

Seriously, glad you're on the mend.
Our Warrior Dash photos are finally available. These are the two tallest obstacles. I used the planks on the right to climb the Damn Dam, @gpseymour ran and jumped in the middle.

This is El Capitan - 25 feet tall.

I never look this good jumping over things.

Case in point.

Just think - people pay hundreds of dollars to get mud treatments at a spa, and here, $65 gets you in if you register early.

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