Last Poster #6

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No, this requires a different approach. More like...

no no no...coders = developers...they are best dealt with like this

Oddly, we do.

Pretty much all meals are at the table - occasionally (maybe once or twice a fortnight) something like pizza or a takeaway are in the living room.

There's no TV in the dining room, and there's also a "no books or electronic device" rule while eating to the table.

Even for stuff like BBQs the options are stand up or use the outside table and chairs.

We do stop short of dressing for dinner though...
We eat at the table every night, but don't dress for dinner, either.

Still curious what a BBQ looks like in Britain.
I believe you mean coders == developers? Unless you are magically transforming coders into developers
No. In my case, coders are not developers. Coders are medical coders who put procedure and diagnosis codes on medical transcriptions to send to billing.
Still curious what a BBQ looks like in Britain.

Probably much like one in America.

Like a tray for holding fire, and a grille for holding lumps of quadruped or winged biped.

Sometimes there is a risk of Pimm's, more often a risk of rain.
Probably much like one in America.

Like a tray for holding fire, and a grille for holding lumps of quadruped or winged biped.

Sometimes there is a risk of Pimm's, more often a risk of rain.
I don't know. Somehow, I think you guys would British it all up. One too many pips and a few Cheerios to kill it completely.

Seriously, though, when you say bbq are you talking abiut grilling or actual, low temp bbq ribs, pulled pork, or brisket or the like?

As a quick appendix, I'd be leery of generalizing bbq even in america. Usa is big. Lots of different flavors of wierdo....
I don't know. Somehow, I think you guys would British it all up. One too many pips and a few Cheerios to kill it completely.

Seriously, though, when you say bbq are you talking abiut grilling or actual, low temp bbq ribs, pulled pork, or brisket or the like?

As a quick appendix, I'd be leery of generalizing bbq even in america. Usa is big. Lots of different flavors of wierdo....

I'm entirely unsure that I've ever used the word "cheerio" outside of a breakfast cereal conversation...

Grilling is something done with heat from above - like cheese on toast. Difficult to do with charcoal...

The traditional way to cook with a BBQ appears to be to put stuff like chicken lumps above flaming charcoal until it's black outside and pink (preferably with running blood) inside, serve with lashings of rain and spend the next 4 days yelling into the toilet.

That's not my method though...
And why is it that there are wear jeans Fridays but no ballgown Fridays?

Oh, office work with it's ridiculous efforts to try and instill a sense of camaraderie using pathetically tiny "rewards" that nobody really cares about - how I miss that.


Hang on.

No, I really don't miss it. At all.

Every day is "wear whatever you like" day for me now.

Although, a ballgown would make ladders difficult, and might get caught in the mower...
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