Last Person Thread #4

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I was going to go to my basement and workout/train last night after I got back from the why where I managed to do 8 lapse (without using my legs - my knees do not allow it) of the pool, if I had gone for 9 I would have drown. And then I came home and it had snowed, but not enough to justify the snow blower, so I shoveled my driveway. I came in with every intention of still going to my basement when something inside said.... what are you crazy, enough already, your old, go to I went to bed.... and worked out today
Weekend gone and after a bad night of waking up literally every hour I am now desperately tired and fighting the urge to curl up and go to sleep at my desk.
Good morning is that time of year...which I predicted in my office a couple of months is 30 degrees outside....and it feels warm...but not to worry....back to the teens the next couple of days
Marathon session with the girl scouts tonight....
We are heading into Cookie Season!

Oh, some markets may offer Gluten Free cookies...still not sin free, but to a lesser degree...(no sugar free ones though)

Anyhow...from 5 til 8....we got a lot accomplished though.
Still tired, but feeling more with it after a better night. Good fun session last night, now time to prepare for a tough Kenpo session this evening.
There, that's better, I was getting worried, it was warn here yesterday, at least now it is back to what I have come to expect as normal. It is 7F with a wind-chill of 0
snow that actually sticks....
Now please, we down here measure snow by flake, not in inches or even feet!
we got about an inch of snow yesterday, and it was very windy and the result was one side of my driveway had 6 inch deep snow drift and the other side had nothin'
I think we already got 1-2 inches....still coming down hard.
I do NOT own a snow shovel....and I am low on cat litter....forgot to get some at the store this morning....
One of the possibilities from WebMD says I have asymptomatic Dengue Fever. Huh? I think that I would remember a recent trip to the tropics.

I am going with Common Cold or possibly acute sinusitis on this one but, that doesn't mean that I like it!
One of the possibilities from WebMD says I have asymptomatic Dengue Fever. Huh? I think that I would remember a recent trip to the tropics.

I am going with Common Cold or possibly acute sinusitis on this one but, that doesn't mean that I like it!

Dengue Fever

And I think you would remember if it was 3 to 14 days ago.

Typically, people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80%) or only have mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever. Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion it is life-threatening. The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) ranges from 3–14 days, but most often it is 4–7 days. Therefore, travelers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have dengue if fever or other symptoms start more than 14 days after arriving home. Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea) and have a greater risk of severe complications, though initial symptoms are generally mild but include high fever.
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