Last Person Thread #4

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Happy Turkey day everybody...

I have to call my Dad later, probably getting chewed out....I forgot his birthday.
Well, I thought about it, but with the 7h time difference, I remembered when it was too late to call...
(3) hours traffic duty so 2000 + can do the turkey run (race).........Then, off to the in-laws for my own turkey run. :)
Finished in court again, not where I want to be but increasing time a week with little one for the intention to go to staying contact after the next hearing in January. Although for that to occur then we as parents have to discuss the arrangements and as my ex refuses to, I can't see anything happening. But on the plus side, 3.5 hours a week, raising to 6 hours a week after a month better than the 2hrs I was getting before. Hopefully this time next year it will all be good and I'll get to take her away for a holiday :)
We have a big family. Part of them were here yesterday. More will come today. I'm already feeling fat...
We'll be spending part of the day at the hospital visiting my mom, then joining inlaws for Thanksgiving dinner.
With very good friends for the holidays, and catching up with someone I have not seen in 10 years.

Happy to be here but also way overwhelmed by the crowd.

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We'll be spending part of the day at the hospital visiting my mom, then joining inlaws for Thanksgiving dinner.

sounds like my day, except we went to the in-laws first, then we stopped at the hospital to see my husband (he's fine and in good hands so no need to worry).

We had to stop at Wally World to pick him up some slippers...not easy when you need to look in the water ski section ;) but we found a pair...

But golly, it was weird: I think staff outnumbered customers like 3 to 1 (at least) whole aisles were blocked off, clothes racks roped off, people in yellow vests like traffic cops wear, sort off, at the end of the you snug in when the store was supposed to be closed! :lol:

I felt kind of stupid wishing the girl on the register a Happy Thanksgiving...she's working for crying out loud! :duh:
Wife left to go shopping. Ravens about to start. I just hope I can stay awake
Spent whole day either eating, spaced out because sisters say boring drama, tackle football, making jokes and or watching television
My mom is getting out of the hospital in about 20 minutes. Got to watch some football today.

Good news, hope she does well

Its funny how black Friday works... People always say it's violent or crazy personally its never seemed violent to me but then again I like being assertive bring it on other customers... :enguard:
Looking forward to the weekend, this week has been long, tiring and stressful. So with no plans except to bury myself under a mountain of curry tonight, I am looking forward at simply relaxing for a couple of days :)
Nice. Enjoy the downtime Mauthos, that is a valuable thing indeed!

Home from the Thanksgiving festivities, and the rest of the long weekend is looking quite busy too. Helping a friend move to their new home today, then a birthday party Saturday. There are four of us that all have our birthdays within 5 days of each other, so we're gonna celebrate them all at once. Don't know what I'll do Sunday, for my actual birthday. Maybe just crash :)
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