Last Person #5

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My youngest daughter and her hubby finished boarding up their home and evacuated this morning. Waiting to see how much damage the hurricane does.
I hope their problems are as minimal as can be, DD.

I hope all of our Houston-area MT folks are doing okay, as well.
Barely related thought: I heard an interesting bit of information this morning. Some research in brain studies shows that English-speaking musicians apparently do quite well in hearing the intonations inherent in (they referred to it as "Chinese" - I think it's Mandarin they're referring to) that most English-speakers find so difficult to learn.

All Chinese dialects have tones, some more that others, Mandarin, to us, has 4 tones, to mainland mandarin speakers 5 tones, Cantonese has 8 or more tones. And yes they are hard to pickup at conversational speed so context matters. But my youngest has no issue at all with it. Could be because she is a musician with perfect pitch, could be that she has heard the language her whole life too. But I am not surprised to hear musicians are better at hearing the tones.

Nà shì yī pǐ lǎo mǎ (that is an old horse)

not to be confused with

mǎ = horse
mā = mother
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I love eggplant parm. My wife makes a fantastic one. I'm still working on the leftovers from some she made earlier in the week. So, eggplant parm for lunch today!

I'm having it for lunch right now before work. Cheers, bro!
Friday night, 10PM, and I needed to be in bed an hour ago.

This adult life just sucks!
off to bed, so I can go to work tomorrow.

Did I mention this life sucks?!
Heading off soon to visit my grandmother. 92 years old, and her memory is understandably sketchy. This afternoon could feel long.
Heading off soon to visit my grandmother. 92 years old, and her memory is understandably sketchy. This afternoon could feel long.
i would make an old people joke but i cant remember any.

joking aside, good for you! hope everything goes well! :D
Heading off soon to visit my grandmother. 92 years old, and her memory is understandably sketchy. This afternoon could feel long.
Met a 101 year old lady this week.
Poor thing was sundowning badly, but she was so sweet!

Maybe you need to visit early in the morning! the memory/mind tends to be better
Barely related thought: I heard an interesting bit of information this morning. Some research in brain studies shows that English-speaking musicians apparently do quite well in hearing the intonations inherent in (they referred to it as "Chinese" - I think it's Mandarin they're referring to) that most English-speakers find so difficult to learn.
this doesnt surprise me. having been a musician and sound guy, i find sound engineers have incredible ears. some can listen to a mix of music and know exactly what frequencies need to be adjusted. (those old enough to remember "Risky Business" will remember Tom Cruise pushing all the faders up on his dads stereo.,, thats not how that thing is supposed to be used ...:artist:)
guys i know will hear ever flat/ sharp note in a vocal, every waver, every strained note.

the problem i have is not hearing the difference, its being able to make the sound myself. my wife is Thai and i can hear stuff but my brain turns off when i try to imitate it. same with my 7 yo son to a point, he understands her perfectly well but when asked to speak Thai he has problems. (when he goes back to Thai land it takes him a few weeks to regain the ability)
weird the way the brain works.
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