Last Person #5

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I may have another bourbon tonight. It's so nice. 8:30 and the sun is still shining. I love seattle summers.
Today's study question: if someone writes a post about their own personal martial arts journey on which they are walking, and you are not, how can you say "sorry, nope?" Your journey is your journey, mine is mine, and the twain shall never meet...and I would NEVER say the path you walk on is wrong. You have to find your own truth the way you see fit. My way isn't better. I mean, better for ME maybe, but not for you.
Had a fun group in for a short seminar today. A group of women (relatives and friends, apparently) getting together for the weekend decided they wanted a little bit of self-development time in their activities, and decided on some basic self-defense training. Lots of laughter and fun in and amongst the learning. One of those groups that makes teaching even more fun than it already is.
Today's study question: if someone writes a post about their own personal martial arts journey on which they are walking, and you are not, how can you say "sorry, nope?" Your journey is your journey, mine is mine, and the twain shall never meet...and I would NEVER say the path you walk on is wrong. You have to find your own truth the way you see fit. My way isn't better. I mean, better for ME maybe, but not for you.

Depends how much of a dumbass the are being.
Watching T.V. - the foot chase in Apocalypto while sipping some wine my buddy surprised me with. Not a bad way to unwind after work.
Thinking a bit of my grandfather today - he served in the US Navy in WWII. He came home, though some he served with did not.

For those not in the US, today is Memorial Day - a day to remember those who gave all in service.
First day back at work after sucks just as bad as I remember.
Thinking a bit of my grandfather today - he served in the US Navy in WWII. He came home, though some he served with did not.

For those not in the US, today is Memorial Day - a day to remember those who gave all in service.

My father was in Korea and Vietnam, 22 years navy, retired. Passed away in 2012, was at the National Cemetery this past weekend
My mother was in the Navy during Korea as well, still going strong
My fathers oldest brother was in WWII, deceased
Both my mother's brothers were in WWII (one was there on the beach for D-Day the other was in the pacific) The one at D-Day is deceased the other is in his 90s and still going.

Use to always take Memorial day pretty seriously, I was pretty much raised in the Navy, but it got a lot more serious in 2012.
A place in Saratoga called Putnam Market started following my webcomic's Twitter profile. We've been having a pretty interesting back and forth exchange about Mystery Science Theater. I sent out a Tweet about how my sons enjoy it, and Putnam Market asked if they liked old school or the new Netflix series. I said, "They like it all." So Putnam wrote back, "If you and your little ones need tips for healthy snack suggestions while you watch it, stop in and see us!"

So I said, "I will...if I can bring some fliers with the comic's URL on it to give to your customers!"

It was a goofy statement, to which I did not expect any kind of reply. To my surprise, they wrote back and said, "Give us a call!"
My trained killer watch squirrel on the job.


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