Last Person #5

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My trained killer watch squirrel on the job.

Your killer watch squirrel does not worry me so much...but your murderous knife wielding chipmunk is a bit concerning

They broke my door delivering a fridge a bit back. Had to have an attack Gecko on duty all night.

Doesn't look like much. But he knows Karate.
Good morning, everyone.

Been at work about 3 hours. Just got hit by a wave of nausea. :-( Might have to step out.
Greetings, earthlings.

Elbow deep in process and procedure work for a client. Long day today: 9 hours at client site, 45 minute coaching session, then off to catch a martial arts class. Still have some marketing and other work to get to - maybe not today.
Big steak coming. And mashed potatoes. And cold beer.
I'm a medium-rare to medium kind of guy. With A-1 sauce, especially on the potatoes.
Completely forgot I was going to set up a new blog for my Wing Chun training! Just goes to show how much this webcomic has been consuming me! pages are up. :)
Medium-rare tofu isn't nearly the same, Xue. (Though I've had some truly fantastic veggie/vegan meals, I'm an absolute omnivore.)

I eat meat, just not a lot and never red meat... but I eat Tofu too...and I have a baked tofu recipe I think is pretty good, but then one must like tofu otherwise they will not like it no matter what you do to it
And with that said..... time to make a mile run for my car... there is a sever T-storm coming and I would like to get to the car before it gets real bad...note: when I say run, it is more likely going to be a fast walk.
I eat meat, just not a lot and never red meat... but I eat Tofu too...and I have a baked tofu recipe I think is pretty good, but then one must like tofu otherwise they will not like it no matter what you do to it
I've had some quite good tofu. But the idea of tofu just cooked medium-rare...yikes.
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