United States Taekwondo Committee - What it is about

Actually you don't have the right to say and talk about anything you like. You cannot lie under oath for example, or you will be charged with perjury. There are also laws about fraud and misrepresentation, not to mention libel and slander.
Let look at this for a minute you say you cannot lie under oarth sure you can and some have and not been caught. Sure there are laws but also people have the right to there opinion even if it does not meet your guidelines.

Never said it was perfect. But just because it was not perfect does mean that we can or should perpetuate "rumor, speculation, innuendo" and falsehoods. Like I said, I have all the documents, all the financials, and every single written complaint sent to the USTU/USOC. All of this was subject to a lawsuit. It was because of those kinds of falsehoods and unsubstantiated complaints that we now have USAT, which everyone will tell you is ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times worse than what we had before. I would think that people would have learned from that experience. If you wish to continue with the negativity and falsehood, then by all means go ahead, just as long as you or anyone else is willing to accept the consequences of such actions, for yourself and for the future generations of Taekwondoin. Because that is what is at stake.

I am one of them saying the USTU was alot better than USAT, but that and a nickel will get you nothing so it is irreavent to this converstation. If people opinion was so highly accepted than TKD would have been dead a long long time ago. If anything it is bringing people back together that has been a part for years, so I see the negative as a positive for the TKD community.
I am one of them saying the USTU was alot better than USAT, but that and a nickel will get you nothing so it is irreavent to this converstation. If people opinion was so highly accepted than TKD would have been dead a long long time ago. If anything it is bringing people back together that has been a part for years, so I see the negative as a positive for the TKD community.

I have no problem bringing the community back together. But frankly, Taekwondo has been dead for years now, with the creation of USAT. I am beginning to wonder whether it will ever come back. What I do know is that making false statements about the USTU certainly is not helping. What is gained by making flippant erroneous comments like that? Answer: Nothing. So why do it?
Let look at this for a minute you say you cannot lie under oarth sure you can and some have and not been caught. Sure there are laws but also people have the right to there opinion even if it does not meet your guidelines.

Sure, people have a right to their "opinion". But if that opinion has no factual basis, then the person voicing such an opinion should not get angry if they are called on it.
Have you been to the new dojang on Springs Road? I believe it is 14,000 square feet. He is my direct senior. We went to the same high school.

But you would be amazed that the dojang now. Many have their own stand alone buildings. It's not like these examples are exceptions to the rule.

Master Lee is obviously following a very sound business model.. he's a very successful guy.

I don't know the one on Springs road.. The latest one I've seen is a new one on the corner of Research and Union.
Some people out there will take your story and say "See, that is evidence that money was stolen!". But the fact of the matter is that President Lee was the subject of an IRS audit and after that was completed, the IRS gave President Lee a $1500 refund because he overpaid on his taxes. These are the kinds of facts that I am talking about, specific direct facts, vs. passing on hearsay conclusions about this or that without a factual basis.

I never intended to insinuate that - not by any means. My apologies to all if what I said came across wrong.

Unless I know something as a fact, I will generally keep my mouth shut.
How do you get your car in your garage or get in your house for that matter? If you are to be believed you are an "expert" in everything dealing with past Korean TKD and have literature and books on all of it. Wow. And you you are also the only one with any knowledge of any of it. Sometimes you have some great things to say and I like to read it, then other times you come off as a completely arrogant sob... Its obvious you are a devoted "follower" and thats fine for you. But maybe, just maybe you need to peek out of your safe box and see the real world once in a while.

So you think Puunui sounds like an arrogant sob when he provides you with facts. What do you think you sound like when you provide us with false slander and baseless rumors?

Actually he is not a follower like you stated. He is been a leader, mostly behind the scenes for a long time now. If you were more involved yourself, you might know that. If you want to talk about followers, I would say anyone who is repeating falsehoods and slander against GM Lee would be a follower, wouldn't you?
I never intended to insinuate that - not by any means. My apologies to all if what I said came across wrong. Unless I know something as a fact, I will generally keep my mouth shut.

Not like that. I would just saying how people would twist your innocent comment into something sinister, for absolutely no reason at all. Your comments on this particular issue were first person and from personal knowledge, which they generally are. Please keep them coming.
Who is Grandmaster Kyungwon Ahn? USTC's website list his bio as on the Executive Committee. It no longer list Grandmaster Harris.

GM Ahn was USTU President from 1986-92. He is also Honorary President of the USTC. GM Harris is the USTC Executive Director.
Sure, people have a right to their "opinion". But if that opinion has no factual basis, then the person voicing such an opinion should not get angry if they are called on it.

I absolutely agree with the above statement.
I have no problem bringing the community back together. But frankly, Taekwondo has been dead for years now, with the creation of USAT. I am beginning to wonder whether it will ever come back. What I do know is that making false statements about the USTU certainly is not helping. What is gained by making flippant erroneous comments like that? Answer: Nothing. So why do it?

I trend to think of it as doormant than dead, I have never said anything negative about the USTC to my knowledge. I have inquired about it and what everything is about and have had some good converstation with certain people. Right now I am not a member but have been looking into them very closely.
Correct - and how they could miss that I'm not sure; it was founded in 1973. GM Sereff's USTF site can be found here.

They were told that in the beging but thier lead council let them do it anyway then tried to threaten everyone to shut up and not use the name worried they would be suied and finally changed it. There was no malice in using it of course it sounded better but copy right is copy reght ask WWF
They were told that in the beging but thier lead council let them do it anyway then tried to threaten everyone to shut up and not use the name worried they would be suied and finally changed it. There was no malice in using it of course it sounded better but copy right is copy reght ask WWF

You obviously: a) have no first hand knowledge of what actually happened; and b) have no understanding of the attorney client relationship dynamic, especially when intertwined with the senior junior relationship which exists in Taekwondo.

An attorney acts as an advisor only; the client always has the final say and can choose to follow the attorney's advice, or not. If they are thinking about not choosing to follow their attorney's advice, then the attorney's job is to inform the client as to the consequences of not following that advice. But the client ALWAYS makes the final decision. Consigliere counsels, but the boss has the last word. If that weren't the case, then the consigliere would be the boss. Who is in charge, Tony Soprano or Silvio Dante?

The original name of USTC was USATU. Everyone liked this name (which was suggested by me) but at the last minute, immediately prior to the inaugural meeting, it was changed to USTF. In this particular case, USTC was actually given a license to use the name USTF, by the USTF headed by GM Sereff, something that I bet you did not know.

Whenever my seniors ask for me for my advice, I politely tell them what I honestly think, ONCE. They consider my perspective, as well as the perspective of others, and then make their decision. If they do not follow my advice, I do not get angry at my seniors. After all, I was allowed to give my input, a voice as well as a vote, which is more than a lot of people get to do. I'm just glad that I get to be a part of the process and that I am allowed to participate and continue through the policy making levels of the Taekwondo journey.
The United States Taekwondo Committee (USTC) was formed on August 11, 2007 with the purpose of spreading the development and growth of the Martial Arts aspects of Taekwondo ...

An organization that exists primarily to stress the Martial Arts aspects of Taekwondo should appeal to all Dojang owners because, as you well know, only two (2) percent of your students are motivated to become Olympic Taekwondo athlete. The other 98% of your students practice Taekwondo for reasons other than making the Olympic team. Those reasons may include the following: Discipline, Self-Defense, Health Improvement, Self-Control, etc. All Taekwondo dojangs approach the study of Taekwondo by teaching a variety of kicks and punches, self-defense techniques, Poomsae (forms), and perhaps sparring techniques. Students young and old practice these activities daily in Taekwondo dojangs around the world. That is why we currently number over 70 million Taekwondo practitioners worldwide. So, ask yourselves-

... The United States Taekwondo Committee is set up as a corollary organization to USA Taekwondo, only it is under the auspices of Kukkiwon. We follow closely the Kukkiwon mission of promoting the Martial Arts aspects of Taekwondo in the United States of America. .. We are not in competition with USA Taekwondo.

It seems to me the USTC does a lot of the things that GM Duk Gun Kwon's USNTF (United States National Taekwondo Federation) does. I think both organizations could work together if their leaders (both of who I respect) would ever find a way to set their differences aside, particularly because both of them have strong principles of inclusion. In the interest of full disclosure I'm a member of the USNTF and have also benefited from the USTC.
Along with a WHOLE lot of $$$ that was never accounted for.
Since you have already stated that it is no big secret, perhaps you can clue me into what $$$ you are referring to. The last meeting we had they were very transparent about the money that was brought in versus the money that was paid out. What we saw was that key members of the USTC actually paid expenses out of their own back pockets to help USTC provide the services such as the KKW Instructors' Course. So please inform me what first hand knowledge you have of the USTC financials that would lead you to believe they are not accounting for.
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