KKW "Overseas Branches" ?!?!

Thanks D! I was wondering if the ATU has also done this? I am not really too familiar w/that organization. I am familiar w/US Natl TKD Fed though.
Did you guys read his letter:

February 15, 2010

Dear Instructors and School Owners:

I have just returned from Korea where I attended the Kukkiwon Overseas Branch Program. I have applied to the Kukkiwon Overseas Branch Committee to become one of the 20 country organizations that will represent the Kukkiwon worldwide.

The USTC organization is already acting as the representative here in the U.S. but this is not an official appointment. The USNTF and the USTC are the two organizations that applied. No decision as to who will be the representative organization was made. We have been strongly recommended and will be the governing body here in the United States. You have all worked hard for many years to make the USNTF strong and reputable and that is why we qualify for this position.
Anyone logged onto KKW today. They have a petition to stop the Korean government from getting involved and taking over KKW.


And on the front page of TKDTimes website says:

" National Assembly in South Korea passes special Law Placing Kukkiwon under Government control on Feb. 18, 2010. Anyone with a criminal record will no longer be allowed to be Kukkiwon President. More details to come"

Purpose of Petition
This petition is submitted to ask for rescinding the laws in relation to World Taekwondo Headquarters such as Article 14 World Taekwondo Headquarters of the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion and Fostering and Article 23-3 (a supplementary provision of World Taekwondo Headquarters, Article 23 uses a similar name to Article 14).

Cause of Action
1. Founding purpose and function of World Taekwondo Headquarters
A. Korea Taekwondo Association and people related to Taekwondo acted in concert in 1972 to found juridical foundation World Taekwondo Headquarters, a private organization, which paved the way for development of Taekwondo by integrating judgment, training, and certificate system loosely operated until then.
World Taekwondo Headquarters was founded to lay groundwork for a domestic development of Taekwondo in short term and for a worldwide development of Taekwondo in long term. Since the roles of Korea Taekwondo Association and World Taekwondo Federation are limited as a matching organization, an independent international organization like World Taekwondo Headquarters, free from nationality or specific position, was needed to maintain and improve the technical authority of country of origin in Taekwondo.

B. Currently World Taekwondo Headquarters help to maintain the order and authority of Taekwondo accrediting system by operating the worldwide Taekwondo belt test in a unified manner and perform various training for leaders on definition and interpretation of Taekwondo skills as a central organization of research and training on Taekwondo techniques.
In addition to the above mentioned, World Taekwondo Headquarters also dispatch a demonstration team and host various events, seminars, and workshops to disseminate the values, philosophies, and disciplines of Taekwondo as a traditional martial art.

2. Background of legal incorporation of World Taekwondo Headquarters
A. Until 2006, when a motion to incorporate World Taekwondo Headquarters was submitted, the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion identified only Taekwondo Promotion Foundation as a Taekwondo organization. In fear of possible conflicts between Taekwondo Promotion Foundation and the existing private Taekwondo organizations like World Taekwondo Headquarters, the authority and legal status of World Taekwondo Headquarters, the prominent private Taekwondo organization, were highly demanded.

B. Thus, by modifying some parts of the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion, the bill to incorporate World Taekwondo Headquarters was passed in the National Assembly.

3. Process of legal incorporation of World Taekwondo Headquarters
A. On June 22, 2008, the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion became valid, which requires the board of directors of World Taekwondo Headquarters to adopt the new articles of incorporation and to get approval from the Minister of Cultures, Sports and Tourism for its incorporation within one month from the moment the Acts became valid.

B. The board of directors of World Taekwondo Headquarters asked for approval on the new articles of incorporation but Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism rejected it on July 14, 2008.
The Acts on Taekwondo Promotion stipulates that the newly incorporated World Taekwondo Headquarters shall succeed all rights and properties of the existing World Taekwondo Headquarters and the existing board members with a remaining term shall automatically succeed their position as a board member. However, Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism required that with legal incorporation World Taekwondo Headquarters should more strictly apply reasons for disqualification of board members than before. The Ministry demands World Taekwondo Headquarters to adopt reasons for disqualification of the National Public Service Law as it is and also to stipulate the immediate resignation of the existing board members when they fall into the new reasons for disqualification.

C. Due to conflicts between the two parties caused by impractical demands made by Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism on qualification of board members and succession of member status, the incorporation of World Taekwondo Headquarters has been delayed. Furthermore, the wrongdoing done by some Taekwondo-related people in Seoul City and some board members and staff of World Taekwondo Headquarters has become an issue so it is now difficult to process the incorporation procedures of World Taekwondo Headquarters.

D. Facing the conflicts mentioned above, Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism resorted to various means for World Taekwondo Headquarters to be incorporated but people in Taekwondo circle suspected the intention of the Ministry.
The government gave an impression to solve the problem by exploiting the conflicts among the Taekwondo factions, disseminated rumors that could cause misunderstandings that new faces will be hired to dominate World Taekwondo Headquarters, disseminated rumors that some people close to high-raking officials would be nominated to president and chairmen, and gave an impression that the existing board members were forced or placated to resign. All these actions were enough to doubt the intention of the Ministry.

E. While the incorporation of World Taekwondo Headquarters reached a deadlock and various pros and cons arose, Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism did not try to review the systematic reform and development of World Taekwondo Headquarters in relation to its legal incorporation even once. Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism rejected to approve the articles of incorporation of World Taekwondo Headquarters on July 14, 2008, which were submitted on June 30, 2008 and November 20, 2009. Ministry of Cultures, Sports and Tourism required even the president position to be the subject of approval and required abolition of vice-president and general director positions. With these requirements, the Ministry is actually intervening in the office organization. The Ministry is even taking illegal and unconstitutional interpretations and measures to take control of World Taekwondo Headquarters through its legal incorporation.

4. Illegality of the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion and process of World Taekwondo Headquarters’ incorporation
A. World Taekwondo Headquarters is the most important organization in Taekwondo circle, receiving lots of expectations. Its work was mostly domestic during the 1970s but since 1990s it has become a lot more internationalized. The very cause of its existence is to play an important role in the world.
The demand for globalization of World Taekwondo Headquarters has increased. As World Taekwondo Headquarters can be connected to International Olympic Committee with its expansion to the world, the unified way of incorporation according to the domestic laws may not be ideal for World Taekwondo Headquarters to perform its inherent functions and roles.
Not seriously considering these issues, the Ministry simply try to (1) have World Taekwondo Headquarters incorporated (2) change people of the Headquarters to satisfy its own tastes and (3) make World Taekwondo Headquarters a semi-government agency.

B. Illegality of the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion
1) According to the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion, World Taekwondo Headquarters is a special corporation, of which foundation is legally enforceable by the laws. While article 19-1 stipulates that World Taekwondo Headquarters is established to promote Taekwondo with the approval of the Minister of Cultures, Sports and Tourism and in principal a special corporation should be established by the national or local governments, In case of World Taekwondo Headquarters, the main agent for foundation is vague as the Acts do not identify no main agent. The purpose of the Acts is to succeed World Taekwondo Headquarters but this can be done with the consent of World Taekwondo Headquarters. According to the Civil Code, World Taekwondo Headquarters is a juridical foundation and private body corporate and thus the consent above cannot be legally forced (World Taekwondo Headquarters never voted for dissolution of the board for its legal incorporation).
And also while a special corporation needs to have interim regulations to prepare the establishment, the Acts on Taekwondo Promotion do not include such interim regulations. Thus, the procedural regulations to establish World Taekwondo Headquarters can be interpreted as deficient.

2) Article 3 of Supplementary Provision
A. Article 3-1: This article stipulates that World Taekwondo Headquarters, established with an approval of the Mayor of Seoul City according to article 32 of the Civil Code, should obtain an approval from the Minister of Cultures, Sports and Tourism on its articles of incorporation within one month from the the moment the Acts became valid.
This provision is an enforceable rule in its form but an instructive one in its substance as this can cause a forced dissolution of World Taekwondo Headquarters if the provision is interpreted as an enforceable rule, which is obviously unconstitutional since it infringes property right and freedom of job choices.
Since this article is a sort of expedient to establish World Taekwondo Headquarters in a simplified manner by omitting the necessary establishment procedures, it is not proper to charge such burdens to World Taekwondo Headquarters. And even if there a rule for this, it will be unconstitutional as it will directly violate the property rights of World Taekwondo Headquarters.

B. Article 3-2: This article stipulates that World Taekwondo Headquarters needs to register its incorporation when being approved according to article 3-1 above but incorporation cannot be forced.

C. Article 3-3: This article stipulates that Juridical Foundation World Taekwondo Headquarters is considered dissolved when completing its registration of incorporation according to 3-2 above, regardless of the provision on dissolution and liquidation of corporation.

Letter of Petition

Dear honorable Taekwondo Family!

We give deep respect to field Taekwondo instructors and masters who have tried to overcome the difficulties of diminishing trainees due to the global economic crisis. As you know, Taekwondo has developed as world martial arts, with 189 world members, and it has become a global sport that has gained good international reputation, and is an official Olympic event.

The Kukkiwon which established in 1972, as the World Taekwondo headquarters, has played an important role for the advancement of Taekwondo. The Kukkiwon staff does admit that reforms, as you expect, are needed. Please know The Kukkiwon will focus on its original role of Taekwondo headquarters through harmony and we actively seek the opinions of the entire global Taekwondo family.

Unfortunately, the Korean Government is creating some interference with the autonomy of Kukkiwon by trying to integrate it into a governmental structure. As you know, The Kukkiwon is not only an organization of Korean Taekwondo any more. The Kukkiwon serves as the issuing body for Taekwondo dan rank (black-belt degree), promotion, and certification. We also conduct research and instructional seminars and we are home to the World Taekwondo Academy, which trains and certifies the global Taekwondo population.

Please help the Kukkiwon, which is dedicated to the developing Taekwondo as a world organization, to autonomously serve the world Taekwondo population. Let’s concentrate on the cooperation of the world Taekwondo family and show our unity with a signature to protect the autonomy of The Kukkiwon, and immediately stop the unreasonable meddling of the Korean Government.

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 82-2-3469-0159

2010. 02. 12


▣ Signature of Petition to protect Kukkiwon
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 82-2-3469-0159


You know, for years there has been another smaller Org here in the U.S. that had been hosting KKW officials and seminars and Tests here in the states. Way before the USAT did their "Special Test"/ "historical Kukkiwon Test"/ First time ever held outside Korea".... blah blah blah.... Long Before the USTC ever came to be.... back even when Sang Lee was running USTU and didnt host any events/tests/seminars... for KKW.

Anyway, this smaller Org has hosted numurous Kukkiwon Sanctioned events and testing here in the US. The only difference is they dont advertise it to the world...

This may be their advantage.... when Sang Lee had the power(NGB-USTU), he didnt utilize it for the betterment of KKW. And he has also been marked by the whole downfall of the USTU... Right now, KKW is having its own power struggles, the last thing they want is more which can lead to the end of KKW.

And the smaller group -- which. you've kindly disclosed is the USNTF -- has largely stayed away from the Korean/Korean-American intrigues, politics and old Kwan conflicts in Taekwondo. It has a diverse base here in the U.S and also has overseas club and individual members in places including Puerto Rico, the West Indies , S. America, Europe, Asia and Africa. GM Duk Gun Kwon, USNT's president and founder seems to embrace an internationalist approach, which has helped him quitely grow it into a strong organization.
Hi everyone,

About the South Korean government announcing that it put the Kukkiwon under government control on Feb. 18, 2010: Did you know that the current Kukkiwon president, Lee Seng-wan, is a former criminal, in jail a couple of times for political and Tae Kwon Do activities? I wrote a book about the history of TKD (A Killing Art) and was astounded to read recently that Lee is president. Please see my blog for Feb. 21 for more information, or I can cut and paste information here in my next posting.

Alex Gillis
Welcome to MT, Alex! Your book is well known to many of us here. It is odd to me that the Kukkiwon would make a man with such a criminal record president of the organization. Why him? Why not another Kwan head with a better reputation?

Any guesses?
Welcome Alex. Thanks for a GREAT BOOK! We better be careful though because if we talk about it too much a large gang of thugs with clubs might show up and beat us : )
By the way there are new details up on the Kukkiwon site one of which is that only the USTC got the Oversees Branch.
U.S.A USTC(President Lee Sang Chul) was selected as the Kukkiwon Overseas Branch
by USA.

Dave O.
Welcome Alex like others great book, what I worry avout is the putting criminals om charge how stupid is that?
not a book fan.... but now i am curious.... where can i pick up the book? everyone online is soldout
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Lol! Things you may not want to put out there "not a book fan".

: )

ahhh.... no secret.... I hate reading and do not randomly pick up a book and read one.

Now If i have an interest in it.... thats a different story. But you will never catch me reading the Novel instead of watchin the movie. No matter how much better the book is...

Maybe I should change my signature to
"Reading is for people who have time.... not me" :rofl:
Latest news is that for the USA, GM Sang Lee's USTC is the Overseas Branch, beating out GM Kwon's USNTF.
Hi everyone,

About the South Korean government announcing that it put the Kukkiwon under government control on Feb. 18, 2010: Did you know that the current Kukkiwon president, Lee Seng-wan, is a former criminal, in jail a couple of times for political and Tae Kwon Do activities? I wrote a book about the history of TKD (A Killing Art) and was astounded to read recently that Lee is president. Please see my blog for Feb. 21 for more information, or I can cut and paste information here in my next posting.

Alex Gillis

Mr. Gillis: Welcome to MT. I mentioned this in another thread which I think is titled Government Taekover of the Kukkiwon
Latest news is that for the USA, GM Sang Lee's USTC is the Overseas Branch, beating out GM Kwon's USNTF.

I am confused as to why the USTC since they do not do any Olympic sparring inside there own tournaments? I am also confused since it was GM Lee that really brought the USTU to there knee's a few years back. I guess when it comes to politics I am always confused.
I am confused as to why the USTC since they do not do any Olympic sparring inside there own tournaments? I am also confused since it was GM Lee that really brought the USTU to there knee's a few years back. I guess when it comes to politics I am always confused.

Time will tell, terry. Sang Lee led a corrupt USTU and it eventually led to its end. With the Korean Government taking over KKW, and according to thier own LAWS a convicted criminal cannot be president of KKW so in time Seung Won Lee will be out... or should be... and many of the current state will be re-organized and decisions most recently made will be reviewed and posibly changed.

For the Record.... I wanted GM Kwon to get it. He is one of the few GM that is truly honorable and believes in taekwondo and fair play. He has done great things for the members of his org and has kept it small and quiet for many years. who knows, he may still have a shot.... he processes more KKW apps than any other org.
Uncalled for mud slinging has began. Some USTC supporter are now attacking GM Kwon, who has honorably stood silent after his organization USNTF -- for unexplained reasons -- failed to win the Kukkiwon overseas branch selection. This letter was published in a Taekwondo internet publication today.

"At the Kukkiwon Overseas Branch meeting, USNTF President along with
USNTF Secretary General Peter Hwang, GM YH Park Jr. and GM Koang Woong Kim attended with the goal of getting USNTF and its President GM Duk Gun KWON selected as the Kukkiwon's Overseas Branch representative from the USA.

They were not successful. Here are some of the reasons why.

First of all, President Duk Gun KWON is not a true Taekwondoin. If you
ask him what Kwan he belongs to, he will not be able to give an answer,
because he does not have any kwan. He was a pharmacist by profession and some say he has a Hapkido background, but not Taekwondo.

The above individuals tried to get around this glaring weakness by
lending their name and their support to President Kwon and the USNTF. I do not know

Master Peter Hwang because I don't believe he participated all that much
during the USTU days, but GM YH Park Jr. and GM Koang Woong Kim are
legitimate Taekwondoin with strong Taekwondo backgrounds.

It was clear from the start what that group's agenda was, and everyone
could see what was going on during the Overseas Branch meeting. They obviously were there to further the goal of being selected as the Overseas Branch representative from the USA. When the panel members were asked what their ideas were to further the globalization of Taekwondo, the USNTF group took the opportunity to read verbatim from their branch proposal submission, which included their scheme of dividing up the profits and proceeds of any Kukkiwon related event. However, in doing so, they failed to keep in mind the Kukkiwon's main mission and goal, which is to educate Taekwondoin worldwide. The Kukkiwon is not a for profit money making endeavor but rather a non-profit education based organization.

In truth, I do not think that the USNTF group really wanted the overseas
branch representative position so much as they did not want USTC to
receive it. They had no vision for the future (other than their profit sharing
proposal) and had done nothing to further the Kukkiwon's goals.

The only reason why USNTF was allowed at the meeting in the first place
is because USNTF processes approximately 2000 of the 70,000 Kukkiwon poom and dan promotions per year. They process the most Kukkiwon certifications in the USA.

It was very strange to see GMs Duk Gun Kwon, YH Park Jr. and Koang Woong Kim together united since they really have nothing in common. GM Kwon and GM Kim both live in the Chicago area, and from what I understand have no real ties or alliances, and never had. Same thing with GM Kwon and GM Park. GM Kim and GM Park, even though they are from the same kwan and I believe from the same province in Korea, do not have strong ties to each other either.

The only thing that these three gentlemen have in common is their
resentment towards President Lee, who they blame for their past political failures.

Both GM Kwon and GM Park had aspirations of being USTU President and
blame President Lee for that dream unrealized. However, in order to become USTU President, at least at that time, one needed to have one's own base of support in order to carry the election. If you are relying on any one person's support to get elected, then in my opinion, you do not deserve to be President. GM Kwon I believe lost to GM Hwa Chong, back in 1992 and GM Park failed to get reelected to USTU Vice President back in 2000.

I don't know what GM Koang Woong Kim's problem with President Lee is,
other than my general observation that GM Kim only seems alive when he is
complaining about something. I remember during the World Hanmadang GM
Kim promised to buy dinner on Saturday night, but during Saturday, he made a big fuss about not sitting in the front row with the other dignitaries and so he got all offended and left, without paying for Saturday's dinner. I want to say that GM Myong Mayes eneded up picking up that night's dinner, in addition to the other nights that she had already paid for.

So in the final analysis, I think that the USNTF group did not get the
appointment because they didn't really want it. It is one thing to
really want something, and quite another to only want something because youdon't want the other guy to get it, for whatever mistaken reason you have for feeling that way.

I can fully understand the sense of enpowerment that these gentlemen
must have felt when they had President Lee shining his charismatic light upon them. It is like Juan Moreno once told me, that when President Lee is in your chair, you feel like you can do anything.

And I fully understand that at the present I have been given some
wonderful opportunities because of President Lee, for which I am grateful. But I also realize that at some point, this will end and I will have to fade out of the limelight when it's my time to go. Having grown up in a politically
active family, I understand that that is the nature of the beast. What I won't do is get resentful and blame President Lee for ending the ride, even if for some reason my ride needs to be cut short. I will just enjoy the ride
for as long as it lasts and do the most good during my short fifteen minutes.

But then again, I never ever wanted to be USTU President. I just wanted
to be the guy who served at the pleasure of the President."
