Instant motorcycle lust...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score


499cc and one cylinder of Royal Enfield goodness.

Daddy wants.
A wonderful 'new' bike that. By the sounds of things, tho', if you own one of these lovelies , you will not be able to refer to it as "My old Royal Oilfield" as we used to in the olden times :lol:.
A wonderful 'new' bike that. By the sounds of things, tho', if you own one of these lovelies , you will not be able to refer to it as "My old Royal Oilfield" as we used to in the olden times :lol:.

A lot of the 'old' names have been revived, some several times over. Most are variations on a theme - a modern V-twin engine, usually made by S&S, which is more-or-less a Harley design. A typical fatboy frame and some paint and decals and bang, a Henderson or Indian or Excelsior, etc.

I just like that this one tries to do it up right. It looks 'right'. Wowzer.

And I've owned a BSA and a Triumph in the past, a long time ago. They only leaked oil where you parked them, and the Lucas "Lord of Darkness" electrics were always fun.
:D Ah the delights of Lucas Prince of Darkness.

I nearly went to work for them at one point. Got as far as the interview and was told I did too well on the intelligence and aptitude tests so they didn't think I'd stick it :confused:.
I priced those when I was looking to buy a bike. They are a great price brand new, around 5k I think.

I also really like the classic look that they have, you would really stand out with a bike like that.