I'm Gonna Be a Star!!

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well...not really. But this is gonna be fun.

My sister-in-law's boyfriend sings in a local band and they were asked to write and perform the opening song for a "B" rated horror flick that will be released in November. It's called Jezabeth (the song and the movie title). The song is phenomenal.

Anyway, the producers extended to members of the band and their friends the opportunity to be extras in a scene. It will be a graveyard scene and we will be "mourners". lol

So yeah, July 19th we will drive to a cemetery in Wisconsin, dressed in "funeral clothes" and our names will run in the credits. :D

If anyone would like an autograph I have a Paypal account. hee hee
That's cool! Troma was just down here filming a new horror film. I love "B" horror. :) "Chopper Chiks in Zombie Town" rocked! LOL
Hey JT :) Mourning clothes, B-movie horror and a song called Jezabeth? Man I know I would appreciate that a lot :D Are they on myspace at all? Or can we hear the band?? Even still, good luck to them though for the future. Nice to hear of real proper bands doing real proper music :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Mourning clothes, B-movie horror and a song called Jezabeth? Man I know I would appreciate that a lot :D Are they on myspace at all or can we hear the band?? Even still, good luck to them though for the future. Nice to hear of real proper bands doing real proper music :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Thanks Jenna. I'll try to find a way to get the song posted. It really is very, very good. Rockin. I listen to it in my car, lol! It will be played on the radio at some point, it can stand on it's own. I don't have all the details yet.
I have the song saved to my computer. Does anyone know if there's a way to download it here?
That sounds like a lot of fun Jade :) You never know what will happen next :)

Oh, I'm planning on hitting it big. lol! I just knoooooow I'll get noticed.

Big Hollywood Producer...*Who is "mourner number 12"? We must have her for our next blockbuster hit*. lol!
OK, everyone who wants to sign up for the Jade Tigess fan club just line up. Dues are a mere $20 and payable by PayPal, and comes with an autographed picture:boing2:. That's $10 for every autographed picture , Pam, and $10 for me for uh... administration fees ;)