"I like the way you roll" ?


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I was in groin sparring class today - (girl/girl groin is in if they both agree, boy/girl girl can hit groin boy can't boy/boy groin is usually in unless otherwise said) and we had a 6th degree black belt from washington who flies down periodically to train with our head instructor. He was watching sparring class tonight and after I was fighting a blackbelt, he told me that he would watch me and that he "likes the way I roll..."

What the hell does that mean??
He means he likes the way you move on the ground. the way you do your matt work.

Either that, or he wants you.... I was joking there by the way.
I should also mention that we do point sparring. No actual rolling was done.
oh.... He thinks you're hot then? :idunno:
Hand Sword said:
It simply means that he likes the way that you sparred. It's a street thing--lol.


It's a slang term... as in, "I didn't know you rolled like that" or "'cause that's the way we roll up in this MF'er!" :ultracool

I'd have to think a 6th dan would (hopefully) be more professional than to say, "Hey, Boy! You're looking mighty fine in that Gi!" :rolleyes:

Then again... :idunno:
Ok, I'm an old fogey and even I know what that means!
Jade Tigress said:
Ok, I'm an old fogey and even I know what that means!

Ditto. I mean, not the old fogey part...um...I'm not saying *you* are an old fogey, Pam...because you're not...but you *are* older than me...ah...nevermind. :p

What I'm trying to say is that I also knew what the visiting instructor said - and it definitely was a compliment, Sam. :)
Swordlady said:
Ditto. I mean, not the old fogey part...um...I'm not saying *you* are an old fogey, Pam...because you're not...but you *are* older than me...ah...nevermind. :p

What I'm trying to say is that I also knew what the visiting instructor said - and it definitely was a compliment, Sam. :)

*smack*....*runs*...heehee....uh oh...the lady has a sword, I am in deep **** now...
Kreth said:
Except Sam's not a boy. :lol:



OOPS! Sorry, Sam! :uhyeah:

I was actually paraphrasing an old Eddie Murphy bit on what if Mr. T lead an alternative lifestyle...
It was slang. He liked your "Stage Presence" while on the mat. No worries. I am with Pam and the Jedi, I am old and still know what that means. Of course it was a compliment.
woops. I don't really think the guy was coming on t you. I thought you were a dude so I was trying to be funny.:whip:
lenatoi said:
woops. I don't really think the guy was coming on t you. I thought you were a dude so I was trying to be funny.:whip:

Apparently, you haven't seen Sam's pictures in the Photo Gallery. She's definitely a girl. :)
The comments others made are funny! Yes, Sam, that instructor was giving you a compliment! It's a good thing. I'd be very pleased if I heard my instructor tell me that.

- Ceicei