Howard Dean Calls GOP the "WHITE party"

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Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
Video on Breitbart
"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party."
Another infamous quote from Dean:
“You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room?,” Dean asked to laughter. “Only if they had the hotel staff in here.”
Yeah, I guess Colin Powell wasn't nominated Secretary of State by a Republican, nor was Rice...
What the bush administration did to Colin Powell was criminal. Talk about a token black. When he had the temerity to voice his own opinions, they sold him out, undermining him at every turn.
Let' see....I'll see you Howard Dean (democratic maniac) and raise you David Duke-former head of the KKK and Republican congressman from Louisiana....oh, and let's not forget former Republican Attorney General John Ashcroft, who opposed racial integration and the appointment of African Americans to offices as Missouri governor and attorney general and has uttered pro-Confederate views...or Dick Cheney, who opposed measures strengthening laws against housing discrimination and collecting hate-crime data while in Congress from 1979 to 1989. ....or Republican politicians in Georgia and South Carolina, such as Sonny Perdue, the Republican governor of Georgia, who were elected in 2002 on platforms that included "restoring pride" in the Confederate flag. ...or Jefferson Sessions of Alabama. Sessions has called a black assistant U.S. attorney "boy" and a white civil rights attorney a "disgrace to his race." As a prosecutor, Sessions pursued civil rights workers on phony voter fraud charges. As Alabama attorney general, he again pursued allegations of voter fraud in African-American communities, looked the other way in Anglo communities, and refused to aggressively investigate burnings and bombings of black churches. He also said he thought KKK members were "OK" until he heard some might have smoked marijuana, and charged the NAACP with being "un-American" and "Communist-inspired." Despite such a past, Bush and other Republicans campaigned for Sessions....or former Republican Sen. George Allen of Virginia, who as governor of that state, issued a proclamation recognizing "Confederate History and Heritage Month." Allen, the new National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman, also displays a Confederate flag in his living room.

Idiots are in both parties-plain and simple.

BEsides, Don, as far as the "racist roots of the Democratic party" theme that you've been bleating on, they all became Republicans. See, back in 1948, the southern democrats were ....dismayed? at Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces, and his including civil rights as a plank of the Democratic party platform-in fact, a large number of delegates from the south-like the entire delegation from Mississippi and Alabama-walked out when it was included, and formed their own party-the Dixiecrats. They ran then South Carolina governor Strom Thurmond as their candidate for President, and, while they didn't win, it set the stage for the emigration from the Democratic party to the Republican party, ala Strom Thurmond back in 1960. Consequently, places like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and the Carolinas became largely "red" states-because of the racism of the people who lived there, and the anti-racism platform of the Democratic party.

Like I said, there's all kinds of idiots.:rolleyes:
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Let' see....I'll see you Howard Dean (democratic maniac) and raise you David Duke-former head of the KKK and Republican congressman from Louisiana

That Byrd dog won't hunt. Certainly you would find a considerable difference between someone running as a Republican to the protest of nearly all Republicans two decades ago and the DNC chairmen not only representing the Democratic Party, but presently leading the same?

Idiots are in both parties-plain and simple.

That's for sure!
Robert Byrd

game over, Elder loses...

“Game over?” Hardly. Like I said, there’s all kinds of idiots. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Robert Byrd has a very racist past-he’s also old, so he probably still harbors a lot of racist feeling. He’s got a pretty anti-civil rights voting record in my opinion, anyway, but the NAACP has rated him at a little over 80% on civil rights, meaning he has a mixed record.

In any case he’s endorsed Barack Obama for President. By your own “logic,” voiced by you here time and again, that means he’s not a racist.

On the other hand……

In 1998, the following endorsement from then Senator John Ashcroft appeared in the Southern Partisan:

Your magazine...helps set the record straight. You've got a heritage of doing that, of defending Southern patriots like Lee, Jackson and Davis... We've all got to stand up and speak...or else we'll be taught that these people were giving their lives, subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor to some perverted agenda.

Ashcroft was endorsing a publication that has defended slavery, white separatism, apartheid and David Duke; a publication that celebrates the assassination of Abraham Lincoln... Southern Partisan articles have said that Southern slave-owners sought "to further the slaves' peace and happiness," :rolleyes: called Abraham Lincoln a "consummate conniver, manipulator and a liar," referred to "the sinister Emancipation Proclamation"] as "an invitation to the slaves to rise against their masters," :rolleyes: characterized Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth as "not only sane, but sensible," praised former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke as "a Populist spokesperson for a recapturing of the American ideal," and proclaimed that non-whites "have no temperament for democracy." The magazine also sells t-shirts with Lincoln's image over the words "sic semper tyrannis" ("ever thus to tyrants")-John Wilkes Booth's cry as he fled the Ford Theatre after shooting Lincoln. Timothy McVeigh was wearing this t-shirt when he was arrested for the Oklahoma City bombing.

Many Republicans are associated with the openly-racist Council for Conservative Citizens, including Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, who has spoken before the segregationist group, and Republican National Committee leader Buddy Witherspoon, who has resisted calls that he resign his CCC membership.

This is a group that says:

We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character. We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime.<snip!>
We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.

“Game over” indeed.:rolleyes:
Hey, no one needs to add any data to convince me that hypocrites, bigots, and idiots come in all shapes, sizes, races, and political parties.
Robert Byrd-still in office, and keeps getting elected, BY DEMOCRATS

john ashcroft-private citizen now, was NOT an elected official

doesnt work, but nice try elder
Robert Byrd-still in office, and keeps getting elected, BY DEMOCRATS

john ashcroft-private citizen now, was NOT an elected official

doesnt work, but nice try elder

Before he was Attorney General, John Aschcroft was Senator, and Governor of Missouri.:rolleyes:

The Republican Governor and Senator of Missouri,btw, elected BY REPUBLICANS. :rolleyes:

GUess you didn't know that.

Objugation, objugation, onjugation! :lol:
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Yeah, Robert Byrd has a very racist past-he’s also old, so he probably still harbors a lot of racist feeling.
Oh, he's old? Well, then anything he says or does no matter how flagrantly racist is excusable...
Shoot, Ted Kennedy is old now too, that makes Chappaquiddick excusable.
Funny, I seem to recall Reagan's advanced age getting a much different slant from the leftists...
Before he was Attorney General, John Aschcroft was Senator, and Governor of Missouri.:rolleyes:
Yeah, that negates the fact that Byrd is still a sitting Senator...
BTW, when was it that Aschroft used the dreaded "N" word on national television?
I was thinking of Ashcroft as Atty General.Not an elected position.

Elder, I admire your efforts, but you will never convince me the democratic party isnt racist to the core.

here is the simplest litmus test:

Which of these statements is potentially more racist?

1. you cant do it alone, you need help
2. you can do it alone, work hard and you will succeed.

sorry, i know the dems have bought the black vote in america with 40 years of hand outs, but it doesnt change the basic way they think and treat people. Not the people per se, but the basis of the party thought

Given the nature of this thread, I'm asking everyone to please keep things civil and to refrain from making comments that may be deemed racial in nature.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
Oh, he's old? Well, then anything he says or does no matter how flagrantly racist is excusable...
Shoot, Ted Kennedy is old now too, that makes Chappaquiddick excusable.
Funny, I seem to recall Reagan's advanced age getting a much different slant from the leftists...

No, it's not excusable-it's sometimes laughable. What his being old means is that he's a product of his time, and, no matter how much he's changed with the times, or tried to change with the times, he's still going to be-inevitably, in some ways-the man who voted and campaigned as a Dixiecrat, back in 1948, even though it's something that he claims to regret, along with his KKK membership, as a "foolishness of youth." This is, after all, the same Robert Byrd who voted to increase the budget for the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial by $10 his dream was the American Dream."

I'll remind you again of this post , where there are quotes from the greatest of Republicans, some would call the founder of the party, and a great President-perhaps the greatest, Abraham Lincoln. I'll point out, Don, that unlike you, most constituencies judge their politicians by their deeds, ultimately, and not necessarily every single stupid thing they say.

More importantly, I'll point out that maybe Byrd keeps getting reelected, not because his constituency is composed of "racist Democrats," but is made up of less than 4% blacks, and 94.6% whites , who-Democrat or Republican-might tend at the very least, to forgive him the fooolishness of his youth, if not embrace even more overtly racist thought in word and deed themselves.-being, of course, products of their place and time themselves....
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While he was obviously joking, and one has to consider the audiences as well, Howard Dean was wrong to say what he said, as a representative of his party. On the other hand, he was not incorrect. The number of registered Republicans that are of African American descent currently hovers at something less than 10%-reported statistics vary from as low as 4% to as high as 8%. That's pretty much the way it's been for nearly 50 years. Discounting Asians, Latinos and Native Americans, that still makes the Republican party pretty white-not that that should matter.

In the matter of West Virginia and Robert Byrd, one has to remember that the African American population there is less than 4%, making West Virginia one of the whitest and poorest states in the country.It is also, apparently full of voters like these.

and these.... :lol:

Telling that so many avowed lifelong legacy Democrats from West Virginia have said that they'll vote for McCain rather than Obama-apparently their racism runs a bit deeper than their, or their parent's and grandparent's, party affiliation.

Hmmm, maybe their racism has to do with something other than their being Democrats? :rolleyes:
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It was the democratic party who placed slavery and Jim Crow laws in their party's platforms, not republicans. It was republicans who the KKK attacked... But, since the republican model treats people equally, rather than pandering to this race or that race, now they MUST be racists.
Treating all equally is not racist. Treating different races in different manners is.
If a Republican had called the GOP the "White Party" he would have been pilloried, and rightly so. So why is it that Howard Dean calling the GOP the "White Party" given a pass?
If a Republican had called the GOP the "White Party" he would have been pilloried, and rightly so. So why is it that Howard Dean calling the GOP the "White Party" given a pass?

THat's a fair question-maybe, by yours and TF's own logic, since he holds no public office. Maybe because it was supposed to be a joke.

The rest of your post is hardly relevant.
THat's a fair question-maybe, by yours and TF's own logic, since he holds no public office. Maybe because it was supposed to be a joke.

The rest of your post is hardly relevant.
Yeah, the FACT that the KKK's most frequent victims were republicans interferes with your zeal to paint republicans as racists, so, that clearly cannot be relevant.
The FACT that the democratic party has a shamefully racist history is well shameful and therefore cannot be relevant.
The FACT that the Republican party was SPECIFICALLY founded to end slavery, not relevant.

He holds no public office? So? He is the CHAIRMAN of the Democratic Party! Michael Richards and Mel Gibson have never held any elected office and they were slapped around pretty well after their idiotic rants.

David Duke holds no public office, but, he gets thrown in to these discussions. a tidbit :
Despite getting an official reproval by the Republican Party, Duke ran for Louisiana Governor in 1991
Gee, I guess that means me and TF were right, doesn't it?
BTW, the ONLY time Duke won, he won as a Democrat...
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