How many people do you think you can "handle"?

How many people do you think you can handle in a fight?

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One guy I spoke with worked as a bouncer. He frequently dealt with several attackers. He found that if he pops the "loud mouth", the "leader" of the group, most of the others lost heart fairly quickly. While not having to "beat" 4/5 people, effectively dealing with one often resolves the situation...
Especially if you can make the "mouth" scream like a little girl. Blood gushing from a smashed nose is a good deterrent, too...
From past experience, I can say that it varies by the situation. I have had as many as 4 and as few as 1 that were all hard to handle. I cannot say that there is no set number. I can't say that I am "comfortable" with any number. And now with Conceal-Carry laws in many states, this varies it even more.

mrhnau, has a very good point with handling one effectively. If you can take down the "tougher" fighter typically the others don't want any. Best case scenario, shoot the big talker and let the rest run away.
I can take at least 3 or 4 attackers on no more ( 6yrs olds are tough :ultracool ).

Seriously though it depends on how big, strong and skilled they are. I personally would prefer 1 at a time.
"I didn't know how many of them it would have taken to whip my a**... but I knew how many they were going to use." - Ron White
Well, the most I've had to handle at once is 12-15. Yes, I'm serious. It was my 1st day as a Corrections Officer in Puerto Rico years ago. As I was coming in the units' door I was surrounded by the inmates and told that if I didn't bring the cigarrettes the next day to not bother coming to work or they'll kill me. Well, I was young and stupid (now I'm mostly stupid:) ), so I told them they could go to hell (in spanish that sounds even better). So they all jumped me. I got punched and kicked in places I didn't knew I had. Anyways, I managed to fight my way to the door while the cavalry came in. Got treated for some scrapes and bruises but was sent right back to work. Funny thing is that later that day (yes, they kept me in that unit), at shift change, I got into another fight with 2 more individuals that attacked me because I gave them an order (I can't really recall what it was). I remember that I KO'd 1 almost immediately and his buddy said: Oh your a karateka huh!" and went downstairs to get a broom stick. I can't really recall ecxactly what I did but when the cavalry came (keep in mind that this is shift change so 2 shifts showed up) the guy was rolling down the stairs and I was in a nice fighting stance. After that I guess I gained some respect among the inmate population. I later learned that they test all officers like that to see who they can manipulate, its all a game.
I was able to outrun about a half dozen once, before they were able to surround me. So I guess that's what I can handle, based on experience...
If you want the truth Then the truth is NO one knows for sure how many people you could handle until it happens To say 2 , 3 4, or more Its like being a ring side fighter You can see what could be done but your not the one doing it. We never know on any fight how it will turn out until the action is going. Hope for the best before hand a fight as best as you need to.
With a hanbo in my hands, I could clear a roomful pretty quickly...

Hope I never have to find out how many I can "handle"... cause that means I'm in a very very bad place.

I do like the idea of if you have to fight, fight strategically... take down the biggest, meanest one quickly and with absolute brutality so the others have second thoughts about attacking you in the first place.

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