Best Gi


Senior Master
I am sure that this question has been asked on this site a number of times but I am not yet skilled at searching through the threads.

What is your favorite brand of gi? Who makes it? Where would I go to find it? How expensive is it? Etc....................

I haven't tried any expensive gis myself. I started with Century; middle weight, heavy weight, and Iron Man. Currently I wear Hayashi from Tiger Claw. I like their black gis but I found that their colored ones don't break in as nicely. They stay pretty stiff. What are your suggestions?
I tend to avoid Century gi's.

Arguably, the best out there is Shureido, but they are expensive (around 200 bucks), and take a good while to break in.

Tokaido is supposed to be in a similar class, but I had some quality control issues with them recently.

The next tier that is still excellent, includes two companies that our school uses: Tokon / Kamikaze, and Kime. More folks seem to like the offerings from Tokon (or Kamikaze; they sell the same uniform), and that there's a good variety to choose from.

These are the uniforms that I recommend:

Tokon Spirit: 12 oz middle / heavyweight unfirom. Decent durability, and the least expensive of the premium uniforms.

Tokon America: 14 oz heavyweight uniform. Great durability, next cheapest of the premium gi's.

Tokon Europa: 12 oz middle / heavyweight unfirom. Lighter, but still strong, and very comfortable, since the cotton canvas is brushed up.

Tokon Monarch: Similar to the America, but more comfortable, since it's also brushed up.

Tokon Sovereign: Currently my favorite. It's a middleweight gi (11-12 oz) that is the most comfortable gi I've ever had, and that it really keeps you cool in the heat of the deep South.

Prices will range from 80-140, depending on what you get, but the $$$ spent is well worth it.
I can't say what the BEST dobak/judo-gi is (haven't tried that many brands), but I sure would like to have another Bear Brand.
I love my Wacoku gis by Masahiro International. They've lasted longer than any other I've owned and are a very comfortable, tight weave gi. I don't remember what I paid for them but whatever it was, it was well worth it.
I can't say what the BEST dobak/judo-gi is (haven't tried that many brands), but I sure would like to have another Bear Brand.
Where do you get those? I used to get them myself, but haven't seen 'em in years. Great belts too.

The Shuerido's (sp?) are great but pricey. Pro-Force isn't bad (froma AWMA) if you get the heavy brushed ones.

Where do you get those? I used to get them myself, but haven't seen 'em in years. Great belts too.

Well, that's kind of the problem.

Until just recently, we used to get them from a guy named Shin (Not GM Bong Yul Shin, a different Shin) from St. Louis or Chicago, something like that.

Only now we can't, for some reason.

I bought a "Bold Look" brand (?) unbleached dobak to use so I don't wear out my last (regular weave) Bear Brand that is in good shape. But I really wish I could get a hold of a couple more Bear Brands.

I still have a double weave bear brand judo-gi that is almost new, but that thing is heavy. I don't really like to wear it very often as it wears me out.

All my gup belts were bear brand -- I agree, nice belts.
I really like their belts. Can't stand the wide ones. The narrow ones stay tied a lot better. I was given a 2" belt with I got my shodan, and that's just for display(actually, it's collecting dust in a drawer somewhere). Hsu belts are what I like anymore.

I didn't even know that Bear made Judo Gi. I'll have to get one if I can find someone who sells em.

For BJJ gi the ones that seem to have the highest aproval are Koral, and Gameness. Other good brands include Atama, and Keiko Raca.
I prefer Shureido gis to all others. I just recently pruchased 3 new shureido's to replace my old Tokaido's and I still can't figure why I switched from Shureido to Tokaido in the first place. I have never had a problem breaking in the K-10 gi from Shureido and the TK-10 I just got is very soft and comfortable. You can get them direct from Shureido USA but warning they are expensive but well worth it.
I prefer Shureido gis to all others. I just recently pruchased 3 new shureido's to replace my old Tokaido's and I still can't figure why I switched from Shureido to Tokaido in the first place. I have never had a problem breaking in the K-10 gi from Shureido and the TK-10 I just got is very soft and comfortable. You can get them direct from Shureido USA but warning they are expensive but well worth it.
Are those the "no iron" ones interwoven with rayon?

I have a century tae kwon do gi, however during my time in judo and hapkido I always like bear brand. If you are looking for a good gi look at the swain gi. Look up Mike Swain on the internet. He is a multiple time judo gold medalist.
When I switched to using Judo Gi's instead of Karate Gi's my first one was a Mike Swain. Great Gi's. Lately I've been using the Gladiator instead 'cause they are not only less expensive, but a little lighter as well. But the Swain ones are better quality.

This may be a stupid question, but that never stopped me before. What is the difference betwen a Judo gi and a Karate gi? I have always had the karate Gi's and have never been in a MA store when I needed to get a new Gi, so I never have looked at different "arts" styles.
This may be a stupid question, but that never stopped me before. What is the difference betwen a Judo gi and a Karate gi? I have always had the karate Gi's and have never been in a MA store when I needed to get a new Gi, so I never have looked at different "arts" styles.
Judo Gi's are much heavier. The weave is much thicker. The fabric of the pants is doubled layered. The easiest way to tell the difference would be to go to

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I will say that my Juka Gold is hands down the best gi that I have ever had or will have. I have had several of the bigger name uniforms and this one is my favorite.
Hi everyone. Are these the ones you are talking about?

Did a quick Google and this place popped up. I would be interested in getting a set, if these are the same as you guys are refering to.

BLESS you! :) I also had problems finding anything online -- even with google searches. Weird.

YES that is the brand! SuWEEET :D

Regarding the difference between karata/judo gis:

If you try to wear a karate gi in a judo/hapkido/throwing art class, the ties will get ripped out right away.

After that, it is just a matter of time before you lose a sleeve :)
I have just ordered a heavyweight 100% cotton Gi (Not sure the brand) but I am wondering if anyone knows of either a light or middleweight 100% cotton Gi. I only got the heavyweight because I could not find the others in cotton.