Happy Birthday ~ Mr. Parker


Our Founder and Only True "Senior GrandMaster" of American Kenpo would have been 72 today! Hard to believe that it's been almost 13 years since he passed. Rest his soul.

Thank You Sir for all you gave us. Your loyal students still carry the flame on........

A Senior Grand Master Was Born

It was a Grand Thursday in 1931,
To Arthur and Eva was born a new son,
In Honolulu Hawaii he was the sixth of seven,
It was also here that he returned to heaven.

But while here on earth,
He touched many lives,
He developed a system
That would help us survive.

He had humor and wit
Was a big and strong man
He traveled the globe
With his new Kenpo plan.

People listened with care
And practiced his Art
Developed many new things
That set him aprart.

We all miss him dearly
And wish he was still here
But he is with all of us now
Which would be his 72nd year.

So Salute you we do
With the left over right
Those of us that were closest
Are still sharing your might.

Happy 72nd Birthday ~ Edmund Kealoha Parker

He certainly had a big part in changing my life.

Thank you sir.

Dot :asian:
We will remember Mr. Parker this day and everyday after. Happy Birthday, this is the day we shall celebrate his life!

Good journey to all!

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh

Great words Mr. C!!!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
The Only True "Senior GrandMaster" of American Kenpo

Everyone wants to be the man but there is only one who was the man. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. No matter who pretends otherwise, they know it too. For EPAK, that was Ed Parker.
I never got the chance to meet him. I have gotten to meet and learn from some great guys because of him! For that I am thankful.

Happy Birthday Mr Parker!
Happy Bday Mr. Parker

Thank you for all you have shared with us.

Your creation is the passion in my life.

With you aways sir, in spirit, and in kenpo.

Mr. Parker

Thank you for Kenpo, and everything it's given to me. Especially my Kenpo family. My world is a better place because of them, and I wouldn't have them if it weren't for you.

Always Kenpo,
Billy :asian:

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