Had my first day of TKD today.



I'm a danzan ryu student and I wanted to crosstrain in some kind of karate, tae kwon do. I decided to check out the TKD program at school and it ended up being cool as hell. Today was my first class, it was pretty tuff, the stretching was killing me, I was catching on to the kicks really quick and I never realized how hard it is to hold a horse stance my legs were shaking, haha. It's WTF Tae Kwon Do, I know it's sport tae kwon do but I aint tripping I like the class and the teachers and it's really to just compliment my jujitsu.
bMunky said:
I'm a danzan ryu student and I wanted to crosstrain in some kind of karate, tae kwon do. I decided to check out the TKD program at school and it ended up being cool as hell. Today was my first class, it was pretty tuff, the stretching was killing me, I was catching on to the kicks really quick and I never realized how hard it is to hold a horse stance my legs were shaking, haha. It's WTF Tae Kwon Do, I know it's sport tae kwon do but I aint tripping I like the class and the teachers and it's really to just compliment my jujitsu.

Good job! I did Danzan ryu and TKD at the same time and they are a great compelement. The only way to learn to defend against punches and kicks is to have them constantly thrown at you - which TKD and other striking arts will do. Best of luck in your training.
Good job! TKD was my introduction to MA and, yes, the stretching was arduous. Continued good luck.
Very cool!

Welcome to the fun.

I really realized the difference the stretching had made when I started a BJJ class and realized how much range I had to stretch compared to the other students. (Nothing against them because they stretch for a different goal)
bMunky said:
I'm a danzan ryu student and I wanted to crosstrain in some kind of karate, tae kwon do. I decided to check out the TKD program at school and it ended up being cool as hell. Today was my first class, it was pretty tuff, the stretching was killing me, I was catching on to the kicks really quick and I never realized how hard it is to hold a horse stance my legs were shaking, haha. It's WTF Tae Kwon Do, I know it's sport tae kwon do but I aint tripping I like the class and the teachers and it's really to just compliment my jujitsu.

Congrats on finding a new school to train in!! Take your time in learning the new material, don't get frustrated, and most of all, have a good time!!

Excellent! Congrats on finding another art to cross train in!
Many of us here are WTF style TKD. Have fun with it! (I bet you're sore) :)
Actually, all arts have commonality of movement principles. Your understanding of flow and circles from jiu-jitsu will be invaluable in TKD. Just think about the standard backleg roundhouse kick. The hip movement is exactly the same as in many jiu-jitsu type throws.

The concept of style is somewhat of an artificial construction. Once you understand movement, you can practice any style - aikido, karate, silat, whatever. The whole MA world will become yours.
I'm glad you are enjoying it. Your legs will be sore for a while, so stretch- even outside of class.
I'm glad you found TKD fun. It gets much more fun as your legs get conditioned. Learn each belt's requirements well is my advice. Long/forward stance in white belt-balance and the basic kicks-front, round, side. Yes you will be sore for awhile but that means you are working hard. And do stretch each day as Terry mentioned. Muscles when worked tend to shorten up, you need to stretch them after class and on days when you don't have a workout.
Glad you enjoyed it. Welcome to the TKD branch of the MA family. Yes, there are goofy relatives on this side (like in all parts of the family:) ). But we have our share of folks that you're proud to show off in public, too.
Way to go!! Be careful...it is addicting...as I'm sure all martial arts are. I have been thinking about taking up another art...anyone have any ideas what would work well with TKD?
I started BJJ a week or two ago and so far it seems to compliment TKD pretty well as alternative set of techniques in some different positions.

I miss the Hapkdio style SJM and takedowns from my old TKD scool, though
My legs are fine, I'm an aggressive inline skater and my legs get me jumping on above waist high rails with 12 pound weights (the skates) and they get beat agianst steel rails all the time like muay thai fighters shins so there good on that part. My legs just arent that flexible, I feel like I can lift my legs higher though it's weird like I've been walking while doing the high knees exercise. I've been stretching every chance I get like I work on my splits as I'm like not even close to there yet. But looking very much forward to my next classes, I cant wait to learn other kicks other than a front kick.
It's great that you have the strength for the kicks already. Flexibility may take a little longer.