Fitness Levels



I find it hard to keep going when doing drills with my teacher, having started with a new teacher after about 4 months, I realised I don't have that good a fitness level and feel myself getting quite tired quickly. I need some good exercises that would help increase my fitness because it is quite bad even though my technique and power is just about ok. Any advise would help. I know about running and that continuos pad drills will help but I can only afford one lesson a week.

You said:
"I can only afford one lesson a week."
I'm there with ya!!! $$$ is tight.
BUT, as one of my old instructors used to say, you only have one or two classes a week to learn, but you have 7 full days to train. It's with your instructor that you learn, it's on your own that you get 'good'.

Things to keep in mind for 'energy levels':
#1: your age. We don't have as much energy (non-cultivated) at 35 as we did when we were 18. Must face this, but don't ever let it get you down. I've known FINE martial artists who started Karate in their 40s or 50s, after YEARS of smoking and abusing their bodies.... then they just took off physically in the martial arts! Take age into account, but don't let it count you out!

#2: Rest. Our time in deep sleep is when our bodies and minds generate our stores of energy, and only then!!! IF you don't get enough sleep, you won't get enough energy and your working out will only deplete..not cultivate. I learned this hard and heavy in body building... if you don't sleep you can't recoup from your workouts! PERIOD. It's a matter of quantity.

#3: Diet: our bodies draw ATP (the chemical needed for muscular contraction) and calories/carbohydrates from the food we consume. No fuel in, no energy out. It's a matter of quality.

#4: get at total of at least 3 hours of cardio work each week. Interlace this with some sprinting to help your body generate sudden bursts of energy.

Remeber to make your workouts mirror the type of exertion that you will later demand of your body. In other words, if you wear out sparring... spar more, or spend time shaddow boxing (and under rated habit, well worth developing). The best way to improve your endurance is to demand more endurance w/in your particular type of work.
Do your art more, more often.
Just some thoughts and suggestions.
Your Brother
Here's an exercise regime you can do at home, with no equipment that will produce results you will like. Strength and endurance will improve.
Step 1: Do deep knee bends, going low enough so that thighs are parallel to floor. Do 20.

Step 2: Do cat stretches. These are- start in push up position with hands more than shoulder width, and body flexed, butt up. Lower stomach to floor by flexing body, keep arms straight, then raise body to start position. Do 10.

Step 3: Repeat the above 2 steps, always keeping a 2 to 1 ratio of deep knee bends to cat stretches. Work up to 100 deep knee bends and 50 cat stretches non stop, or do more.

Step 4: Upon completion do ab crunches for high reps, go to failure.

Step 5: Repeat the above to failure.

With this your working legs, abs, arms and getting cardio. ITS TOUGH.

I have to agree with what the others have said. We may not be in the best condition at 35+ .
If you can only go to one class a week be sure to make time for yourslef each day to do some of the excercises and drills. It may not benifit you at this stage to push yourslef to the limit but make sure you get a GOOD workout. Try different excersises everyother day or mix them up but do ALL of them every 2 days.

Sometimes we just have to close the door to the bedroom or go into the cellar or garage to be alone but find the time it will help you. I suggest that after befor and after you do a stretching routine this will help the muscles respond better.
All these suggestions are good, solid ways to improve your fitness level. The only thing that I would add is to do something that you enjoy. If you are just putting in the reps, you most likely won't stay with it.

So if you enjoy boxing/shadow boxing turn up the tunes and pick up the pace. If you enjoy doing forms practice them repeatedly with conviction. This will greatly increase your endurance.

Good luck
Don't forget about running. I have to put it back into my schedule to build up my endurance. I used to do a 6 1/2 minute mile when I was running. Haven't done so in about ten years.

I used to be able to run 5 miles and not get tired, sweated but had no problems with fatigue.
Qasim: How are ya!
Good Stuff
i have the same problem but i go almost everyday. when i train with the other students im fine, but when i go with the instructor, i get tired faster than u could say " ". instructors arent ppl who are easy to train with so dont sweat it. just run 1-2miles each day or whenever u can. it only takes 5-8 minutes.
One other idea if you ca SWIM its one of the best ways to get in shape i know of. But like DWright said find something u like and go for it