Finger jabs and shots to the testicles


Green Belt
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
highly effective in self-defence. what are your thoughts on them?

do you use finger jabs?

or focus on the testicle region when trainaing?
lll000000lll said:
or focus on the testicle region when trainaing?

When I trained in Kung Fu there were many self-defense techniques that involved strikes to that region. (hence my getting hit there a great deal). Aside from it not being necessarily life-stopping pain it's still a darn good place to strike, and we practiced it.
Shaolinwind said:
When I trained in Kung Fu there were many self-defense techniques that involved strikes to that region. (hence my getting hit there a great deal). Aside from it not being necessarily life-stopping pain it's still a darn good place to strike, and we practiced it.
yeah my favorite is 'mantis steals the peach'. it sounds like you want to rip the testicles off... just sounds cool.
little fingers locks and groin grabs can give you great control, so instead of being choked from behind you can be in control and eventually throw the person down and run. i think they're good for self defense.
mantis said:
yeah my favorite is 'mantis steals the peach'. it sounds like you want to rip the testicles off... just sounds cool.
little fingers locks and groin grabs can give you great control, so instead of being choked from behind you can be in control and eventually throw the person down and run. i think they're good for self defense.

We did one called "Removing the Jewels". If someone has you in a headlock from the side, you drop down into a low horse, palm strike accross your body into the abdomen, followed by another palm strike with the same hand to the groin. For decency's sake they didn't really go too far in depth, but I got the idea.. When you meet your mark, squeeze and pull back with force. I suspect tight jeans might limit its effectiveness.

What I've noticed, and of course my knowledge is rather limited, groin attacks were always done with the hands, rather than going for a kick squeh in the nads.
Shaolinwind said:
We did one called "Removing the Jewels". If someone has you in a headlock from the side, you drop down into a low horse, palm strike accross your body into the abdomen, followed by another palm strike with the same hand to the groin. For decency's sake they didn't really go too far in depth, but I got the idea.. When you meet your mark, squeeze and pull back with force. I suspect tight jeans might limit its effectiveness.

What I've noticed, and of course my knowledge is rather limited, groin attacks were always done with the hands, rather than going for a kick squeh in the nads.
haha peach, jewels i guess it depends on the size!
we actually do grab and squeeze, but that's not the issue. when my instructor taught it to us he didnt want us to stop just because we got the idea. he wanted us to inflict pain and feel the pain... that guy doesnt mind reaching all the way and squeezing until life comes out of them!
Shaolinwind said:
That would make me uncomfortable.. I'm all for good training but please, don't touch Gerald Jr.
no one is talking about Gerald Jr. he can defend himself
we're talking about .... nevermind
let's not go there
mantis said:
peach, jewels i guess it depends on the size

This hurts me just reading about those techniques...
Whoa, talking about these techniques is one thing. But actually practicing them is pretty hardcore. Even for the sake of learning I wouldn't want anybody handling my boys. Nor would I want to mash somebody elses for practice neither. One of those things I write off as "to do in life or death situations".

I will finger jab eyes and fleshy parts of the throat though. Easier for me to get to.

Um good luck?
King said:
Does scratching an itch count? :D
on the testicles?
i dont know how effective that is. you might get opponent down in 'laughter'.. try it!
I have been taught to use the finger jab to th testicle and also the squeeze techniques
any way you do it it hurts if done correctly
I know i like the techniques but then I like to see a little pain on my students faces once in a while so i know they are paying attention to what is going on
the legs of the opponent naturally channel kicks to the groin, very effective. i kicked a due in the nuts last month as hard as i could. dropped him long enough for me to gain control and subdue him. I have no qualms about kicking someone in the grapes, i dont fight in the ring and the only rule i go by is my own rule that i make it home safe at night. there are however some freaks that will just get more pissed when you kick them there so have a plan b. Over all though, they are a very effective means of gaining entry to fight nice and close.
lll000000lll said:
highly effective in self-defence. what are your thoughts on them?

do you use finger jabs?

or focus on the testicle region when trainaing?

Finger jabs and groin shots are certainly worth training and are useful in SD. While they may not be fight stoppers, they can be used in conjunction with other strikes. Certainly some good tools to have!

sorry coming from someone who does not have testicles, i was laughing my *** of at this thread. Personaly i wouldnt handly anyones junk unless it was life or death like that but i would do it if i had to

BrandiJo said:
sorry coming from someone who does not have testicles, i was laughing my *** of at this thread. Personaly i wouldnt handly anyones junk unless it was life or death like that but i would do it if i had to

i don't know about anyone else but if i was being attacked by a female i would restrain them. because i definitely don't hit women, but if i couldn't restrain them. what else could you do? I'm a big boy i can take an ***-whoopin.
OK, let's romanticise these good self-defense techniques. I like to draw from Kung Fu Theater. Finger jab to the eye/s=Taking the pearl
Finger strike,wrist strike or palm strike to groin=Finding the snake. LOL. PEACE

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