Fighting Larger People


Green Belt
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Worcester, MA
Solar plexus
Arch of the foot

Stage the fight to go in your favor, though not always in that order ;)

I remember watching Miss. Congeniality, where Sandra Bullock (sp?) uses self defense as her "talent" portion of the competition and uses SING


That works too :D


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Jan 16, 2006
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Good to see you around the neighborhood Shaun :) :)


Yellow Belt
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Solar plexus
Arch of the foot

Stage the fight to go in your favor, though not always in that order ;)

I remember watching Miss. Congeniality, where Sandra Bullock (sp?) uses self defense as her "talent" portion of the competition and uses SING


That works too :D

I just happened to be reading this and miss congeniality is on TV right now in the background....


Green Belt
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Since I myself am not a big guy at all, I am constantly fighting guys larger than me. The first thing I keep in mind is never go to the head if the person is taller than you. I always used to try to backnuckle or ridgehand to the side of the head, until I found out, when I fought a man that was 6ft. 1in. when I tried to backnucle him to the side of his head, he just came back and nailed me, which leads to my next thing, always keep your hands up. You will be taught a valuable lesson if you don't, trust me. I didn't keep my hands up during a sparring match and ended up getting nailed in the head, then followed with a front kick to my chest. I went flying backwards. The third thing I have learned while fighting guys larger than you is be patient. You won't believe how many times I have waited for an open shot, and it works. If the opponent goes to kick, and he is tall and heavy, usually when he kicks and plants he is going to be off balance. As soon as he lands that is your time to charge in with a punch to the stomach or chest, or just kick him, and in a sparring match you will recieve the point.


Purple Belt
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
All over the U.S.
I'm short also, 5'3" to be exact. Big guys man there tough. You gotta' be smart about it. First and foremost, if you end up in a squared off type of a situation, you need mobility being shorter. So you need to be moving like a Muhammad Ali, or Bruce Lee, always on your toes. Don't stop moving. You can't give the guy the chance to grab you, or hit you. Being smaller you should be at least a little bit faster, not necassarily but hopefully. That's when you can be patient and look for those targets, and opportunities.

However, since the scenario is constantly being put in the bar. More than likely something has been said, or done, and you know before the fight happens that it's going too. You need to even the odds. If he hits you first and he's big like a Brock Lesner, he might knock you out on the first strike, or even kill ya, if he hits you right. So you can't let that happen. So you strike first. I know it's being the aggressor and all but you strike first and you don't stop till you can get away. You can do other things, also just before that strike, cause you've got to get it. If you don't, your in the above paragraphs situation. I wear a baseball cap everywhere I go, or a bandana or something on my head. Those can be taken off, and thrown in somebody's face real quick( I know). That one jerk to the right or left, to avoid what's coming at his face, gives you that chance to get that first strike in, especially if you have to clear some distance. At that moment, and I mean the minute that hat or bandana, or any item leaves your hands, your strike is connecting either at the same time or just a split second after. Now that can be the beer bottle in your hand you were just drinking smashing into the guys head, throat, eyeball socket, whatever. It could also be a kick to the groin, the knees, or even an ankle stomp. Whatever it takes to get a reaction out of the guy, that puts you in the advantage. From there you just keep going from one bad spot to the next until you can get the hell of there. That's assuming that you didn't run, or weren't able too. Once your some place safe if you feel it necassary you can call the cops and tell them what happened, and they can go help the guy dig his eyeball out of a beer bottle, but you got home safe.

That's my take on it. Be as ruthless, and violently efficient as you know how. He's big, he's drunk, he's mean. Obviously or he wouldn't be picking a fight with a guy that's half his size, right? So you end it, and end it quick. If you feel confident enough in your abilities that you can subdue the guy, great. Personally I don't think it's worth a broken jaw to find out if you are. That's my opinion.:asian:


Master Black Belt
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
Prof. Chow wasn't all too big. Niether is Sijo Emperado, or Bruce Lee. I wouldn't have wanted to fight any of them. The thing is to not fight the big guy's fight with them like many have said.


Green Belt
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
More than likely I am not going to defend myself by face/head blows, pokes, etc. Fighting someone bigger than me happens often at my school since I am on the shorter side myself 5ft. 7inch. 140 lbs. I would first block the opponent with whatever defense I need to stop him from punching and kicking me, then I would mainly target the abdomine, and legs. I am probably not going to try to buckle him to the ground, depending on how much bigger he is than myself. Depending on the attack as well, if it is an attack such as a push to the shoulder or chest I might use borrowed force on him.


Master Black Belt
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
More than likely I am not going to defend myself by face/head blows, pokes, etc. Fighting someone bigger than me happens often at my school since I am on the shorter side myself 5ft. 7inch. 140 lbs. I would first block the opponent with whatever defense I need to stop him from punching and kicking me, then I would mainly target the abdomine, and legs. I am probably not going to try to buckle him to the ground, depending on how much bigger he is than myself. Depending on the attack as well, if it is an attack such as a push to the shoulder or chest I might use borrowed force on him.

What grade are you in?


Black Belt
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Standing at a daunting five and a half feet tall, I rarely encounter shorter men. I have found that skill, ferocity in combat, and the merciless application of said skill serves you well against larger opponents.

The first fight I ever had as an adult was against a behemoth freak of nature. He stood at least a full foot taller than me and easily had 150 pounds on me. I won because I crushed his testicles with a kick, then broke a chair across his face before he could recover, and then bent his leg backwards with a side kick to the knee.

It all happened so fast that his buddies never had a time to get up from their table and by the time they did, they didn't want a part of any of it. The cops told me that they have responded a few times to find small guys beaten to a pulp by this guy. He was on parole, and was going back to jail for assaulting and attempting to batter me.

While what I used was not in the official Kenpo tech database, it worked quite well. And judging by the looks on his friends faces, they thought I was either 10 feet tall and bullet-proof, or I was too mean to mess with. I think the latter.

So a tactic I advise against larger stronger opponents - strike first, make it count and do not let up until they can't pick themselves up. If you have it (improvised weapons), and it will hurt him, use it. Finally do not be afraid to do great harm, like the cops told me, this guy liked to not just fight guys, but hospitalize them.