Competiting this weekend


Senior Master
I am competing in a Tae kwon Do tournament in Clayton, MO. It is Olympic style sparring rules. As a lot of you know I am only able to compete in poomse.

Wish me luck.
I have the choice between Sa Jang or Won Yho. My school cirriculum dictates both ITF and WTF poomse in Gup and Dan ranks, even though we are a WTF school.

I do believe that I am going to do Won Yho. That particular poomse is asthetically beautiful to me, it also came to me a little quicker than Sa Jang.
I am competing in a Tae kwon Do tournament in Clayton, MO. It is Olympic style sparring rules.Wish me luck.

You got it, Matt---best of luck! Let us know how it goes.
I hope to go and watch you compete, Matt.

I'm going to sit this one out (though it'll kill me to watch once I get there) as I can't risk any injuries right now.

cya soon! (if all goes well)
Matt I would wish you luck but skill is always better than luck and we all know you have skills.
our school does both styles also, but I'm a big fan of the WTF forms and 4 is one of my favorites. But you are correct, Won yho is a better looking form. Have a blast!
Thanks guys,

Poomse is all I have for competition. My goal is to have people try and figure out who is going to come in second behind me.

Thank you for all the encouragement, it is reassuring. By the way, Terry thank you for the wonderful compliment.
If it is alright, perhaps I could attend and watch? THen maybe Zdom, you, and I could grab some food? It'd be like a mini meet and greet! lol.
If it is alright, perhaps I could attend and watch? THen maybe Zdom, you, and I could grab some food? It'd be like a mini meet and greet! lol.

You are more than welcome to come watch, I'm sure, and I'm pretty sure you would be welcome to join our post-tournament dining.

It would also be a great opportunity to meet Grandmaster Bong Yul Shin, 10th dan yudo, although I doubt you will get to see him do anything but sit and watch in a suit. We can tell you stories about GM Shin between matches :)

Tuesday I'll find out and confirm the location unless Matt posts it first.
Good luck, Matt!!!! If you get the chance, watch the judges during other rounds/brackets, and see what they're looking for; some boards will look for technical accuracy (my choice), but others will look for flash. If you can get an idea ahead of time, it might help. Either way, have fun!
Sam, the tournament is at Clayton High School. You could come and compete in sparring if you wish, if you are familiar with Olympic style sparring. Go to the back where the big parking lot is. It will be in the BB court area.
Sam, the tournament is at Clayton High School. You could come and compete in sparring if you wish, if you are familiar with Olympic style sparring. Go to the back where the big parking lot is. It will be in the BB court area.

I'm not familar with TKD sparring rules - can anyone direct me to a website? If they are too different I will only watch.

When I spar, its two points for a kick, one for a hands technique, two minutes or 5 points. A judge calls break when a clean point is made.
I'm not familar with TKD sparring rules - can anyone direct me to a website? If they are too different I will only watch.

When I spar, its two points for a kick, one for a hands technique, two minutes or 5 points. A judge calls break when a clean point is made.

Sam---check out

Take a look at the Wikipedia article on TKD also.

The practical side of it is, it's very common for judges in TKD sparring to ignore hand strikes. In a lot of the WTF sparring I've seen, the contestants don't even bother to keep their hand guards up to protect their centerlines, because of how rarely a punch that lands counts (the WTF has already gone as far as ruling out backfist or hammerfist strikes). Even though TKD has as many hand techniques in its arsenal as Japanese and Okinawan karate---the same ones, in fact, not surprising since that's where TKD came from---many people outside the art seem to judge it as an almost exclusively kick-based system, base on what they see of Olympic TKD.