Competiting this weekend

Oh, yeah the tournament is Sunday by the way. Hope you catch this Sam. It is Sunday at Clayton High School off of Forsythe I think.
oh, good! i was about to say I couldnt make it because I figured it was saturday.

I took a tkd sparring class weds, and there is no way im ready to compete under these rules - my endurance isnt up to it and I cant ward off all those wheel kicks.
oh, good! i was about to say I couldnt make it because I figured it was saturday.

I took a tkd sparring class weds, and there is no way im ready to compete under these rules - my endurance isnt up to it and I cant ward off all those wheel kicks.

As it is a continous, full-contract competition, it is something you probably should train for before jumping right in.

(although I'm not SURE under-blackbelt competition is full-contact/continuous WTF style... last time I was at Shin's tourny I thought it WAS, but my instructor (Matt's dad) said he thinks that is just black belt division...)

I think Shin charges a $5 "spectator" fee.

exile said:
The practical side of it is, it's very common for judges in TKD sparring to ignore hand strikes.

True: but it IS full contact. I won a match once by punching a much larger opponent so hard (even through the hogu!) he refused to come back for the second round.

Additionally, if you make them leery enough of your punching, it opens up opportunties for your kicks.
I'll try to remember to wear my black MSK hapkido shirt with red/orange writing so we are easier to spot.

The back has pictures of various Yudo throws, the front just has a "patch" on the I think over the left corner of the chest.

Should be a group of about 4-6 adults with a couple of "pre-hapkido" kids swarming around a blonde haired lady (their instructor, Miss Jill Mills).

Unless Shin needs officials... in that case I'll be dressed out in a plain white judo uniform with a plain black belt.

Matt should be easy enough to spot: look for Moo Sul Kwan patch like my avatar on his chest or ask anyone who is wearing that patch where you can find him.

Hope you are able to make it!
okay - I will probably just wear my school's tee and jeans - but I will make a point to wear a tye-dyed bandana. Those are easy to spot.
True: but it IS full contact. I won a match once by punching a much larger opponent so hard (even through the hogu!) he refused to come back for the second round.[/I]

zDom---now that's Taekwondo!! Guy probably figured he was up against some psychotic kyokushin nutter who was planning to crack his head open with elbow strikes in the second round. It's possible that was the first time he had gotten punched in competition. You did him a great service showing him that there are more things in heaven and earth than high snapping roundhouse kicks...

Additionally, if you make them leery enough of your punching, it opens up opportunties for your kicks.

Good point. Serious fear sheds a whole new light on things ;-)
Matt---on the eve of combat, good luck again to you.
will let all know the outcome tomorrow night. zdom is smart, he usually tears up the competition however, as prep for his dan test in hapkido he is going to be by last minute poomse coach.
guys, I just found out tonight that the bus doesnt run that way. Won't be able to make it, sorry.

Good luck!
Just to let all know the outcome.....My classmate took 1st in poomse and sparring. I took 3rd in poomse. Another classmate to 3rd in poomse and 2nd in sparring.

From my dads class: Zdom's girlfriend took 2nd in sparring, she is hapkido and therefore doesn't compete in poomse. Two other students in the pre hapkido class took 1st and 2nd in sparring.

The tourney was a lot of fun, everyone had a good showing. Good sportsmanship all around.

do you have any photos?

And how do you feel you did? Was there anything which you couldve improved upon?
Well thank you. Considering I am fighting uphill with my dual leg brace situation I feel that if I can place then I did well. At this stage for me it is more important to get positive feedback from Zdom, who is a tkd 2nd dan, my grandmaster and my father.

Thank you everyone for the congratulatory remarks, they are well received and very much appreciated.

Also to answer Sams question: I do not believe I could've improved based upon the feedback I received. I take that back, My spacing of backstances was a tad off.
Just to let all know the outcome.....My classmate took 1st in poomse and sparring. I took 3rd in poomse. Another classmate to 3rd in poomse and 2nd in sparring.

Hey, Matt, that's terrific! Well done!

From my dads class: Zdom's girlfriend took 2nd in sparring, she is hapkido and therefore doesn't compete in poomse. Two other students in the pre hapkido class took 1st and 2nd in sparring.

The tourney was a lot of fun, everyone had a good showing. Good sportsmanship all around.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a very satisfying outcome all around. Must feel good to come back covered with some glory, eh?
Thanks everyone,

It is good momentum for our organizational tournament in Cape Girardeau on the 28th. I found out that the scoring was close for 1st to 3rd. My friend had a score of 22.5, the 2nd place winner got 22.4, I had 22.3.

The best part of my division though was the tie for 1st, so they had to go again.

The tourney was a great time.

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