

3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Hey with a header like this maybe people will take a look and reply. Ok Now most of the time when I would train at dojos they where normaly always White walls nothing to wild. My current dojo when I first opened I painted everything to have a nice bright Egg shell white. Lately I have been reading ma sucess mag and was looking at alot of the pics of dojos in there and there walls were all different colors. I seen one with Yellow walls other with Tan. Now I was thinking if I move to a bigger place having Bright colored walls.

Anyways do you feel dojo should have white walls
and what colors is your dojo painted?

I personaly don't care what a wall looks like just a place to train but when people walk in look is very important.

My walls are white......just white. I was going to go with a nice blue on top and black on bottom but I decided to keep them white. I have some nice inspirational poster on the walls and my american and korean flags. Also all of my belt certificates and my instuctors certifacate. I like to keep all my equipment neat in the equipment room. Alot of people like to hang this on their walls I think it looks cluttered myself. Anyways I would like to hear what other people do with their walls as well.
One wall is 6 foot mirrors mounted 18" above the floor, other than that it is white.
Above the mirrors hang many of Ed Parker Jr's Kenpo Kard Gilcees.
Across from the mirrors hang the 4 heavy bags and 3 double end bags.
That wall is paneled to about waist high with a 2" black border and a 2" upright every four feet the panels are a pleasant medium tan color. Our mat is a Puzzle Mat in 5 squares from front to back, Blue with the center line in Red.
Oh, above the centermost of the mirrors is a 5' x 4' Kenpo crest one of the students made and painted. It is a beauty. Lining the top of the far wall are my Sifu's old belts from Orange to 4th Black tied as worn.
Below the belts is a chalk board, on the floor are the benches we sit on while watching other classes, or hanging out.
Edited to add: Wow, just describing the room put me in the mindset I have when I walk in. That of coming home.
Mine are a light blue lower half and a darker blue upper half, way I have no clue. The student did it.
White walls are nice and look clean but a little bit of color helps brighten the place up.
Murals on one wall or thoughts ( sayings, codes, etc.) on one wall break up the monotone and gives a different look also
As the schools I've worked out in require white uniforms, I always thought a color other than white would be best for picture taking purposes.
That's a nice practical reason, Dom :tup:.

Where we train is also a community sports hall so the amount of choice we have in the matter is zero :(.

If I ever win the lottery tho', we shall have a pretty, maybe Edo period, Japanese style dojo to swing our blades in :D.
I teach at a Y - so I have no say. When I turned half of my basement into a home dojang, I painted it white, because... well... it's a basement, and I really don't care.

As far as picture taking goes - we wear white doboks, yes - but we take pictures in front of an American flag hung on the wall, so that takes care of any color contrast problems.
my instructor read a similar article in a ma success (or some similar) mag and he painted the walls all yellow!! I think he liked it for about a week and then he was ready to paint them back.

Now they are an off white color, more of a warm light brown/mocha type color. Our office doors are a real deep orange/red with black trim. I really like it and bet it will stay that way for a long time. I like it better than stark white because it just gives some warmth to the room without being crazy.
I teach my classes at a gymnastics facility. Their walls are an off white color. I hung up a bunch of photos to help fill up the walls.
Given a choice, I like a light, natural wood paneling, maybe white or a complementing beige for any plaster.

But... I don't have a choice at the moment! Community center just redid their interior. It used to be dark browns... now it's a much lighter beige range colors.
The entire interior has a color scheme of grey, black and red (including the matts). I'm not sure why those particular colors are chosen, but I suspect it's because our school "uniforms" (t shirts)come in lots of black, white and red. Also it would appear that the head instructor's favorite color is red.

The psychology of how to use color in interior decorating is applied depending on one's purpose for a room. I know that home owners are advised to paint their walls off-white instead of white when showing a house for sale, because pure white looks stark and cold. Fast food restaurants want warm colors like orange, yellow and red because they stimulate the appetite while at the same time sending a subconscious message to eat quickly and be gone. Darker colors make a room "shrink", lighter colors give the illusion that it's bigger.

Personally if I had a dojo I'd paint it in lighter neutral colors with dark trim. That would make it appear spacious without seeming cold like white would. Dark trim around the doors would hide kids' finger prints and scuff marks.
Our hapkido dojang is currently gold on most walls (those that aren't red brick) with deep red in the door alcove.

To me, it somehow gives the room an asian flavor (I think that might have been the intention in color selection).

I'll bring my camera sometime and post some pics I think ...