Be nice

Kittan Bachika

Purple Belt
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I just wanted to say this place is really cool. The responses to my posts have been pretty informative and I have leared a lot. Even when people disagreed with me, they have been pretty civil and it has not turned into a flame war.

Before picking this forum, I looked at other forums where I saw things quickly become a verbal street fight over imaginary slights. Here are some examples.

There is one person who seemed to get some sadistic glee in harassing people. And when he was challenged he would tell people to just shut up and get his buddies to gang up on that person. And this is just a fraction of what the type of backstabbing he would pull on that particular forum. What was really hypocritical was that this guy did this huge song and dance of how spiritual he was when in fact he was just a big bully.

At another forum there was a guy who owned a kung fu school and was throwing out kung fu challenges like candy on Halloween. If he disliked what you wrote he would end his response with an invitation to his school to test your skills against him. I don't know how good this guy is but he is really asking for trouble if somone or a bunch of people decide to take him up on his invitation for a death match.

Unfortunately martial arts has always attracted people who are more interested in power and being able to dominate others to make up for their own insecurities rather than focusing on personal growth and helping other people. The internet has just given these people more of a forum to show the world their dark sides.

Which is why I think it is important to be nice because I think that is the best way to defeat these types of people.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
I just wanted to say this place is really cool. The responses to my posts have been pretty informative and I have leared a lot. Even when people disagreed with me, they have been pretty civil and it has not turned into a flame war.

Before picking this forum, I looked at other forums where I saw things quickly become a verbal street fight over imaginary slights. Here are some examples.

There is one person who seemed to get some sadistic glee in harassing people. And when he was challenged he would tell people to just shut up and get his buddies to gang up on that person. And this is just a fraction of what the type of backstabbing he would pull on that particular forum. What was really hypocritical was that this guy did this huge song and dance of how spiritual he was when in fact he was just a big bully.

At another forum there was a guy who owned a kung fu school and was throwing out kung fu challenges like candy on Halloween. If he disliked what you wrote he would end his response with an invitation to his school to test your skills against him. I don't know how good this guy is but he is really asking for trouble if somone or a bunch of people decide to take him up on his invitation for a death match.

Unfortunately martial arts has always attracted people who are more interested in power and being able to dominate others to make up for their own insecurities rather than focusing on personal growth and helping other people. The internet has just given these people more of a forum to show the world their dark sides.

Which is why I think it is important to be nice because I think that is the best way to defeat these types of people.


Haha j/k! You're absolutely right about this!!!!!!! I was on a forum just the other night ( and got ganged up on by the "martial arts guru's" where many of the individuals were alleged "Police Officers"???
These "Police Officers" sit there and verbally thrash people over the internet, due to their lack of information, or their personal opinions on certain subjects??

I tried to come back a few hours later and even changed my forum s/n, although the actual MODERATORS on that forum recognized my IP address and opened up the can of worms! These are some pathetic, immature, petty little kids to be acting this way.

They put a LOT of emphasis on cyber-bullying others, which leaves me at a wonder on how they truly act in person.
Are they cowards in person, or are they truly skilled in the Martial Arts; although they use their skills to do more harm than good?

I learned in my entire life of practicing martial arts, that helping others and fighting the bullies who pick on the meeker ones is the way to go.

Jesus, what's going on these days??


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Though my opinion may be a bit biased, I happen to agree that MT is probably one of the best and most fairly moderated places, as well as one of the most generally polite martial arts forums around.

But, to keep it that way, we discourage forum bashing, whether that's other forums here or MT on other boards.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
MartialTalk tries very hard to be different than the rest of the sites out there.
- We look for a consistent and professional staff. Our staff is expected to act in a mature and professional manner when acting officially. They are held accountable for their actions, and in the very few cases that hasn't happened we have dismissed them.
- No one is above the rules. Even I have been suspended when I went too far.
- We expect our members to behave in an adult and mature fashion and don't tolerate "school yard antics".
- Challenges and threats are banable offenses.

Over all, we have a friendly and polite community, though we do have a few special folks and get the occasional trouble case. If you have any problems, contact our staff, or use the Report to Moderator function and let us handle the headaches.


Kittan Bachika

Purple Belt
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Though my opinion may be a bit biased, I happen to agree that MT is probably one of the best and most fairly moderated places, as well as one of the most generally polite martial arts forums around.

But, to keep it that way, we discourage forum bashing, whether that's other forums here or MT on other boards.

I hope you did not interpret what I wrote as bashing other forums. I assure you that was never my intention which is why I did not mention any names.

The individuals I have described are ones I have no desire to deal with and they have no place in the martial arts. Which is why I am here.

It's funny. You really can win by not fighting. You just avoid the attacker in the first place.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Though my opinion may be a bit biased, I happen to agree that MT is probably one of the best and most fairly moderated places, as well as one of the most generally polite martial arts forums around.

But, to keep it that way, we discourage forum bashing, whether that's other forums here or MT on other boards.

I understand wanting to keep the peace...
although my feelings towards "" are very harsh; due to the fact that many have received plenty of mistreatment (including myself) for being 'less intelligent' in the Martial Arts field.

The way presents themselves is in a very hostile one.
I'm not the only one to say this, as many have given plenty of negative feedback.
It's not the forum as a whole, it's the people within. You have your good, and then you have your bad... is full of the bad... it's almost as if that's where all the bad go after being banished from other forums (such as this one).


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
MartialTalk tries very hard to be different than the rest of the sites out there.
- We look for a consistent and professional staff. Our staff is expected to act in a mature and professional manner when acting officially. They are held accountable for their actions, and in the very few cases that hasn't happened we have dismissed them.
- No one is above the rules. Even I have been suspended when I went too far.
- We expect our members to behave in an adult and mature fashion and don't tolerate "school yard antics".
- Challenges and threats are banable offenses.

Over all, we have a friendly and polite community, though we do have a few special folks and get the occasional trouble case. If you have any problems, contact our staff, or use the Report to Moderator function and let us handle the headaches.


Mr. Hubbard,

You, sir, have my utmost respect (not just because you are the owner of this site, tee hee). I need to say no more than simply, "Look at what I quoted people. That says enough."
I'm very happy to be a member of Martial Talk.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
It's the little dogs that yap at your heels, the big dogs know they don't need to...


MT Senior Moderator
Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Lives in Texas
Everyday in every way, this site proves to be the best on the net. From the meet and greet, on down to the many options available to it's members. I, and many others, feel it is a privilege to belong to this site. I was taught that a DoJo was to be respected, this is our on line DoJo, enjoy.


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
Very pleasant sentiments, gentlemen :tup:.

Just to reiterate, one of the basic tenets here is not to engage in 'forum bashing' in any of it's disagreeable guises. So, if you have had problems on another site, it is perfectly fine to allude to such but it is best not to mention them by name.

To do so is, in practical terms, to invite 'counter-attack' by members of such places and is also, in less tangible terms, the thin end of the wedge leading to more vituperative exchanges and discourses.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
I understand wanting to keep the peace...
although my feelings towards "" are very harsh; due to the fact that many have received plenty of mistreatment (including myself) for being 'less intelligent' in the Martial Arts field.

The way presents themselves is in a very hostile one.
I'm not the only one to say this, as many have given plenty of negative feedback.
It's not the forum as a whole, it's the people within. You have your good, and then you have your bad... is full of the bad... it's almost as if that's where all the bad go after being banished from other forums (such as this one).
I think you'll find that there are many here who have no problems with Bullshido or many of the people. It's different, but I like it just as well. I've seen a lot of nice people get overwhelmed by Bullshido because they didn't take the time to understand the culture and made some early mistakes. As they say, lurk more; post less. At least until you understand what's going on.

It's the same in real life. MT is a friendly, forgiving culture. Bullshido... well, they're a little more trial by fire. :) I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and presume the best. I'd recommend doing the same.


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
I also came here as a "refugee" from an overly pugnacious forum. It wasn't Bullshido, I've never actually checked them out. One person from this other forum recognized me here, and I've spotted a few others from that other forum who don't seem to have recognized me. It's all good. :)

I'll also tip my hat to Bob and the other moderators and mentors here at MT. Having knowledgeable folks to poke for advice has advanced my practice more than I can say, and I'm very grateful to you all for your generosity and patience with us noobs.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Very pleasant sentiments, gentlemen :tup:.

Just to reiterate, one of the basic tenets here is not to engage in 'forum bashing' in any of it's disagreeable guises. So, if you have had problems on another site, it is perfectly fine to allude to such but it is best not to mention them by name.

To do so is, in practical terms, to invite 'counter-attack' by members of such places and is also, in less tangible terms, the thin end of the wedge leading to more vituperative exchanges and discourses.

I understand what you're saying, and can respect this as it is devine logic.
My apologies for doing the complete opposite.


Green Belt
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
The internet has just given these people more of a forum to show the world their dark sides.
Sometimes I think thats why the internet was invented...anonymity gives people options normally constrained by embarrassment or cowardice.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Sometimes I think thats why the internet was invented...anonymity gives people options normally constrained by embarrassment or cowardice.

I can give a toast to that!

You may NEVER know who you're talking to on the receiving end, or why they do what they're doing!

The only thing that we can do, is simply worry about ourselves!

Kittan Bachika

Purple Belt
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Reading all of these comments has made me quite introspective about martial arts.

I come from the old school owhere belts are earned not bought the teacher does not stop yelling at you until you get it right. And even when you do it right, the teacher might yell at you some more. However in my experience it was never done in malice, it was to instill discipline and to realize importance of what you were practicing could save your life.

However I have seen that mentality become twisted into something sadistic. I remember hearing about one teacher who would beat a student with a bokken. When the bokken broke, he simply grabbed another one and continued the beating. All in the name of toughhening up that student.

In my opinion one of the reasons why some forums allow and encourage outrageous behavior was to expose the charlatans that pop up in martial arts that make outrageous claims. That does serve a purpose since it keeps everyone honest.

But like those twisted martial artists, some of these forums have mutated into something venomous because they attract people who seek and even want to create conflict.

When it comes to martial arts, I am totally against coddling. However there is no place for inflicting unnecessary pain upon others.


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Reading all of these comments has made me quite introspective about martial arts.

I come from the old school owhere belts are earned not bought the teacher does not stop yelling at you until you get it right. And even when you do it right, the teacher might yell at you some more. However in my experience it was never done in malice, it was to instill discipline and to realize importance of what you were practicing could save your life.

However I have seen that mentality become twisted into something sadistic. I remember hearing about one teacher who would beat a student with a bokken. When the bokken broke, he simply grabbed another one and continued the beating. All in the name of toughhening up that student.

In my opinion one of the reasons why some forums allow and encourage outrageous behavior was to expose the charlatans that pop up in martial arts that make outrageous claims. That does serve a purpose since it keeps everyone honest.

But like those twisted martial artists, some of these forums have mutated into something venomous because they attract people who seek and even want to create conflict.

When it comes to martial arts, I am totally against coddling. However there is no place for inflicting unnecessary pain upon others.

I agree with you. When I was practicing in Japan under my old master, he was hard (not as hard as the teacher that YOU explained earlier) on me, no matter how young I was (from 5-11 years old).
When I messed up, he'd push my body, mind and spirit until I finally got it right. I shed tears, shed sweat and even blood many times; but he made me realize what types of fake teachers there were in the 'states.
I remember coming back to the states and going to a trial lesson under an instructor in Florida.. the instructor had me do 'butterfly stretches' the whole time while he flirted with my mother for over an hour and a half.
My father heard of this and let's just say that I never returned to that school. The guy seriously looked like a cross between 'Kip' from Napoleon Dynamite and 'Joe Dirt'.
After finding the right school, I began training nearly just as hard as I had it before. I've met plenty of instructors that sold black belts at their 'McDojo', and thanks to my very first instructor in Yokosuka, I never studied under any one of them.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
There has to be a place for our rejects to go. After all, even thugs, inbreds, and anti-social losers need a social life. Now if they would just stay in their holes things would be find and dandy. Well, fine maybe. I'm never sure about dandy. I think it's the scarf. MartialTalk doesn't center on being a perpetual train wreck, and doesn't allow bully pile ons and looks down at such childish antics. Not that we don't have any childish antics, some of us are quite the clowns, though I for one refuse to wear the shoes. They clash with my toga you see. The staff here tries to be fair and professional, and they only take you out back when absolutely necessary. (Note to staff, out back looked a bit dingy my last visit, please tidy up before my next visit to the woodshed. Thanks). Questions or concerns you can address with the staff, they're a friendly lot except when dealing with trolls and troublemakers in which case they tend to be cold, methodical, thorough and vicious. That's also why I don't wear the clown shoes, you never know whose hiney they were last up. Oh and never take me serious except when I am serious. If you figure that out, you'll be Aces. Toodles!


Black Belt
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
There has to be a place for our rejects to go. After all, even thugs, inbreds, and anti-social losers need a social life. Now if they would just stay in their holes things would be find and dandy. Well, fine maybe. I'm never sure about dandy. I think it's the scarf. MartialTalk doesn't center on being a perpetual train wreck, and doesn't allow bully pile ons and looks down at such childish antics. Not that we don't have any childish antics, some of us are quite the clowns, though I for one refuse to wear the shoes. They clash with my toga you see. The staff here tries to be fair and professional, and they only take you out back when absolutely necessary. (Note to staff, out back looked a bit dingy my last visit, please tidy up before my next visit to the woodshed. Thanks). Questions or concerns you can address with the staff, they're a friendly lot except when dealing with trolls and troublemakers in which case they tend to be cold, methodical, thorough and vicious. That's also why I don't wear the clown shoes, you never know whose hiney they were last up. Oh and never take me serious except when I am serious. If you figure that out, you'll be Aces. Toodles!

This is why Legionary wears a skirt, y'all...his trips to the woodshed are so frequent that it became more time effective to have him switch from trousers, which are a chore to pull down...

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Isle de la Moros
You've been peeking. They promised me they had the curtains pulled. No fair. ;)

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