This is for all the school instructors

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Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
I am wondering if any of the school instructors ever had a guy come into their gym and challenge them to a fight, and if so did they lose the fight?

I'm saying did you the instructor lose the fight to the guy who challenged you?

I think this would be funny since you see it in kung fu movies a guy going around looking for a master and he challenges all these people to a fight and whoever beats him he wants to become there pupil.

So I am just wondering if you have ever lost a fight to a bad a** martial artist who came into the school.
not to cause any problems here, but i think if an instructor fought someone who challenged them in their school then the instructor obviously has not learned what the martial arts is all about.

it's not about who can beat up who, or challenging people to fights. it goes much deeper than this. if one stoops down to the challengers level, then what kind of example does that set for his students that look to him.
Originally posted by Shinzu
not to cause any problems here, but i think if an instructor fought someone who challenged them in their school then the instructor obviously has not learned what the martial arts is all about.

Yeah, because martial arts is not about fighting or self defence, it's all about building better character.

Ok, I can't hold a straight face any longer. What the? I think you have martial arts confused with Budo.
Martial = War
Arts = Arts
Soooo martial arts means war arts. While there is a place and time for discression the arts are meant to be effective. The reasons you would NOT throw down in your own school are,
1)You lose and you have to explain that to your students and deal with the whuppin'.
2) You win and have to deal with the lawsuit from the guy you just beat up.
Overall it's just bad for business. Call the cops and let them do their job. Or meet the ***** later in the parking lot.
I agree, if some one was to come to my class and attempt to fight me I would call the police. There is nothing to gain by such a conflict.

Despair Bear
not mentioning any time fram or state, I have closed down bogus schools in the past. Challange (hell no,) Just went in told the instructor he didnt know crap and he was ripping off his students. Will not go into detail but the students went looking for a new school and the indtructor never taught again (that I know of) but started takeing lessions from someone else.
Challange was alive well into the 80's. I don't know if it still exsist but it may.
Question if you went into a school and chalanged the instructor and he proceeded to kick the crap out of you would you go telling the police about itor try sueing ? If he was smart you signed waivers or at least you threw the first punch. I know I'd want to tell the world I was stupid, arrogent and a losey fighter.(LOL)
but if I went to a school and beat up the instructor ehhe it would be funny. ALso if I was the best martial artist in the world this is simply theoretical since I am not the best MA in the world. So I go to a competition and sign up for white belt MUAHHAAHHAA or I play mind games with the black belts MUAHAHAHAHA. This just seems like a funny scenario.
Originally posted by Carbon

but if I went to a school and beat up the instructor ehhe it would be funny. ALso if I was the best martial artist in the world this is simply theoretical since I am not the best MA in the world. So I go to a competition and sign up for white belt MUAHHAAHHAA or I play mind games with the black belts MUAHAHAHAHA. This just seems like a funny scenario.

Oy, vey.

:idunno: duh!!! carbon are you for real??

i think you have been watching way too much kung fu theater..LOL

first off it's not funny and second if you think like this maybe you shouldn't be doing MA.

can we get on to the real threads here...:rofl:
Lol I shouldn't be doing MA becuase I thought of something like that?

I think you take the MA alittle to seiously. I mean for the amount of people here who take MA they are just going to end up taking it the rest of there lives never win any real big competitions.

This is because there are people out there that are just plain better. So its fun to take it but for you to take it so seriously as to tell someone else not to take it?

I don't think you really have the right to decide what a MA can talk about and what a MA can't talk about since you are not god and neither are they.
Originally posted by Carbon

Lol I shouldn't be doing MA becuase I thought of something like that?

I think you take the MA alittle to seiously. I mean for the amount of people here who take MA they are just going to end up taking it the rest of there lives never win any real big competitions.

This is because there are people out there that are just plain better. So its fun to take it but for you to take it so seriously as to tell someone else not to take it?

I don't think you really have the right to decide what a MA can talk about and what a MA can't talk about since you are not god and neither are they.

Carbon, dude... If you want respect of M.A.ists here, or around
you, you have to get into a dojo. By reading a book and then
coming on here acting like you know anything is a bit egocentric,
and your posts for the most part aren't taken seriously. Pretty
soon, you'll be limited to only new people to this site responding
to your posts, the rest will end up just ignoring you. What you're
doing is the equivalent of reading a book on driving, never getting
your license, and sitting in the back seat telling people that you
know more about driving than they do. I'm SOOO not trying to
be rude, or mean to you bro, I'm just trying to tell you how it is.
I know this post sounds harsh, I can't put it any nicer though.
If you keep posting this way, you're going to get a lot more
people making you mad, and you replying all ticked off, and
quite possibly end up getting yourself banned. You don't want
that do you? You can really learn a lot from the many high ranking
M.A.ists here. It's not on a lot of forums where the policy is
truly "there are no stupid questions". Utilize the tool you have
here, and get onto a mat, somewhere, anywhere....please!
Unless your willing to send me the money to take lessons I don't think that its in my schedule anytime soon.

I don't really care how high ranking you are but talking like you own M.A. is quite gay. I never said anything about knowledge of M.A.

You are treating M.A. like a religion and when you get into a religious arguements it never ends, but for someone to think that they ARE so involved in M.A. that they can tell other people that they don't have enough respect for M.A. to be taking it is just plain silly. No one can tell someone else how to treat a certain object.

What your saying is pretty much that someone has to have level whatever of respect for the M.A. to participate when that is just something dumb. I think people who have become masters of M.A. could of lost their respect for the art through whatever.

Does that mean they aren't worthy enough to continue practicing M.A. ALso don't tell me I don't know nothing just because I'm not currently involved in a dojo that I know zero about any real training considering that my dad owned a M.A. school and that I used to go to it so....before you make any more assumtions about me ask a question.

I would like to also point out that everyone knows here that being in the M.A. doesn't automatically make you unstoppable or make YOU know everything about M.A. thats like saying just because you take a class you know more about someone that may not actively participate in what you are studying but more or less has had more knowledge about it then you have been in the class.
Okay ... do I have to go looking for the comment you've previously
made about never studying and how you hope to one day. And
how they only studying you'd done was from a book?

How much is your father charging you for lessons?? Maybe
you can sit down, and cut a deal with him or something, like
offer him your first born or something?

No idea where you live, but there's just gotta be a school owner
that needs his lawn cut, his car washed, etc. This is a system
called "bartering" look it up, it could be beneficial to you.

You're talkin' out of your **** here guy. You're like the dork that
tried like hell to be cool in H.S. No matter what he did, he was
still a dork. And the funny thing is, no one shunned him for who
he was, until he tried to act like somebody he's not. Then no
one wanted to hang with him. Put up or shut up dude. Either
get out on a mat or keep your pie hole closed.

En voca cerrado de moscas, pendejo.

Let it go. He sounds like he has an axe to grind about the Martial Arts. Maybe it has something to do with his dad. Who cares. If I remember correctly, he's 16 and probably likes negative attention. I know I've tried to be nice and give a few hints on proper forum behavior.

That's all I have to say. If I say more, I'll break some forum rules.
Originally posted by Carbon
ALso don't tell me I don't know nothing just because I'm not currently involved in a dojo that I know zero about any real training considering that my dad owned a M.A. school and that I used to go to it so....before you make any more assumtions about me ask a question.

Did some guy ever come in and challenge your dad?

I think you're funny dude, in a handicapped-monkey-on-acid-kinda-way.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Did some guy ever come in and challenge your dad?

I think you're funny dude, in a handicapped-monkey-on-acid-kinda-way.

Thank you. I feel better now. Next time I need to hold back. I will yell.

It's bad around here kiddies! This man has challenged both my instructor and a local kenpo instructer here in town. He's got a TERRIBLE rep both there and back where he's from. He claims to know Chuck Norris (He does, but recently 'Ol Carlos got mad for him always dropping his name) and is a certifiable bad ***. Or at the least, an ***. Maybe you've heard of him? He claims his school was the model of the "evil" dojo in the Karate Kid. I guess you have to be proud of something .
Jim "Ronin" Harrison
Sakura Warrior Arts

All he's good for around here is a good laugh. Not to his face of course.
GouRonin "Did some guy ever come in and challenge your dad?

Yes considering my dad was a full contact kick boxer he was in alot of fights probably more than you've seen and has probably won more titles than you can dream of.

Did I say I learned everything from a book? No did I say I read MA books yes. Since I just said that I used to take classes with my dad.

Sorry to inform you but my dad doesn't run the MA school anymore so no I can't ask him to let me sit in.

And to another person bartering? Are you retarded? Sorry to inform you but in Dallas its the real world and I woudln't ever give someone classes for work I could do myself. Especially when mowing a lawn doesn't equal the cost of a class anyday.

I'm 16 and i"m looking for negative attention? Are you a psycologist? I don't think so? So is the only thing your doing is making assumtions? I think so. So keep your negative comments to your self if it doesn't relate to the previous thread.

To the person who said that I'm a dork in H.S. who tried to be cool? For some reason I get the feeling your speaking from personal expierience? Who would try to cut someone down on there social status unless they themselves have issues with socially interacting with other people.

I'm not here to start a fight but for people to be ignorant enough to tell me that I know zero about MA even though I've read and studied it just get me irritated.

No I never said I was an expert, no I never said I know anything, but from waht I was to understand this is a forum of opinions and for you to criticise my opinions when I state they are opinions just points out that you are trying to start arguements not me.

And when you say your not trying to offend me right after you insult my intelligence and integrity I mean what do you expect me to do? Shake your hand and say thank you? No I think in any situation when someone is being insulted they have a tendancy to defend themselves. This just my be the way I was raised but for you to go completely out of context of the thread to begin with just broke the same rules you are trying to tell me to follow.
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