
White Belt
Dec 6, 2017
Reaction score
I’ve only recently started my karate training, earning my 6th kyu, but I have my first dan in tangsoo do and gongkwon yusul and my 2nd dan in TKD. I love using axe kicks in Taekwondo sparring but since transitioning to shotokan karate I notice no one throws it. So really my question is in regards to WKF competition. Would axe kicks score?
I’ve only recently started my karate training, earning my 6th kyu, but I have my first dan in tangsoo do and gongkwon yusul and my 2nd dan in TKD. I love using axe kicks in Taekwondo sparring but since transitioning to shotokan karate I notice no one throws it. So really my question is in regards to WKF competition. Would axe kicks score?

I would think they are, but if your opponent catches it it can lead to a easy sweep and ippon.
Don't know but personally I wouldn't do those kicks anyway way to risky for me
Never sparred under wkf rules but normal Shotokan shobu ippon rules allow them so I'd be surprised if they weren't allowed.
Never seen an axe kick in goju ryu. As for competition I honestly have no clue if it would score well. Never been to a competition.
If you can't control the axe kick, the problem isn't with the kick, it's with the kicker.

Sometimes its not whether you can or not, but whether the people who write the rules believe the majority of the competitors can or can't.