American Kenpo History Question

What is your favorite Jeff Speakman movie?

  • The Perfect Weapon

    Votes: 27 93.1%
  • Street Knight

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • The Expert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deadly Outbreak

    Votes: 1 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


First off I want to say this is a great martial arts gathering place. I've been looking for a martial arts message board for some time and think this is the best thing since sliced bread! I hope to spend a lot of times discussing martial arts philosophies/principles/techniques with everyone.

My question today deals more with a bit of history that has puzzled me for some time now. I've read many articles which named Larry Tatum as the "Heir Apparent" to the IKKA prior to SGM Ed Parker's untimely death. My Kenpo instructor mentioned once of a situation that caused Larry Tatum to be expelled from the IKKA, much like it was described in Ed Parker's "Infinite Insights Into Kenpo," Vol. 1, where there is a description of the IKKA crest and the explanation for the axe shape at the bottom of the crest. My instructor would not go into any more detail other than he was expelled and that was that.

I am unable to find any literature that explains if this actually occured and if the IKKA/LTKKA camps have reconciled since Ed Parker's death. Can anyone give any light to this story?

As one of Mr. Tatum's students, all I'll say is, "Oh boy."

Actually, I don't find the particular issue all that interesting. I do find it interesting that this sort of thing happens in the martial arts again and again and again.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson

As one of Mr. Tatum's students, all I'll say is, "Oh boy."
I don't mean any disrespect towards Mr. Tatum...on the contrary, I had the opportunity to meet him during a seminar he conducted once here in San Antonio and found him to be one of the most intriguing, down-to-earth, likable persons ever. The only reason I ask this is because that was a question my instructor could not answer either because he refused to divulge more info and further compound confusion with commotion, or did not have all the facts, or whatever. If my asking this will cause a problem then I don't want anyone to offer any explanation and I'll accept what I know so far-that to me this will be a rumor, nothing more.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson

Actually, I don't find the particular issue all that interesting. I do find it interesting that this sort of thing happens in the martial arts again and again and again.
I don't understand your comment...has this issue been brought up in other threads I have yet to explore? Has this been rehashed somewhere else 'tll people were blue in their face? Again, I don't want to cause any problems with my question...I don't want anyone to become offended or feel that they have to protect their instructor's reputation. I just wanted to know if there was any validity to the rumor I heard. Until I hear otherwise, I'll consider this just that-a rumor.
First, I didn't think you were trying to be anything but inquisitive.

Second, it ain't a rumor.

Third, it had at least as much to do with Mr. Parker as anything else.

Fourth, the same seems to happen over and over and over within martial arts of all kinds, at least those touched by the Western world at all...which is all of them...
Originally posted by rmcrobertson

First, I didn't think you were trying to be anything but inquisitive.

Second, it ain't a rumor.

Third, it had at least as much to do with Mr. Parker as anything else.

Fourth, the same seems to happen over and over and over within martial arts of all kinds, at least those touched by the Western world at all...which is all of them...

Although I disagree that it had anything to do with Parker himself, (I was involved and know ALL the facts) I will state that Larry tatum was NOT expelled from the IKKA. He left voluntarily. Do not let anyone tell you he was kicked out. Not so. More than that is not appropriate for the internet forums.
First off, I think the history of kenpo is very much an appropriate topic for forums.

Second off, I'm sorry I posted anything at all. It's not that I don't think the matter worthy of discussion, it's that I actually see no way usefully to discuss such questions. Among other things, the distortion of what I wrote ticks me off.

I don't appreciate being lectured, either, and the struggle to remain polite while being addressed rudely is more than I need to bother with. So I'll simply repeat myself: yes, there was a kaboom; apparently, these kabooms are a part of the tradition of modern martial arts.
Originally posted by KenpoRush

First off I want to say this is a great martial arts gathering place. I've been looking for a martial arts message board for some time and think this is the best thing since sliced bread! I hope to spend a lot of times discussing martial arts philosophies/principles/techniques with everyone.

My question today deals more with a bit of history that has puzzled me for some time now. I've read many articles which named Larry Tatum as the "Heir Apparent" to the IKKA prior to SGM Ed Parker's untimely death. My Kenpo instructor mentioned once of a situation that caused Larry Tatum to be expelled from the IKKA, much like it was described in Ed Parker's "Infinite Insights Into Kenpo," Vol. 1, where there is a description of the IKKA crest and the explanation for the axe shape at the bottom of the crest. My instructor would not go into any more detail other than he was expelled and that was that.

I am unable to find any literature that explains if this actually occured and if the IKKA/LTKKA camps have reconciled since Ed Parker's death. Can anyone give any light to this story?


Through my experience, the best route to these questions is to ask the people that were either involved and/or there. (by email or phone)

Remember to listen to both sides and know that you will NEVER be sure what really happened. Some things are just unimportant in the big picture anyway.
Finally! Someone why didn't I have the brain to write that?
This is an issue which is a very touchy one. And an issue that is long since dead. As far as being Kenpo History...... I think you know all you need to know and that is that Mr. Tatum at some point left the Ikka and struck out on his own.

He now is the head of the LTKKA and if you would like further info..... you may contact him directly and ask any further questions. The exact how and why's of this break up is really not Kenpo History...... other than it did in fact happen....... deeper looks boarder on being nosey.

Thanks to all who replied to my question. I know this is a sensitive subject. I did not ask Mr. Tatum or the IKKA camp this question directly as I did not want to become nosey. I just wanted to know if such an event did happen and, if anyone could share light into it to please do so. I did not realize that this subject would touch off a lot of raw nerves...this was never my intention.

Seig, you are so right...let sleeping dogs lie. I never realized just how cranky the dogs would get if they were awakened!!!

My apologies to anyone I offended. I officially consider this subject moot.
Fellow Artists,
I recently loaned a friend "Land of the Free". What do y'all think of that flick? I enjoyed the kenpo in it, and the rest....well it was kinda like watching the A-Team, with cars being flipped every fifteen minutes. I hear Mr. Speakman has come out with another one, or will here very soon. I've asked this before and will ask again, anyone around here seen "Hot Boyz"? And if so, what did you think of it? I see Mr. Speakman is listed as Master Keaton. Any more info would be much apisiated!
I saw Hot Boyz, as I believe I posted in the Entertainment forum. I thought it was a very poor movie done in bad taste. I feel that with the intention of portraying Kenpo in a positive light, it fell short. Mr. Speakman's role was very minor, yet could have been much more important and influential. The movie was not realistic and poorly acted. After watching it, I not only wanted my $3.50 back, I also wanted my two hours wasted in watching it back. This is with a doubt, in my opinion, the absolutely worst tripe our art (Kenpo) could have possibly been assosciated with.
Originally posted by Seig

it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Yes, especially this one! Leave my chinese buffet alone!:soapbox:
You all got my curiosity up so I went and checked out the trailer and I have to agree, what a :bomb: :barf:

Why would Speakman do such garbage?

Gee I dunno. For the money? :shrug:

Lets face it, the royalties off of "Escape from Atlantis" probably weren't paying for his cell phone bill.

Did anyone see his bit part on VIP, playing well, himself? I don't watch the show (no really, I don't!) but I was flipping through the channels and saw a Jeff Speakman kenpo sign so I had to watch. It was only a couple of minutes long, but fun to watch kenpo on the TV.

The Perfect Weapon. Great Movie!
Sincerely, In Humility;
Not sure if any of you guys are still around, I see this question was asked 13 yrs ago. According to my source (and no I will not name names) Larry Tatum was axed from the system. I'm not here to burn him so I'll just say it was because of his taste in women and leave it at that. You can use your imagination. Whether or not he was presented with the opportunity to save face and leave the system is unclear to me but the general consensus is that he was axed. I can't believe no one answered this in 13 yrs.
First off I want to say this is a great martial arts gathering place. I've been looking for a martial arts message board for some time and think this is the best thing since sliced bread! I hope to spend a lot of times discussing martial arts philosophies/principles/techniques with everyone.

My question today deals more with a bit of history that has puzzled me for some time now. I've read many articles which named Larry Tatum as the "Heir Apparent" to the IKKA prior to SGM Ed Parker's untimely death. My Kenpo instructor mentioned once of a situation that caused Larry Tatum to be expelled from the IKKA, much like it was described in Ed Parker's "Infinite Insights Into Kenpo," Vol. 1, where there is a description of the IKKA crest and the explanation for the axe shape at the bottom of the crest. My instructor would not go into any more detail other than he was expelled and that was that.

I am unable to find any literature that explains if this actually occured and if the IKKA/LTKKA camps have reconciled since Ed Parker's death. Can anyone give any light to this story?

Not sure if any of you guys are still around, I see this question was asked 13 yrs ago. According to my source (and no I will not name names) Larry Tatum was axed from the system. I'm not here to burn him so I'll just say it was because of his taste in women and leave it at that. You can use your imagination. Whether or not he was presented with the opportunity to save face and leave the system is unclear to me but the general consensus is that he was axed. I can't believe no one answered this in 13 yrs.
Not sure if any of you guys are still around, I see this question was asked 13 yrs ago. According to my source (and no I will not name names) Larry Tatum was axed from the system. I'm not here to burn him so I'll just say it was because of his taste in women and leave it at that. You can use your imagination. Whether or not he was presented with the opportunity to save face and leave the system is unclear to me but the general consensus is that he was axed. I can't believe no one answered this in 13 yrs.
Actually he left on his own. Read through this again, and you will find that answer. :)