A Instructors Rant


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Please bare with me thoughout this little rant of mine. Over the last thirty years of training people I have come to relize one thing people are the biggest *******s in the world. Here is why, we take our time to train and teach you and really not asking for much except what little monthly payment and maybe a Thank you every once in a while but yet we always seem to get those dojo jumpers. They come from alll walks of life looking for the hidden answer to there daily problem. You see these are the ones that really need nobody but still they come to get critique on what they believe to be the Ultimate training and when you give them a realistic approach to what it is they have been doing wrong they try and make you feel little in front of your class.

This past weekend we had one come in for a one on one training session and believe he was the worst I have ever seen, he said he has trained Navy seal, and also with a few outstanding instructor some know some not but that is another story the fact is when he showed me his stuff Ashida Kim looked better, now thatis alot for me to say. When I showed him the flaws in what he calle real street self defense he went on the attack of verbal insult toward me and then cames to say I am just loke all the others out there and I could not see beyond my own front door. So I explained that he was more than welcome to go ahead and prove me wrong and which I put him on his back several times. After about 7 or 8 times of him coming at me and going to the floor quicker than a drop hot potato that he said I was cheating because I knew the attack. Now how can I know his attack before he did it easy he was slow and telegraphed everything my mpther could have been done with him in the same manner. He went ahead and schedule a time this AM again with me to refine his position also the identical thing happen and guess what once again I was cheating because I saw his attack before he come, I tried to ezplain that he was telegraphing everything but he will not hear of it, I just do not understand people that watch movie and train themself coming in to get feed back and then not liking what you had to say, oh and by the way I did not ask him to join my school wrong type of person and I also told him to never come back.

In closing I would like to say to everyone when you are coming into somebody school believing you are all that to leave the ego outside and think about what can be gained with the open mind scenirio.
A classic case of needing to empty one's cup before it can be filled. Sheesh! I always shut up and listen when someone is explaining things to me--I'll go back and sort out conflicting opinions in my own mind (and training sessions) later. But if I don't have the ideas in the first place, what have I got?
I agree with me I take the white belt approach when someone is showing me, you know the one that I know nothing and just learn.
Please bare with me thoughout this little rant of mine. Over the last thirty years of training people I have come to relize one thing people are the biggest *******s in the world. Here is why, we take our time to train and teach you and really not asking for much except what little monthly payment and maybe a Thank you every once in a while but yet we always seem to get those dojo jumpers. They come from alll walks of life looking for the hidden answer to there daily problem. You see these are the ones that really need nobody but still they come to get critique on what they believe to be the Ultimate training and when you give them a realistic approach to what it is they have been doing wrong they try and make you feel little in front of your class.

This past weekend we had one come in for a one on one training session and believe he was the worst I have ever seen, he said he has trained Navy seal, and also with a few outstanding instructor some know some not but that is another story the fact is when he showed me his stuff Ashida Kim looked better, now thatis alot for me to say. When I showed him the flaws in what he calle real street self defense he went on the attack of verbal insult toward me and then cames to say I am just loke all the others out there and I could not see beyond my own front door. So I explained that he was more than welcome to go ahead and prove me wrong and which I put him on his back several times. After about 7 or 8 times of him coming at me and going to the floor quicker than a drop hot potato that he said I was cheating because I knew the attack. Now how can I know his attack before he did it easy he was slow and telegraphed everything my mpther could have been done with him in the same manner. He went ahead and schedule a time this AM again with me to refine his position also the identical thing happen and guess what once again I was cheating because I saw his attack before he come, I tried to ezplain that he was telegraphing everything but he will not hear of it, I just do not understand people that watch movie and train themself coming in to get feed back and then not liking what you had to say, oh and by the way I did not ask him to join my school wrong type of person and I also told him to never come back.

In closing I would like to say to everyone when you are coming into somebody school believing you are all that to leave the ego outside and think about what can be gained with the open mind scenirio.

Thing is, Terry, you showed him up publically for the arrogant, uninformed, self-centered cluess pawn that he is. Unforgivable! :lol: Another 'Navy SEAL', eh? I'm getting the impression that there are more Navy SEALS out there than the whole rest of the US military put together, you know? No, clearly this is a borderline delusional nutter, someone who has got to be Mr. Tough Guy and who probably felt unbelievably humiliated when you kept taking him down. Let's face it, there are probably more of these types out there than we have any idea of. Don't get mad at the guy—just think about what hell it must be living inside his skin, eh, the poor useless sod! Every time I hear a story like the one you're telling, all I can think of is how relieved and happy I am not to have to be that guy.

Sometimes I think people like that are put on earth in order to remind the rest of us how good we have it and how much worse it could be...
Yeah, the *******s are out there..Glad you put that poser in his place...I could tell you stories from some of the police training classes I attended that you would not believe...
:D You can't just dangle bait like that in the water, Drac :lol:
There is a well known organization that makes a lot of money training cops here in the US and I believe they were across the pond a few times..They gave a week long instructors course that I was sent too..There were 3 other MA/Cops in attendance besides me..So how did these top level instructors choose to greet us...In their opening speech they announced that ALL MA training was BULL ****..They just wouldnt let their rant go..One of the other officers had fought in the karate division of Police Oylimpics, 4 years undefeated..He listened to them when this officer turns to me and says loud enough for the guest instructors to hear " Drac, I'll take on the big one, you take out his partner"..The introduction to the defenses against knives was we were called into the room one by one and stood with our back to one of the instructors..The guy behind us would yell and we would spin around and defend ourselves with whatever attack he presented, this time it was a knife..So I defended myself and and this guy says " I cut you". I said, Yeah on the top of my forearm, I'm bleeding but I can still stomp you.".No your cut so your out, if you defended yourself OUR WAY you'd be untouched...
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I have to ask, "What kind of an arrogant, self-centered, self-righteous, self-impressed IDIOT would come into someone else's class to teach THEM????"

This guy obviously didn't WANT to learn - he wanted you to affirm him in his delusion, and I for one am glad that you did not play his game. I am very sorry you had to experience this (it was obviously stressful for you), but you did this man a great service by showing him the weakness of his 'art', before he tried it out on someone less forgiving and got himself seriously hurt.
Yes, Terry, there are people who are so stupid that even an experienced and patient instructor such as yourself cannot help them. They would have to have the humility to understand that they already do not know it all. No reason for you to feel bad here.

I suggest you focus instead on the good people you met and worked with that week. The judge in the next office over once complained bitterly over the behavior of somebody who appeared in his court on a routine day....I asked how many cases had appeared that day, and it was about 30. Then I asked about the others who were unruly and abusive, and he replied there were no others.... indeed, several were openly grateful with one coming to the bench to shake his hand. So, I asked, 29 our of 30 in your court today were well behaved if not happy? Now, my colleague saw that day in a different light. Terry, don't just tunnel vision on one idiot. instead, look at all of those you enjoyed working with that week, and how many you helped.
For an organization that suffers 60 to 80 percent attrition -- sometimes higher -- in training, it's amazing how many SEALS seem to be walking around.

Especially when you consider that up to maybe 20 years ago... they were barely acknowledged publicly.
So, he didn't see the value in being able to read an attack? He's gonna get hit, a lot...
I have to ask, "What kind of an arrogant, self-centered, self-righteous, self-impressed IDIOT would come into someone else's class to teach THEM????"

You answered your own question ...

This guy obviously didn't WANT to learn - he wanted you to affirm him in his delusion[/quote]


So, he didn't see the value in being able to read an attack? He's gonna get hit, a lot...


Terry ... was he a strength trainer?
You answered your own question ...

This guy obviously didn't WANT to learn - he wanted you to affirm him in his delusion



Terry ... was he a strength trainer?

I know, right? There does seem to be a causality......

The strength training by itself wouldn't result in this kind of psychosis but the drugs often involved....that'll be something else again....
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You answered your own question ...

This guy obviously didn't WANT to learn - he wanted you to affirm him in his delusion



Terry ... was he a strength trainer?[/quote]

Not that I was aware of, he just said he was a Navy Seal and been traing for a while now and wanted somebody to show and get feedback of his talent. I do not believe te Navy Seal and I also believe he was a person that had little training.

Not that I was aware of, he just said he was a Navy Seal and been traing for a while now and wanted somebody to show and get feedback of his talent. I do not believe te Navy Seal and I also believe he was a person that had little training.

Next time this happens, Terry, when someone claims to be a SEAL, ask them what BUD/S class they graduated from.

If they can't or won't answer they're full of **** because EVERY SEAL has gone through a BUDS class and each class is numbered.
Next time this happens, Terry, when someone claims to be a SEAL, ask them what BUD/S class they graduated from.

If they can't or won't answer they're full of **** because EVERY SEAL has gone through a BUDS class and each class is numbered.

OK I will, see everybody can learn something everyday. I did not know that.