Your Fighting Tip

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I've been sidekick and superman punched, hard in the windpipe before (at least 4x with the SP) and it hardly even slowed me down let alone stop the hard sparring session.
Wait wait wait, you've been successfully sidekicked and superman punched in the throat, and you say youre a good fighter where the hells your guard that you're letting them do this?
And good luck doing the Spock strike in a real fight. If you can pull it off, millions of dollars and worldwide fame for yourself and your style of MA...including, shutting up all MMA and anti-TMA rantings.... awaits in the UFC when you Spock-KO all the champions there to take their titles.

first off, it's much easier to do when the person is surprised. If I were walking up to them, yes I could do it. If they were on guard, with their hands up, it would be to risky since i'd have to overextend for the hit (IMO), so I wouldn't do it. If i managed to get their hands down, like im sure the people who
:mst: superman punched you in the neck :mst: must have done, then yes I'd do the strike.

But still, not in the UFC. They're trying to win, not kill the opponent, which is a very real possibility if you do that strike too strongly. And if you don't do the strike strongly enough, you'll just be hit much much harder as you recover. So, risking a death or becoming a punching bag just for one strike? Yeah, not worth it.

And since other people have answered the Mike Tyson comment, I see no reason to reiterate what they said.
To be honest I wouldn't say his knowledge and practice of MMA is that great either, There's never a need to be defensive and insulting if you are confident of what you do.

I thought we went over this before as you are equally (actually more) defensive and insulting, and you even have admit to it.

It's interesting that several of us are told we don't understand what he's written or that our understanding is flawed.

Well you certainly didn't understand that a choke hold is a death technique. And you threw a fit when I said that Boxers spars hard for KO's often.

we don't need a Tap Out wunderkind stirring it all up again, especially when his knowledge of MMA is incomplete.

"I also teach correct techniques to pro fighters as well as coach, ref and corner them. I have extensive experience in professional MMA where, here at least, we don't go for the postruing macho talk of 'death moves', it's a technique that has various uses not just to 'kill'."
Not really! As I recall, he broke his hand in one strike, fighting some guy on the street, and if it were a multiple opponent situation, he would be just as ****ed as anyone else. :)

Notice how you've conveniently avoid the rest of my post and specifically where I asked you to cite the reference.

And are you trying to imply that someone like Tyson, shouldn't have any fear at all?
I've been sidekick and superman punched, hard in the windpipe before (at least 4x with the SP) and it hardly even slowed me down let alone stop the hard sparring session.

if it didn't stop the sparring session, then no, you did not get hit hard in the windpipe. You got hit softly in the windpipe.

...including, shutting up all MMA and anti-TMA rantings....

against my better judgement, I'll comment on this. It's the rantings. Nobody's got anything against MMA. But it's the rantings that are tedious and obnoxious. It's the people who come in and start badmouthing all things that they don't do, that is just boorish behavior. And it goes both ways: TMA people sometimes go on a bashing rant against MMA, and MMA people go on a bashing rant against TMA. They are both childish and obnoxious and ignorant and stupid and it doesnt reflect well on anyone who does it.

I'm reminded a bit of Ron Burgundy in Anchorman, when he just screwed up and told all of San Diego to Go F*** themselves on live TV. His co-worker was so upset he was almost crying, and Ron said to him, "Would it make you feel better if I gave you some cash from my wallet?"

Likewise: would you feel better about it if I just conceded and said, "yup, you're right, MMA rules and anyone who does TMA is a dupe and a sucker. I'll make the switch to my local MMA gym first thing in the morning."

ain't gonna happen. grow up.
Or just surprise sex. Tomato, tomato.

I expect it is a surprise when you don't want it. Still makes it rape.

I hate to point this out but you are the newboy here, the one with no rep etc. Why do you want to join us if you think we are so far beneath you? Trying to educate us?
Btw I don't have to admit to anything. If you think someone has insulted you report it. There's rules here, you have a choice, follow or leave, up to you.
To be honest I wouldn't say his knowledge and practice of MMA is that great either, There's never a need to be defensive and insulting if you are confident of what you do. It's interesting that several of us are told we don't understand what he's written or that our understanding is flawed. sadly I think we understand all too well. I'd thought that at MT we had come to understand the differences between MMA and TMA and the things that are alike and we'd respected both, we don't need a Tap Out wunderkind stirring it all up again, especially when his knowledge of MMA is incomplete.

Too true. I've had some great advice and learned a lot here at MT, not least how to separate legitimate martial artists from teenagers living in their mother's basement.

Sadly martial arts, traditional or otherwise, attracts a certain element. It's the reason threads like this exist, and the reason MA is so political.

One of the most important ancillary martial skills is deciding who's advice is worth having, and whose is not.

People only have a voice if you're willing to let them have one. They earn their right to that voice by their conduct.

I've had a lead leg side kick put through my guard onto my chin (I was a green belt, so not that experienced sparring). I hit the ground like a rock. 3 out of 4 times I've been hit hard enough that I couldn't continue involved a side kick. The other time, I got headbutted. That hurt like hell.
If you manage to successfully attack an artery in the neck, they will at the very least, black out for a second or two, and at the most die right there in front of you. I can only imagine they discourage those types of attacks in UFC type competitions. The reason you don't see it more often is because the powers that be don't want to see it. Just an aside, my step-father was stationed in Thai-Land during the Vietnam war, and death matches were happening all the time. It just isn't done here in the States. :)

Oyata is demonstrating this on Kyoshi, Peter Polander multiple times. I've trained with Polander before and have no doubt that he's legit.

This strike is certainly legal in the UFC up until today, especially early UFC's and no doubt, UFC 1-4 where biting & eye gouging only gets you fined.
He made a generic statement, about something that is a good idea. Why would you think it was aimed at you, specifically?

I think he just doesn't know how to use the quote function.

I going to suggest that you let go of your ego. And yes, this time the comment IS directed at you. I know for a fact that you do not have access to the moderator forums, so it's a safe bet that you have no idea, other than those ideas generated by your egocentrism, which users are reported and which ones are nudged/reprimanded/warned/suspended by the staff. My mother taught me not to talk about things when I'd be speaking from ignorance. I've always found that to be good advice.

But are you really serious about thinking that his post wasn't directed towards me? Who else would you think that he was talking about?

Even he wasn't referring to me, my comment about his being a hypocrite still stand based on what he ended with in that post.
Actually he didn't call you anything, you need to re-read what Cirdan said. You are increasingly making personal attacks on posters here which to the 'grossly biased' types we are, is not the sign of someone who wants to engage in friendly discussion which is what we are all about.

I'm all for that, but this may be a long journey for you if you are an insecure internet tough girl.
Notice how you've conveniently avoid the rest of my post and specifically where I asked you to cite the reference.

And are you trying to imply that someone like Tyson, shouldn't have any fear at all?

The above quote has nothing to do with fear, just saying that against multiple people, he would have had a broken hand.
as for the reference: for the things I wrote, simply read bad intentions, pretty sure that has most of it in it. As for the broken hand,,2989500,5560572
google it, the references are really easy to find.
I've had a lead leg side kick put through my guard onto my chin (I was a green belt, so not that experienced sparring). I hit the ground like a rock. 3 out of 4 times I've been hit hard enough that I couldn't continue involved a side kick. The other time, I got headbutted. That hurt like hell.

I can share that pain! A good side kick is a fight finisher. A headbutt (aka a Glasgow kiss) is also good for finishing things, our instructor showed us how to do one properly.

Perhaps that's the tip for fighting...being prepared to do anything to finish a fight? grabbing testicles, headbutting, pinching, poking, biting etc anything that you would normally refrain from doing? Not all of these may be effective, it really depends on the situation.
So quick thinking or instinctive action or perhaps both are best for fighting 'for real'?
Wait wait wait, you've been successfully sidekicked and superman punched in the throat, and you say youre a good fighter where the hells your guard that you're letting them do this?

Hard to explain since you don't spar hard nor fight. But in short, only Ninjas never get hit.

first off, it's much easier to do when the person is surprised. If I were walking up to them, yes I could do it. If they were on guard, with their hands up, it would be to risky since i'd have to overextend for the hit (IMO), so I wouldn't do it.

Thanks for explaining to me what a suckerpunch on an unexpecting victim is.

If i managed to get their hands down, like im sure the people who [/COLOR]:mst: superman punched you in the neck :mst: must have done, then yes I'd do the strike.

My hands are down often, as there's a reason for it.

But still, not in the UFC. They're trying to win, not kill the opponent, which is a very real possibility if you do that strike too strongly. And if you don't do the strike strongly enough, you'll just be hit much much harder as you recover. So, risking a death or becoming a punching bag just for one strike? Yeah, not worth it.

Oh baloney.
I'm all for that, but this may be a long journey for you if you are an insecure internet tough girl.

Oh good grief, the last thing I am is insecure roflmao. Tough, yeah probably but then I've had sooooo many years to practice,, trust me, I'm all woman :whip1:
anyone care to place a wager on how long Mz1 will last here on Martialtalk before he gets his walking papers?
Hard to explain since you don't spar hard nor fight. But in short, only Ninjas never get hit.

Actually, I do spar hard, just not often at all, and as recently mentioned, I've trained with professional kickboxers.

Thanks for explaining to me what a suckerpunch on an unexpecting victim is.

You're quite welcome. Especially since I'm doing it after, according to you, I'm "walking up to Tyson and poking him in the eyes", might as well be effective if I'm going to surprise attack him.

My hands are down often, as there's a reason for it.

and that reason is? From my experience, your hands should be up, otherwise you could, you know, get sidekicked in the neck (or the face since you don't seem to think the neck is an effective target).

Oh baloney.
Which parts baloney? Not wanting to kill people? or not wanting to make weak punches, allowing you to get trashed on?
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