Wish me luck!

The suspense would be killing me, if there were any suspense involved—but there isn't, because I know you're going to ace this thing. So hit those books, and we'll put off our own anticipated celebration of your triumph for a week.

Just make sure to get enough sleep!! Students never get enough sleep! That's why they're always sick...:soapbox:

OK, I'll stop. But you make sure to get enough sleep!

This is a great point!! So many kids I knew in school never got enough sleep. Was never my problem though... if it was 11:00pm and I was still studying I decided enough was enough and went to bed!! (Didn't hurt me until Anatomy- but by then senioritis was so bad nothing would have helped!)
Do you have any idea of the amount of work I had to do to get the pitchforks and torches out?? And now I have to put them away again!!:tantrum:

Seriously, take care of yourself first, you're shoolwork, and when it's time to test, you can think about that. You have the support of everyone here.

Morph-iekins, please forgive me! Would it help if I apologized on my hands and knees? 'Cuz I can do that. :)
Hey good luck!!! I've been in TKD since the early '80s but I still haven't reached Black Belt. Military life style keeps you moving around.
Morph-iekins, please forgive me! Would it help if I apologized on my hands and knees? 'Cuz I can do that. :)

I accept your apology for making me get out the torches and pitchforks, but Morph-iekens????:whip1:

Morph-iekins!?! How CUTE!!! We might just have to make that stick!! ;)

:uhohh: :barf:Ohh Great. Now I can post in them most embarassing moment in the MA thread.
OK, I test May 1st(at least, that's what my instructor said the Tuesday in April. He could easily change his mind.) I'm practicing my butt off to make sure I pass this time! :)

Here's hoping I become a 2nd degree blue belt on Tues.:cheers:
OK, I test May 1st(at least, that's what my instructor said the Tuesday in April. He could easily change his mind.) I'm practicing my butt off to make sure I pass this time! :)

Here's hoping I become a 2nd degree blue belt on Tues.:cheers:
If I could make a suggestion along with wishing you all the best? Don't just study, practice, and sleep. After a good practice session, walk away from thoughts of school and MA, and just let your mind wander--go for a walk, read a mystery novel, draw, listen to music and veg out, or whatever it is you do when you have 'time to waste'. Waste some: it'll do a lot for your state of mind, ability to retain things, and overall outlook. In other words, I believe wasting some time makes us more productive. Just a suggestion. :)
If I could make a suggestion along with wishing you all the best? Don't just study, practice, and sleep. After a good practice session, walk away from thoughts of school and MA, and just let your mind wander--go for a walk, read a mystery novel, draw, listen to music and veg out, or whatever it is you do when you have 'time to waste'. Waste some: it'll do a lot for your state of mind, ability to retain things, and overall outlook. In other words, I believe wasting some time makes us more productive. Just a suggestion. :)

Amen to what kidswarrior says here. Sometimes too much focused attention is as bad as not enough. Usually, it's much easier to see a dim start if you check it out in peripheral vision, instead of staring at it directly.

Often a bit a distance is crucial to let the information you already possess get fully absorbed. This is true in athletic performance, but also true as a study habit. So give kdswrrr's advice a try here; it's right on target.
So today's your test, right, bkwrm?

As you know, I'm not wishing you luck, but something much better. You go there and show them what you know, and then come home and celebrate—but only after telling us how well you did, eh?
So today's your test, right, bkwrm?

As you know, I'm not wishing you luck, but something much better. You go there and show them what you know, and then come home and celebrate—but only after telling us how well you did, eh?

What Exile said. :)
You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I haven't tested yet! I'm assuming that I'll be testing NEXT week, but, who knows?:idunno:

It's REALLY starting to annoy me!
You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I haven't tested yet! I'm assuming that I'll be testing NEXT week, but, who knows?:idunno:

It's REALLY starting to annoy me!

OMG... now why? Once, that's annoying, it happens - twice? That'd drive me bug nutty!
You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I haven't tested yet! I'm assuming that I'll be testing NEXT week, but, who knows?:idunno:

It's REALLY starting to annoy me!

Don't let it annoy you. :ultracool Certainly isn't annoying us, so no worries there.

Sometimes these unforeseen delays actually give us time to gain some Aha! gem that we wouldn't have gotten in time otherwise. Just go with it. Rest, workout, and play (assuing you're done with school for now?). You'll be ready to test when they are. :)
I think your instructor is trying to desensitize you, letting you think about testing, getting nervous about it, and then not testing you. At some point you'll probably walk into class and he'll catch you off guard and test you, and you'll do great. And, unless you procrastinate, it gives you time to become eloquent in your explainations of your stances, punches, kicks etc. ;)
It must be terrifically frustrating, bkwrm, but just remember Hamlet's comment to Horatio—

If it be now, ’t is not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.

(V.ii, my emphasis). You just be ready, and it will come.
It must be terrifically frustrating, bkwrm, but just remember Hamlet's comment to Horatio—

If it be now, ’t is not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.

(V.ii, my emphasis). You just be ready, and it will come.

yeah, normally Exile's posts make sense to me, but I must not be thinking "Englishy" enough today. I think he means, as long as you are ready it doesn't matter when the test comes, you'll be ready! And (if so) I agree! I am sure you are more than prepared now and whenever the test does happen it will be cake!
yeah, normally Exile's posts make sense to me, but I must not be thinking "Englishy" enough today. I think he means, as long as you are ready it doesn't matter when the test comes, you'll be ready! And (if so) I agree! I am sure you are more than prepared now and whenever the test does happen it will be cake!

That's basically what Hamlet is saying to Horatio, Lauren—by this point in the play, he's resigned to a fatal end; he knows that Claudius will attempt to murder him one way the other—what he did to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern has made that pretty much inevitable, and he's willing to allow events to flow, not to control them but to be prepared for them no matter what they are. The rest of that passage is

Since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is ’t to leave betimes? Let be.

That is, since no one knows just what they're going to die from, there's no point in worrying about it—just get on with it, and be ready for whatever happens.

And that's what I think would be the right thing for bookworm to do, except that here, the outcome is not going to be grim, but happy. Just... be ready! :)

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