Why it is great to be man

I meant take my shirt off at work when I'm too hot! Ya'll need a cold shower, a hot massage, a little discipline or perhaps all three. ( I'd go for all 3)
I meant take my shirt off at work when I'm too hot! Ya'll need a cold shower, a hot massage, a little discipline or perhaps all three. ( I'd go for all 3)

Can you believe the filthy minds these guys have?

I'll skip the cold shower but give me the hot massage with a little disipline. Uh, make that alot of disipline, yeah that's it, ALOT of disipline.
Taking off a sweatshirt is no more difficult then pulling it over your head and then putting your tshirt back in place.

With women it's a complex multi-step procedure to make sure that the tshirt stays in place the whole time.
Ever notice that the guys from jackass are, in fact, all guys?
Watched jackass2 last week.

One of the great things about being a guy is not having to explain why it is funny if someone gets launched in a shopping cart, and then his mate drops the garage door right before he exits.
Can you believe the filthy minds these guys have?

I'll skip the cold shower but give me the hot massage with a little disipline. Uh, make that alot of disipline, yeah that's it, ALOT of disipline.

Owwhhhhh, I like the way you think. :angel:
One of the great things about being a guy is not having to explain why it is funny if someone gets launched in a shopping cart, and then his mate drops the garage door right before he exits.

On the other hand, I've always said that the Three Stooges were the perfect test foil for women: if she likes the Stooges, then she's strictly for recreation, not cohabitation, and surely not procreation.

If she doesn't like the Stooges, then she's what passes for the human female version of sane, and you can proceed with further testing..... :lol:

(Of course, this only applies for men testing women as potential mates......:lol: )
And I can't ?

i should have more specifically mentioned on hot summer days taking off the t-shirt/muscles shirt or in the ladies case a tanktop.

as for you not being able to... well i guess if you and your coworkers were comfortable with it you would be able to walk around in a bra but you can't legally go bare chested... at least in most of canada I'm not sure about the other countrys in the world. there must be some places in the states where its legal and alot of places in europe.
I was playing.:wink1: When it is 40C+ and we are a small crew I can strip off my coveralls down to a sports bra and shorts. ( and steel toe boots) The guys don't care ( well no one has complained yet) and neither do I. This is a weekend or Friday kinda thing, when corporate isn't around and I'm dying of heat exhaustion. :angel: