Why it is great to be man

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
list reasons you are glad you are a male:

I'll start

The whole world is a potential urinal.....
ya know.....TF and Bill got 2 of the big ones.

here's a 3rd: Cuz you can fart, and it's funny. :D
Scratching where it itches and when it itches is high on my list.
Well, I for one, am glad I'm a woman. But I will say, at least you men can wear a white t-shirt to a waterpark. :D
Well, we are glad you are a woman too, JT - otherwise a lot of us would be having issues with what is often termed 'our sexuality' :D

Also, on the waterpark/teashirt issue, women so can too wear such apparel at such places; indeed it is to be actively encouraged ... what? :idunno: :angel:
Aye, maybe it's because I'm from a different culture but I hope that this is a universal - chaps, being able to cook is just as important to your survival (and, in the long, term reproductve success) as being able to shoot a gun and no less 'manly'.

Indeed, whilst some women may be impressed by your skill on the shooting range, more will be impressed by your skill with the pans and oven :D. Of course, my cooking tends more to deadly Phal curries rather than crepes suzette but you can't have everything :D.